HTML Export Endnotes with Hyperlinks
Version: InDesign CC 2018 - 13.1
Steps to Reproduce:
Use the endnote feature and in one of the endnotes (preferably after the first one), add a hyperlink.
Export the InDesign document to HTML
Expected Result: All endnote references are hyperlinked and the numbers for each endnote are backlinked back to the reference.
Actual Result: Endnote number is missing for all endnotes after the hyperlink that was added to the endnote and no linking occurs after the manual hyperlink.

Hello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 14.0.3
Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you are unable to see the update yet, go to Creative Cloud desktop application, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right corner and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 14.0.3
Andrew Johnson commented
InDesign 2024 (v19.0) still fails to export to html if endnotes contain hyperlinks. It would be nice if Adobe could fix this annoying bug.
Host_sazba commented
I'm experiencing similar problem trying to export a book with endnotes and hyperlinks contained even with InD 2020. It's not exporting the endnotes backlinks properly and with active hyperlinks it crashes down during the export. So it's still an isuue it seems… 😟
Georgie commented
When will footnotes be fixed in Indesign? When exporting to html or interactive pdfs the link does not work. Please help?
Erich Collar commented
Why can't I export a document with endnotes to PDF and have them hyperlinked? I mean bookmarks are linked so why not endnotes?
This should be an obvious option or am I missing something?
Erich -
Chad Chelius commented
Please change the status back to "not fixed" and please acknowledge that you've seen our posts about the fix not working.
Johanne Hjorthol commented
Hi, i just downloaded version 14.0.03, but the problem still persists:
Endnote number is missing for all endnotes after the hyperlink in the endnote.
Also, when i try to export to pub, the program crashes!
Are you working on this issue? -
Chad Chelius commented
Hi Abhinav, I just tested the HTML export of endnotes containing hyperlinks with the 14.0.3 release and the endnotes are still broken. I can send you a file to use as a test if you'd like.
Also, in the list of bug fixes, this issue is described as:
Endnote markers are lost in the exported HTML when the last word for endnote text is a hyperlink
This is not what is causing this failure. Any hyperlink breaks all of the endnotes.
Libris Simas Ferraz commented
I have the latest InDesign but when exporting an epub with hyperlinks in the endnotes, the applicant hangs and becomes unresponsive. This happened on two separate computers, a Mac and a Windows. Putting the hyperlinks outside the endnote delimiters (as was the old work-around) allowed the export to complete.
So the issue is really not fixed…
Anonymous commented
I just made the update and now when I try to export text/footnotes to HTML i'm crashing. Great fix LOL
maw commented
Same here - it is incredibly frustrating and time-consuming when you try to create an EPUB with 100+ endnotes, some of which _must_ contain hyperlinks to external ressources.
David Forthoffer commented
I'm having the same issue.
Jamil commented
An additional problem is that external hyperlinks—i.e., links to the websites within the endnote text itself—drop out as well. So the bug extends to hyperlinked text.
So, I take it this is still under review? A year and half later? If so, that is highly unfortunate.
Liz commented
I have noticed that if you place the html link after the bracket for the endnote, then it all works - you get the linked endnote and the HTML link works.
Richard commented
Unfortunately this issue persists in the new version of InDesign (14), and also affects ePub exports.
Libris Simas Ferraz commented
Came here to report this very issue. Glad it is under review.
Anonymous commented
I am having the same issue
Chad Chelius commented
Glad you were able to reproduce and I would love if this could get fixed sooner than later! I would also like to point out that any hyperlinks after the initial one are not longer active hyperlinks in any of the other footnotes.
Monica Singh commented
Thanks User for reporting the issue, i am able to reproduce it at my end.
We will now investigate this further.Thanks
Monica Singh