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  1. Hyperlink to open a file in server doesn't work

    Here's my problem.
    I try to make a pdf with hyperlinks that lead to some files. (Jpg,doc,xlsx...)
    Those files are on a server shared by all my colleagues.
    But the link never work in the pdf.
    Acrobat or other pdf reader try to connect to internet instead of opening the files. whatever the option i choose in the hyperlink pannel, i see that indesign add url=http before my link.
    Anyone know how we could fix that bug ???

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  2. Navigation pane

    A navigation pane(Section links) that allows quick navigation between document sections

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  3. Make "Start workspace" default go to open files

    I would like the "Start workspace" to be my go to open document workspace in Indesign. Also when documents are already open.
    I find it very useful to see thumbnails of my work instead of the "Open recent" filelist.

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  4. Total book pages variable

    It would be VERY USEFUL to have a variable for the total pages of the book that updates automatically.
    Personally I tremendously need it !!

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  5. Publish online error 38

    I just can't publish online anymore. My login is ok, but InDesign keeps me reporting an error number 38.

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  6. 2 votes

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  7. BUG? Random grey bars on screen in ID CC

    I'm trying out ID CC and opened an ID C6 file to test. There are grey bars that appear randomly on screen. Not in fit in window view but in any other view when zoomed. Please see attached screen shot of the grey bars.

    I'm using a 13" MacBook Pro (2017) with 16GB RAM. Under preferences, Display Performance is set to default and CPU Performance shows Compatible CPU and Monitor Detected.

    How to resolve this?

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  8. Change rectange tool default stroke to fill

    When you create a new rectangle, it is annoying that it always adds the stroke to it by default, forcing you to resize the rectangle after you have removed the stroke. Resizing is needed after removing stroke, because you first draw the rectangle to its correct size and then when you remove the stroke, it leaves a tiny gap as the stroke was aligned outside the rectangle.

    Personally I need stoke rarely, but fill almost every time. I am pretty sure others find stroke to be the not-so-often used one, too.

    So, why not change the default stroke to be…

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  9. custom tracking/kerning display option (Preferences/Composition) could show varying degrees of shading

    it seems to me that a previous version of ID had this feature: under Preferences/Composition, when "custom tracking/kerning" was selected, the paragraph shading was of different degrees (lighter to darker) depending on the tracking level selected

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  10. break in a text and the text suddenly don't fit anymore in the textbox

    Breaks in a text and then the text suddenly don't fit anymore in the textbox

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  11. publishing online

    can publishing online stats go back to showing the individual read numbers in the list of publications instead of the new system where you have to click on each publication to see the reads??

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  12. 2 votes

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  13. Selectable Document Font Folder

    I've been waiting for a long time for the Document-font folder to be out of sync with the Indesign document. One should be able to determine the place itself.
    If I have many Indesign Docs (in campaigns sometimes several hundred) I have to either install the fonts or just in any folder where an Indesign Doc is located in a document font folder.

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  14. 2 votes

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  15. Type scaling

    I'd like to see a type scaling feature added to paragraph styles. When the project allows it I prefer to set up a "body" style and then base most of my copy styles on this one. Currently I make different header styles proportionally larger but if I ever need to change my body copy size I have to go back and change all the other head styles to match. It would be nice to set body to 10pt for instance, then set head 1 to 150% and head 2 to 125%. This would make head 1 15pt in reality and…

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  16. Push Out Compensation for Perfect Binding on PDF Export

    Being able to take a facing page document and adding an amount of cross over bleed from the spine and scaling that amount from the spine to the outer trim would be invaluable to my workflow for large perfect binding books. As it is now stands, I have to separate each spread to single pages and create bleeds towards the spine and move/scale each page to allow for artwork alignment in the final printing and binding.

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  17. Could you add "Action Menu" for indesign.....?

    If we are add "Action menu" in indesign it reduce the work what are all we doing repeated.....

    Eg: We are use so many times to measure the distance of caption and image that time we use action it will reduce the time....

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  18. I want to be able to search for an empty cell in a table, and able to add the cell icon (square) in a search..

    I want to be able search for the cell icon in a table or an empty cell.

    Sometimes I have to search for empty cells in tables and replace them with an en dash to show that they are intentionally empty.

    When you have over 70 tables in each book it would be really helpful to be able to search for an empty cell.

    And sometimes I need to search for characters that appear all over the document but I only want to find the ones in a cell, so being able to specify that icon in a search would…

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  19. Share the templates (INDT) into the library

    Dear all we already use a lot the library as we are a team of 6 designers working on the same bases. We already use swatches and images which is very convenient. It would be good to have the templates (rollup, A4 , webbanner ...) in the library as template the way we can just drag and drop them

    thank you by advance. InDesign is a wonderful tool

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  20. Publish Online docs

    Please include ability to disable download/saving of embedded videos.

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