InDesign CC 2018 stalls to a spinning beachball right after opening for a brief time
On first opening InDesign in Sierra 10.2.4, after a couple of seconds of not taking any action, InDesign stalls briefly—about 3 to 4 seconds—not allowing any new action during that time. There is just a spinning beachball. I can postpone the beachball by immediately opening a menu; but after mousing away from the menu the beachball comes back. Not sure if it is trying to load something, but I currently don't have any extra extensions installed. I tried resetting preferences and removing all user install scripts, but it still did it. It's consistent every time I open the new version. I did not carry forward preferences from previous versions. My CC library is synced and not showing any connection issues. Not a major bug, sort of the equivalent of tripping over the same spot of carpet whenever you enter into a room.

Hello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue and allowing us some time to complete our investigation into the issue.
As the part of our investigation, we had reached out to many of you personally over email and we could come up with the below mentioned findings.
1. For many of the users the issue got fixed after updating InDesign to a newer version.
2. For the majority of the users the issue was intermittent and is no longer reproducible.
3. We also found few cases where the performance issue was identified to be related to span columns, cross-references, third party plugin etc.
Please note that we have created separate threads for these issues and we are now working towards resolving them.
However, over the time this thread has become too generic to serve its purpose effectively. As per your feedback and the outcome of our investigation we have created multiple threads to address each of the root causes separately and effectively.
If you are facing any slowness in InDesign or seeing any other performance issue, we request you vote for the relevant thread or create a new thread specifying the action/workflow which is slowing you down.
We seek your support in our continuous effort to improve InDesign.
-InDesign Team
Pat commented
I have this problem in Indesign and Acrobat...just random spinning wheel. There's no pattern...
Anonymous commented
Hey - I'm experiencing this constantly, and so are other people I know. What's up with this??? InDesign is almost unuseable. InDesign CC 2019 is totally unuseable, and CC 2018 is barely useable. This is on a relatively new Mac Mini with 64 GB RAM!
Amanda commented
So, it is June of 2019 and I am experiencing this same problem of spining cursor in InDesign that was reported over a year ago. Adobe-- Is there a REAL FIX for this yet? It is extremely frustrating to do ANYTHING in InDesign now as the stupid cursor spins for five seconds before selecting text, typing text, adding a cross reference, changing styles. I should be done with this chapter by now, and this spinning cursor has added loads of time...
Amanda commented
So, it is June of 2019 and I am experiencing this same problem that was reported over a year ago. Adobe-- Is there a REAL FIX for this yet? It is extremely frustrating to do ANYTHING in InDesign now as the stupid cursor spins for five seconds before selecting text, typing text, adding a cross reference, changing styles. I should be done with this chapter by now, and this spinning cursor has added loads of time...
Melissa commented
I have the skinny wheel issue as well. Just had the Mac wiped and it is better but still happens. I think the problem is because I am working on a file that has a lot of photos. Maybe I need more ram to run InDesign CC18??? What do you reccommend? I have 16GB ram and 1TB HD space on iMac 3.4 GHz Intel core i5 Sierra. I did have High Sierra before the computer wipe. IT recommended I don't go to Mahave because they said there were even more issues. What is your suggestion? I think it is due to the GPU performance trying to render all the photos. But I need all the photos.
Anonymous commented
Now I have the same problem! After nearly every click the beachball appears. Annoying! Does anyone have a solution? The trick of Simon works also for me. But this is not really a sollution. I have to copy & paste Text from a Word Doc with 120 Sites and every time I change the a programm via CMD+TAB the Beachball apperas. I have to use CMD+TAB more than 1.000 times.
Ben commented
Totally agree with all the comments here. What a joke. They keep putting the subscription fee up for Creative Cloud yet their products don't work anywhere near to the level that would be considered acceptable to professionals. In Design has been rendered almost useless. FIX IT!
Anonymous commented
Have been told InDesign 2019 does not support GPU Performance on pre-retina display iMacs - this is mental. Illustrator and Photoshop both support GPU Performance on older iMacs. This is a crazy situation brought on by Adobe - thousands of designers on older Macs are now being seriously penalised. This is not acceptable when we pay a lot of money for our software license. InDesign is my livelyhood and I am now spending hours during the course of a day watching a spinning beach ball - totally unacceptable Adobe.
Anonymous commented
Acrobat is ******* unusuable now.
Anonymous commented
Seriously, why did the older versions work better than new? This spinning beach ball is driving me crazy!
Ihat Eadobe commented
Same issue here since ID CC 2018-don't-remember-what-version-it-suddenly-started-now-it-won't-go-away HAVE TO RESTART ID EVERY TIME JESUS CHRIST DO YOU FCKIN JOB ADOBES!!!
Claudio commented
Same issue gere. Unbelievable.
Lorenzo Norfini commented
I pay a considerably high fee for the usage of your products. I'm a professional that has to use his software whenever he needs it. It's since this morning that I can't use InDesign due to some mysterious reason (yesterday I had no problem). I can't neither move the cursor without that spinning ball keep rotating for tens of seconds uselessly. I HAVE TO WORK!!! So tell me what I have to do in order to make your software working again. Mac OS 10.3.6 / InDesign CC 2018 (but it is the same with InDesign CC 2019) / Suitcase Fusion 20.0.1)
Anonymous commented
Any input, no matter how (un)intensive, first requires a beachball moment. Hold spacebar for the hand to move around my document, wait for the pretty ball first. You want to select that text box? Beach Ball. Curson sitting idle? Beach Ball. It will also beach ball if I simply HOVER OVER THE TOOLS.
Why have synchronization if it causes problems? No, i don't want to uncheck anything. No, I don't want to delete and reinstall prefs. I want the software TO FUNCTION.
Anonymous commented
September 2018 and a brand new mac and I am wasting so much time using your cc saas. This is really a ridiculous situation and one which you should be solving - not suggesting useless workarounds. Your software should work - we're paying for it you know!
Anonymous commented
Same issue here, drives me completely crazy. Typekit and Cloud sync disabled, issue not resolved.
I'm paying so much money for this software........ really don't get it.Running macOS 10.13.6, InDesign 13.1
Simon commented
Same problem and Ravi Kiran your suggestions does not help me.
The issue I have is that every time I CMD+TAB out of Indesign and to another application and then back to Indesign that's when I get a spinning beach ball. First a couple of seconds wait, then the ball appears for about 5 seconds. I think there's something wrong regarding fonts but I can't confirm it.Also - A slight workaround for this problem is to open up a dialog window for example Go to page (CMD+J) before you tab out of Indesign. When going back to Indesign just hit the cancel button on the window and there is no spinning beach ball. However it's still way too annoying. With this info you should be able to fix this problem Adobe.
It's unusable and cannot work this way.
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem, I get the beach ball of death for about 5-10 seconds every time I attempt to edit any text or select an object. Grrr!!
Anonymous commented
Spinning ball for no reason - adding 50 percent more time to every project and 1000% frustration
Tim Ravenna commented
Running High Sierra 10.13.6 on iMac SAME PROBLEM... unable to work!