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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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257 results found

  1. existing file size won't change > InDesign CC 2019

    Today I noticed that if I use an existing file > save as new file name > then change document set up (size) the document says it's the correct size but it is not!

    After creating a PDF, I checked the file data and the size was not correct! Did this 7-8 times to make sure it wasn't a user error. Being that I do 100's of print ads a month, this is a HUGE issue.

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    We have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :

    Reproducible Steps –
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
    • Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)

    Adobe InDesign team

  2. GREP "Any Double Quotation Marks" wildcard not working as expected

    Version: CC (

    While using InDesign's Find/Change GREP feature:

    The following GREP query wont find the matching string even if it exists in the document: (Any White Space) followed by (Any Double Quotation Marks) followed by (Any Uppercase Letter)


    This should find any white space followed by any double quotation mark followed by any uppercase letter, however it shows no match.

    The following GREP searches will work, but when combined they do not work:

    \s" will find the white space and the double quotation mark

    "[A-Z] will find the double quotation mark and any uppercase letter

    It seems to…

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  3. conflict of making your document smaller than your margins

    InDesign CC 2019 v. 14

    The New ”New document” dialog box doesn't give any warning of the conflict of making your document smaller than your margins allow. It just changes the width and/or height back to what it was as a default if your margins are too large and does not warn the user about it.

    And if the user fails to notice that the size switches back, it will create a document that’s not the size intended. User may not even realize what is it that went wrong.

    In the Legacy New Document dialog box, when you click OK,…

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  4. When exporting a PDF to Adobe Indesign CC 14.0 (German), you can not enter individual pages in the area. The name "Custom" remains in the fi

    Version: Adobe Indesign CC 14.0 (German)
    Export -> Benutzerdefinierte Seiten
    you can not enter individual pages in the area. The name "Benutzerdefinierte Seiten" remains in the field.

    Result: a complete pdf with all pages

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    The export specific pages of a document to PDF, you have to enter them after selecting the ‘Range’ option.

    As for the name shown in the field when you select the ‘Create Separate PDF Files’ option, it is just for display, letting you know how the individual pdf files get named upon export.

    Adobe InDesign team

  5. page number in page manu not shown

    Hallo. Leider werden die letzten Seitenzahlen im Seitenmenü abgeschnitten.

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    We have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :

    Reproducible Steps –
    • Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)
    • Does trashing InDesign Preferences and Cache help resolve the issue? Please take a backup of the same before trashing them.

    Adobe InDesign team

  6. Indesign CC 2019 Bugs(Preserve Styles and Formatting from Text and Tables)

    I usually use the inDesign to import the created word file.
    However, if I check the Preserve Styles and Formatting from Text and Tables in indesign cc 2019 and import the file, the formatting of the text will be deleted.
    This does not happen with Indesign cc 2018, but this will continue to happen in this 2019 upgrade.
    I ask you to correct this problem.

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  7. Objects with Opacity Fill below 100%, appear as 100% when PDF proof placed in a layout file.

    Created ad with objects containing simple color fills below 100% (50% and 30%) opacity. Exported proofs to use in a Indesign magazine layout file. Once the PDF was dropped into a frame, those faded opacity values jumped back to 100%. Fix was to re-edit the original files, change Opacity values, re-save, re-export proof, drop proof back into main layout. Very annoying.

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  8. images are missing

    When opening v.2018 Indesign files or new v.2019 files, bitmap images are not displayed. Images are shown as gray boxes with an X across the box (see attached). Display settings changes do not remedy the problem.

    I have to work in v.2018 until this is fixed.

    ID version 14.0

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  9. properties panel

    The tutorials all show the properties panel, but it is nowhere to be found. I tried the Windows tab, no dice. It's really annoying.

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  10. no break is not working 100%

    InDesign CC 14.0 no break is not working all the time. Trying to keep web address together and have no break applied but the text is still splitting even though it can fit a single line of the text box. If I change width of text box the spaces get compressed and almost looks like there is no space between words.

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  11. A2

    When choosing the A2 format in a new document you get the following tallllll document

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  12. InDesign Enlarges New Assets larger than their Bounding Box

    Since the new update, every time I drag an image or logo, etc. into Indesign and drag out how large I want the asset to be displayed....
    - Indesign places it (after a short delay), but makes the bounding box smaller than the actual asset. So the logo gets partially covered by the bounding box.

    I'm not using the content aware sizing or anything. The bounding box should exactly match the asset as its being dragged in for the first time. Very frustrating.

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    Hi Patrick,
    We’re sorry to hear that the latest version of InDesign is not behaving as per your expectations.
    You said that you are not using Content Aware Sizing. However, could you check once again to see if you have enabled the setting ‘Make Content-Aware Fit the default frame fitting option’ in the Preferences dialog (under General section)?
    Also it would be helpful if you can show us a quick demo of the issue and/or share the file (along with the asset).

    Ravi Kiran
    Adobe InDesign team

  13. In Design Online Post has changed with updated

    We have been using the Publish online Feature for a year. Today, the lastest post displays all the hyperlinks. Attached are two browser versions. Windows looks much like Chrome. Thoughts

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    Can you please let us know the exact behaviour difference that you are facing in Publish Online after InDesign 2019 update.
    Detailed steps along with your Browsers, Platform, OS and a short video will be very helpful.
    You can directy reach me out at

    InDesign Team

  14. Endnote Font Size Problems

    Version: InDesign 14

    Steps: When placing an endnote in a frame "Loaded by Place Curser", the font size used for the end note does not honor the font size determined by the style. This includes when the paragraph style is set in the endnote options, as well as when the paragraph style is applied by selecting the endnote text.

    1. Create endnote style, and set it in endnote options
    2. Set endnote text frame to "loaded by place curser" in endnote options
    3. Add an endnote to the text, and place endnote text frame
    4. The Endnote text added to this frame does not…
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  15. InDesign 14.0 x 64 Margin won't change since software update

    When I try to increase or decrease margins, nothing happens. It used to work great until my last software update.

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  16. 13.1

    Sometimes when I open a document that I've worked on, some frames (text or/and pictures) have moved 5 mm horizontally. Its random, not all pages but some. This is a great concern since we are doing 164 pages magazines for a client and we have to manually look through every page every time we open the magazine.

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    We have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :

    Reproducible Steps –
    • What were you doing when the issue was observed in InDesign?
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
    • Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)
    • Does trashing InDesign Preferences and Cache help resolve the issue? Please take a backup of the same before trashing them.

    Adobe InDesign team

  17. PDf

    I have updated to OSX 10.14 and now my InDesign freezes when I export a PDF. iMac specs attached. I have to force quit the application each time. The strange thing is that even though the app has frozen and the background task shows the PDF as partially complete it seems the PDF is actually being fully created.

    Running InDesign 13.1

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    We have released InDesign CC2019.0.2 with lot of stability fixes. If you are not on then I would recommend you to upgrade to latest version as it is more robust.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue?
    • Is(Are) the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If Yes, Can you please provide the document(s)/asset(s)? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)
    • Does Trashing preference and cache, please create a backup of Preference and cache before trashing them, help to resolve the issue?

    Adobe InDesign Team

  18. change of page dimensions won't resize alternate layout

    changed page dimensions but indesign won't resize alternate layout
    changed to 5.5" from 5" and it won't re-size the alternate vertical layout.

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    We have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :

    Reproducible Steps –
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
    • Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)

    Adobe InDesign team

  19. spreadsheet

    InDesign CS4 - CC2018
    j'ai créé un tableau sous indesign sur le plan de montage et dès que je le glisse sur la page les spécifications de cellules n'agissent plus. (cf capture ecran) certain textes sautent. avez-vous deja rencontré ce probleme?
    et trouvé une solution ?

    InDesign CS4 - CC2018
    I created a table under indesign on the timeline and as I drag it on the page the cell specifications no longer work. (see screenshot) some texts jump. have you ever encountered this problem?
    and found a solution?

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    We have released an update for InDesign CC2019 (v 14.0.1) which contains fixes for some key issues. If you are not already on 14.0.1 (build 209), then we recommend you to update to latest version.

    If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :

    Reproducible Steps –
    • Error snapshot or video recording of the issue.
    • Is the issue related to a specific document(s)/asset(s)? If yes, can you please share the document(s)/asset(s) with us? Please package the entire document(To package the document, Go to File → Package)

    Adobe InDesign team

  20. Fill with Placeholder Text doesn’t automatically change the font and characters for that language when holding ⌘ and choosing that from menu

    InDesign CC 2018 on macOS Mojave public Beta,
    when holding down ⌘ key and choose Type-> fill w place holder text, there’s a pop up menu that you can choose which language you want to fill in, and it did fill with placeholder text, However it didn’t fill in text with that language and choosing a font that suits that language, or even ragged left if it’s Arabian language.

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    Thank you for reporting the issue.
    I need more inputs from you to get to the bottom of the issue.

    Please confirm if the issue happens only with Mojave. Was it working fine before upgrading to Mojave?

    Are CMD/opt keys working fine in other workflows?

    Abhinav kaushik

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