[ID-4216893]Interactive PDF go to destination not working
Using InDesign CC 2019 14.0.1
I have a 24 page report designed for print, with an additional layer which when visible adds interactive buttons to the top left corner of each page so I can also export an interactive PDF. The buttons are:
Go to previous page
Go to next page
Go to destination linking to the contents page
The document also contains URL hyperlinks and the contents links to each section of the report using bookmarks, but is not set up as a TOC. I'm not using any functions under the SWF/EPUB only section.
When exported as an interactive PDF the Next Page, Previous Page, contents bookmarks and URL hyperlinks all work as expected, but the contents button using Go to Destination appears to do nothing.
I tried using a bookmark, hyperlink destination and text anchor and none worked in Go to Destination once exported. I also tried both On Release or Tap and On Click as the event with no success.
I tried setting up a brand new document just with a button using Go to Destination linking to a bookmark on release or tap and this worked when exported. I moved the pages of the report across to the new document, it stopped working.
I started again with a new document and Go to Destination button. Again worked on export. I added Next and Previous page buttons, stopped working.
We have three other documents currently live in the studio which use Go to Destination buttons. One is working on export. Two are not working. Of those two, one includes Next and Previous buttons, one does not and only contains Go to Destination buttons. My file is an update of a file created in an older version of InDesign. The other three are brand new documents created in the latest version of InDesign.
When we have had problems with interactive functions not exporting in the past, we have been able to save the files as IDMLs then export from there with success but this is also not working anymore . The work around we currently have is to edit the button within Acrobat itself, but this is tedious given the original buttons were all on the master page and should be an easy export.
Screenshots attached of the action that is exporting with Go to Destination when opened in Acrobat. Also a screen shot of the button set up (file name redacted)

To identify the cause of this issue, we started our investigation with the aim to resolve it. You might have also received an email from us seeking more details to help in our investigation.
We’ve concluded our investigation and came up with the following: Either the issue is fixed in the latest release of InDesign or the issue was intermittent at the time of its reporting and is not reproducible now.
We recommend you upgrade to the latest version of InDesign 2025(v20.1.0.071) as it is more robust and contains a lot of bug fixes.
We seek your support in our continual effort to improve InDesign.
Adobe InDesign Team
Andrew Johnson commented
I've checked and older PDF files seem fine so maybe InDesign is to blame...
Andrew Johnson commented
Next and previous page buttons in Acrobat work intermittently in two-page view. This is a new bug since last update to Acrobat 2023.003.20284. Problem is the same with interactive and print PDFs from Indesign 18.5, also with file namecontaining only alphanumeric characters.
Bill commented
This is still a problem, and not sure it's the PDF. I just updated the latest .indd iteration and the problem seems to be in the Destinations. They keep changing as you build links. I have 5 rollovers, each going to a separate section of my document. Image_1. I have set the Destinations (Text Anchors) to their respective Destinations only to find, later, that the Destinations were now the first index item (Bundle Where Possible) image_2
.indd does this over and over with each save and/or update/add/change Destinations hyperlinks.
[Deleted User] commented
Just adding my experience of interactive pdf hyperlinks not working. I had a book with multiple documents. I had used an em-dash in the filenames of the .indd documents. Changing these to hyphens fixed the problem. Definitely a bug. Not coping with UTF-8 filenames I guess.
Ramy Kabalan commented
For anyone coming here for this problem. What fixed this is renaming the file without points dashes or anything other than letters. The hyperlinks work fine when exporting with the changed name.
Arash commented
SOMEWHAT SOLVED — InDesign 16.2.1
Similar issue as most comments. Go to Destination action on buttons not working (destination being a page bookmark).
Seems like the bug is on export. My InDesign file name had some special characters such as brackets e.g.: [123]-filename.indd
After changing the *InDesign* file name to simple characters and exporting the PDF the buttons worked correctly. This seems to be a bug introduced in a 2021 update, as I did not face this problem in the past. -
Graphic Apostle commented
I had this issue using "the go to destination" button function linking to bookmarks which usually worked for me.. tried all kinds and then I looked at the document name it had a registered trademark symbol in the title. I deleted the mark from the title and hey presto all was well. Check you document title for any unusual characters and give it a go.
bo7owers commented
I was having this issue with InDesign 2021. Buttons wouldn't take me to the specific page when viewed on full screen (shift + W) and I started panicking until I tried exporting the file and it worked fine.
Anonymous commented
I've designed a magazine that has a navigation panel to the left side of all pages, much like a website. As others have mentioned the next page/previous page button works fine. The problem is getting the navigation to work from the TOC listing so that when you click on a button (text) which should take you to the specific page. To get this work I go to the page in the document then set up a new bookmark, name it, in my case I used the actual page number. Then once I created bookmarks for all necessary pages I then went to my TOC which I setup as a master page. From there click on the listing (text) I want to direct to a specific page. Once the text is highlited I go to the buttons and forms window and select the page destination frm the dropdown menu. Made sure you export the PDF as an interactive PDF. Works like a dream. Image attached should help
Anonymous commented
What seemed to work for me is to have both the button have the action to go to a destination and also add a hyperlink to go to the specific page you want the button to go to
vern commented
Hello! I created this interactive file and this is what happened (see attached file). When you type, it starts in the middle. What is wrong with this, how can i fix this? Thank you in advance for your help!
Anonymous commented
Hello, Having exactly the same problem. My go to destination buttons not working but other as next and previous do. I am in InDesign 2021. Has a solution to this been found?
Anonymous commented
After a days work on this I have now found a solution, hope this could help you guys, create a hyperlink instead Instead of createing a bookmark that worked for me.
Lauren commented
I am having this issue as well. It seems ridiculous that you can select 'next' and 'previous' page and yet not a specific page number. I also want to link page to page 2 which has my TOC, so the 'go to beginning' option doesn't help. Such a simple need and it doesn't exist whyyyy?!
Anonymous commented
Hi - was a solution ever found for this?
I have a file where all the destination links were working nicely. I’ve since had to make an edit to this which involves renaming the file and now all destination links don’t work when I export a PDF but next and previous buttons still function fine. I’ve had this problem now on a couple of documents but not all. Don’t know what the solution is. -
Amanda Greyling commented
Same with me Interactive buttons- “Go to specific page number” in Indesign 2020 does not work when exporting as interactive pdf. Please Help!
Anonymous commented
Same issue - what can be done to fix this ASAP?
Audrey commented
My buttons were working perfectly and I upgrade to Adobe 15.1.1 and now I am having issues and I have to publish my document tomorrow 😭😭😭
Jac commented
I have exactly the same issues with Indesign 2020. Go to destination menu buttons (which don’t work) on master page along with page forward and back buttons that work fine. Home button with go to destinatio.n on same master page and on same layer - doesn’t work when it did previously.
Has to do work around with cross references - but loose all roll over and Dutton effects.
Dave commented
I got round this by changing my InDesign file name. I changed it to A initially to test it.
Once I exported that it started working, then I managed to change it to something a bit more useable.