relink with file extension bug
Relink File Extension is not working. This bug seems persistent so I can only assume not too many people are reporting it, but it's slowing down my productivity. When I try to use Relink File Extensions and choose the option to link images that have the .psd extension rather than a .jpeg I get the error message "Failed to find 1 links in new folder. These links have not been relinked, and will remain selected in the Links panel." Each time I've attempted to do this over the last couple of months, I double-check that the only difference in the file name is the extension. And I confirm both images are in the same directory. It just doesn't work. Please, please fix! This is a big feature for me in my production work flow. Not having it is slowing me down.

Hi Kevin & others,
It looks like you may be inputting ".psd" when it asks you for the filename extension.
Try inputting just "psd" - that is, without the period in front.
See what happens - it should work.
Let us know your findings.
Adobe InDesign team
kevin commented
Sheesh. I assumed it needed a period, but once I removed that worked. Thanks for setting me straight Ravi. Wish I had figured that out a month ago.