Split column doesn't work correctly.
Urgent: ID 2020 splitting multiple columns doesn't work!
I attach screenshot showing:
- paragraph style split column
- screenshot with style applied in ID 2019 14.3
- screenshot with the same style and same text in ID 2020

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.2.
Please update your InDesign application to get this fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Drew commented
This isn't fixed for me in InDesign 15.0.2, when using split columns at the bottom of a page, unless the text box is resized manually.
Uwe Laubender commented
Hi Ravi,
just tested again today with version, German InDesign on German Windows 10.
Still can see the issue. With a table that should split into 2 columns.More details at the Adobe InDesign Forum. Also a link with all my test files zipped from my Dropbox.
See below:https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign/probleme-im-id-2020-mit-spaltenspanne/m-p/10848027#M170664
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
EM commented
Newest version applied. It won't split a list even when there is no other style other than bulleted list and span 2 applied. Does anyone bother to test updates before rolling them out?
D. Salomon commented
With the newest version of InDesign 2020 (15.0.1) I still run into the same issues with split columns.
Vladan commented
As Niki wrote, I also confirm that the option split column doesn't works when the text splited is at the bottom of the page.
The split columns in that cases is lost and to fix that you must manually close the text frame. -
Niki commented
After the update the "split column", in two or more columns, has returned to work as before. Only one big problem, not less important, remains to be solved: at the bottom of the page the division doesn't work (1.png), except when the text boxes are closed manually (2.png), as you can see from the attached files.
Colin commented
This beta build has fixed my issues of column splitting. Any idea when this beta build could be deployed as a final release? I too have multiple employees working on files and need all of them on a stable build.
Uwe Laubender commented
Hi Ulf,
it would be great if you could send Ravi Kiran a sample document where the fix is not working.
Wild guess: Maybe it's because of the XML tags in your layout?Regards,
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Diane commented
The beta fixed the problem I documented here: https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign/line-and-text-selection-id-2020-bug/m-p/10740105#M160793
Split columns of 3 or fewer items now flow correctly, and I can click into the first lines of the split columns and select text without issue. I, however, cannot switch into 2020 for my work flow until the fix is in a public release. I work with a whole team of people who open my files. They need the fix too. Thanks!
Ulf-Ger commented
Hello Ravi,
we have the 15.0.1 version installed and also tested without a positive result. In principle, our problem is comparable to that of Vladan, see also the link of Uwe Laubender.
Greetings, ulf -
Uwe Laubender commented
Hi Ravi,
there is one report that the fix in will not help in one case. See:
https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign/probleme-im-id-2020-mit-spaltenspanne/m-p/10768197#M166109I cannot tell, hope that the OP, Ulf-Ger, is reporting more details.
I suggested to do "Recompose All Stories".Regards,
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
Uwe Laubender commented
FWIW: This bug is also reported here:
Probleme im ID-2020 mit „Spaltenspanne“
Ulf-Ger, Nov 26, 2019
Uwe Laubender
( ACP ) -
JediKent commented
Span columns not only does not seem to be splitting the columns evenly, but it also seems to occasionally put multiple lines of a paragraph on top of each other. I've gotten it in both the split column text, as well as the paragraph immediately following. The first screenshot shows on the left-hand side columns that are uneven as well as the overlapping text. The second screenshot shows the paragraph following the split columns displaying overlapping text. In all instances, removing the split column setting from the style eliminated all overlapping text. ID2020, Mac OS 10.15.1
Diane commented
I also have this problem. I posted in the community forum with samples.
https://community.adobe.com/t5/InDesign/Line-and-text-selection-ID-2020-Bug/m-p/10740105#M160793 -
Vladan commented
Hello Amaarora,
thank you for your support.
I emailed to you a sample file in InDesign 2019 where text has been splitted in two column.
One another very important thing:
this option doesn't works good even in Id 2019. When text splited is at the bottom of the page the split to columns is lost and to fix that you must manually close the box of the text on each page.
Thank you in advance
Vladan -
Colin commented
I emailed a file and a video showing the behavior as well.
Colin commented
I have the exact same issue - opening a file made in ID 2019 where text has been split to columns. If I do anything to that text at all: add a space, alter text, etc, the split to columns is lost and the whole document shows as just a single column.
ID 2020, MacOS Catalina