Spell Check does not work after installing InDesign 15.0.2
Dear Adobe Team,
in our office we use In Design from several years without nothing problems.
Yesterday we had updated the version 15.0.2. After that, the spell-check (we use the Italian language) don’t work if we import text in a existing document.
But if we import text in a new document, the spell-check work without problems.
Please can you help us?

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.3.
Please update your InDesign application to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Brian commented
Please someone from Adobe, fix Spell Check its Sept 13 2021.....
Jennifer commented
i can't get spell check or dynamic spelling to work across an entire document either and i also have the latest version. i am working in creative cloud.
Anonymous commented
Updated to the latest version and still not working.
Anonymous commented
December 10, a freshly installed version of 16.0.1, still happening. Changing to Hunspell works, but no long have the option to search just Selection or Story.
Anonymous commented
Nope still not working
Tried the myriad of "fixes"
ID CC 16.0
why does this keep happening? -
Anonymous commented
Also in 16.0. Not only does spell check pick up many uncapitalized words after an abbreviation (adding the abbreviation to the user dictionary does not work), it also has seemingly random problems when other punctuation follows the word, such as parentheses or a comma. On top of that, no matter how many times I run a spell check showing no errors, my preflight panel still shoes "dynamic spelling problem". If I uncheck everything except for misspelled words in my Prefs, the preflight note goes away, but if just one of the others is checked, preflight shows the problem, even when spell check comes up empty for errors. It's frustrating to not be able to trust the spell checker when dealing with hundreds of pages.
Zac commented
I'm in 16.0 and the dictionary is saying VERIFIED is spelled incorrectly. As well as OFFICER and AFFORD...just to name a few.
Anonymous commented
I am using ID v.15.1.2 and this is still happening – Spellchecker doesn't recognise even the simplest words and then after a short while, just crashes the programme. Not at all helpful in a professional tool such as this is supposed to be!
Andrew commented
Still have this issue in a historic document, how do I solve it? I'm running the latest software and hardware. It seems to be something to do with the old document? Please help!
Anonymous commented
Using v15.1.2 - the spell check doesn't even give me a couple of words any more - click on spell check and crash... this has been happening for months - it must be a bug?! what's the situation?
Anonymous commented
Dear Ravi.
Good to know you fixed 15.0.3.
Now would you be able to now fix 15.1Thenks
Anonymous commented
Spell check not working here either. 15.1.1 Neither Hunspell or Proximity work. Before the update one of the two worked but now nothing.
Gemma commented
The file I'm trying to spellcheck now only works on Proximity and Hunspell is now broken (which it was already set to by default, and was previously suggested as a fix).
Prior to update Hunspell was trying to capitalise every word after a hyphen, eg. 'low-density' it suggested changing to 'low-Density' which was mildly irritating.
Post-update Hunspell is picking up almost every suffixed word, eg. the dictionary will have ‘introduce’ but not ‘introducing’/‘introduces’/‘introduced’.
Changing to Proximity it now seems to be checking normally, but I can't say I trust it now.
Anonymous commented
just updated to 15.1.1 and am working on an 80+ page document which I cannot spell check!!!!
Seriously looking online this issue has been occuring for way too long. I'm paying good money for software that does not deliver on simple things like Spell Check?????Fix please ASAP. I have clients waiting on documents and I dont know what to tell them. My spell check doesn't work???? How professional is that using such Professional software!
Anonymous commented
Spell check NOT working after installing 15.1.1
Judy commented
Using 15.1.1 Spell check crashes EVERY TIME.
Neil Jeffries commented
I can't believe this Spellcheck bug has not been fixed. Thousands of us build documents from old version templates – and need to be able to run spellchecks on them. We pay good money for this software, which used to work better, than the "new improved" update. Please revert to the earlier standard and fix this issue on 15.1.2 NOW.
Scott Lane commented
Well, dynamic spelling still isn't working for me, and I've updated to 15.1.1 (x64). And, yes, I've tried preview mode, character/paragraph styles, and made sure that dynamic spelling is checked and enabled and set to English USA. This really shouldn't be that hard - Microsoft figured this out 20 years ago.
Anonymous commented
Spell check is not working for me in UK or USA English - I have unintalled and reinstalled the new version and removed all preferences. Is there a fix yet ?
Robert Baird commented
I'am still experiencing this bug on version 15.1 in english