[ID-4209545]macOS Dark Mode is not supported in InDesign
Load/Save dialogues and title bar don't honour 'dark mode' in the latest Mac OS
• Open/Save dialogues (Illustrator/Photoshop/Indesign/AcobatDC)
• Title bar (Illustrator/Indesign/AcobatDC)
Haven't tried any other apps yet...

InDesign 2025 version supports macOS Dark Mode.
Adobe InDesign team
Paul commented
It has been fixed but…
If I have light mode in MacOS, but if I choose InDesign > preferences > color theme dark of mid-dark the issue remains. It should be dark in that instance too… -
Jan Stoltenhoff commented
It's August 2024 and the open/save/export window is still light. 🤡
ddbx commented
Urgent Improvement Request: Please implement a more consistent application of UI setting options (especially "Dark Mode") in the sense of an essential accessibility aid.
The adaptability of the user interfaces in some Adobe Creative Cloud apps (e.g., InDesign, Illustrator, Photoshop, Premiere Pro, After Effects, etc.) is not consistently executed. The needs of individuals, including designers and developers, with visual impairments (yes, they do exist!) are largely overlooked. This is not a trivial matter and could be considered discriminatory. Especially considering that Adobe Creative Cloud is an outstanding and decades-evolving app network for professionals that creative individuals cannot ignore. Adobe dominates the market and sets great standards on many levels.
However, such a deficiency does not align with the image of a forward-thinking company and harms the brand image. Adobe should urgently address this issue and consider the needs of ALL Creative Cloud users!
Detailed Problem Statement:
When the user interface is set to a dark mode in the app's preferences, the unfolded "hamburger menus" of the palette windows with setting options unfortunately still appear in glaring white. This also applies to various context menus and subsections in different places and on different levels of Adobe apps. Even though the system settings are set to "dark mode," the Adobe app, for example, continues to present white selection windows when opening new files or importing files through the main menu.Here is a corresponding thread from the Adobe Community with screenshots illustrating the deficiency in Adobe InDesign, for example:
https://community.adobe.com/t5/indesign-discussions/dark-mode-in-indesign-and-other-adobe-apps-leaves-out-hamburger-menues-in-window-panels/m-p/14381061Urgent wish for improvement:
More consistent implementation of the setting options of workspace customisation in Adobe Creative Cloud apps, including all menus and views within the apps.
Adobe sets an example itself in the Creative Cloud client, as in the preferences under "Color Theme," options like "Light," "Dark," and "Adopt System Setting" are offered (It would be fantastic if one could set the default for all apps at this point or a similar central option within each app). A user-defined color composition option for the appearance of all UI elements should also be integrated much more consistently than it has been so far and harmonized across apps.Thank you in advance for your attention and help!
Serik commented
It's February 13, 2023, and the open/save/export window is still light.
Salt Media commented
Still this is an issue!! Please sort it out
Lee Hodgkinson commented
When opening or saving in InDesign the dialogue window does not support dark mode when dark mode is turned on in macOS 12.5.
Spencer Carlson commented
What a bizarre issue, and even more bizarre to see it has remained a problem for so many years.
H Chinaski commented
Still not fixed.
Nathan Fazakerly commented
Dark mode Mac OS (12.3). Dark mode Indesign (17.0).
WHITE MODE dialogue boxes in Indesign, blinding my eyes.
This has been an issue for years. Why so hard to fix?
KJ commented
I agree, it is very annoying. It does not do this with the menus in Illustrator and Photoshop so def a bug!
Lee Hodgkinson commented
Please add dark mode for open and save dialogue windows in macOS. Photoshop and Illustrator already do this.
Igor Oliveira commented
Almost 2022 and this is not fixed yet. And its soo simple!
Andrew Walsh commented
The InDesign Open/Save dialogue is still not honoring Dark Mode.
Andrew Walsh commented
The InDesign Open/Save dialogue is still not honoring Dark Mode.
Lee Hodgkinson commented
Still no macOS Dark Mode support for open/save dialogue windows in InDesign version 16.4 on both Intel and M1 macs running macOS Big Sur (11.5.2)
Marc Scheithauer commented
Will this ever be fixed?
Peter commented
In InDesign tht title of windows is not in dark mode, even when on Mac OS dark mode is set AND the appearance of InDesign is dark. Still the title is white which is confusing. Please make the whole window dark, as Photoshop does, thank you.
Peter commented
In InDesign tht title of windows is not in dark mode, even when on Mac OS dark mode is set AND the appearance of InDesign is dark. Still the title is white which is confusing. Please make the whole window dark, as Photoshop is does, thank you.
Dennis commented
I am in full dark mode with every item on my Mac, but when I save my work, the save dialogue box still appears as white. Please be consistent in supporting every screen in dark mode
Mike commented
InDesign v16.0
The Open, Export, Save As, and Place dialogue menus are not in dark mode.