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19 votes
Hello All,
Thank you for reporting the issue to us.
We have fixed the issue in the latest version of InDesign, Id 14.0.3Please upgrade your InDesign application to the latest version to try out the fix.
If you are unable to see the update yet, go to Creative Cloud desktop application, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right corner and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
If you face any problems with the new update, do let us know in the comments.
You may also follow the below given link for the list of all fixed issues in Id 14.0.3 supported this idea ·
28 votes
Neat supported this idea ·
5 votes
Neat supported this idea ·
12 votes
Neat shared this idea ·
149 votes
HSB option has been added to Color Picker and other panels for better experience.
Please try out InDesign’s latest update Id 16.0.Let us know your feedback in the comments.
Abhinav Kaushik (AK)Neat supported this idea ·
46 votes
Neat supported this idea ·
7 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment -
9 votes
An error occurred while saving the comment Neat commented
Seconding this! I'm so glad Adobe implemented these forums-- the devs here are very communicative and responsive compared to other programs I've seen feedback forums for in the past. Same for the Illustrator one; the InDesign and Illustrator teams are great.
Neat supported this idea ·
1 vote
Neat shared this idea ·
1 vote
Neat shared this idea ·
50 votes
Neat supported this idea ·
An error occurred while saving the comment Neat commented
I love this idea, but would prefer an implementation that allows us to select the ruleset we want to use when using Title Case (Ex: AP style, Chicago style, etc), similar to how we can select the dictionary we want to use for spell checking.
28 votes
Neat shared this idea ·
110 votes
Neat supported this idea ·
1 vote
An error occurred while saving the comment Neat commented
Does your mouse manufacture not provide software that allows you to bind shortcuts as desired? Binding shortcuts to mice natively is a feature I've really only observed in programs and games where navigating 3D space is important. For all other applications, I do it through my mouse software.
16 votes
Neat supported this idea ·
142 votes
Hi All,
This indeed a great suggestion. I wanted to understand a little more about this request.
1. The way this request is described its majorly about figuring out how to change the various text attributes in a single step rather than having to change multiple styles to make that happen. It would helpful if you can mention which all attributes you all would want to be dependent on the baseline (space before/after, size, leading any other).
2. Which kind of documents (magazines, brochures, books etc.) do you see this to be more important for you.
3. Wouldn’t a similar method (not sure if we could base it on baseline though!!) for changing the layout also help, if you could define the sizes of objects in relation to the page size. Do you think extending this feature to the layout also makes sense.
4. If you can share some files…An error occurred while saving the comment Neat commented
Is this feature still in the information gathering stage? Any word from the devs on if this will be moved into the development backlog?
An error occurred while saving the comment Neat commented
This would be a game changing addition to InDesign!
I see this feature as equivalent to CSS's "em" attribute. How I imagine it working is:
At document creation, we have the option of enabling a base unit for the document. Upon turning that option on and entering a number (say 10pt), that number serve as the base unit for the entire document. This unit can later be referenced by the letter "B" or something.
Then, in paragraph styles, character styles, object styles-- wherever there's an option to enter a measurement-- we can put in something like "2*B" or ".5*B" and InDesign will automatically calculate the relevant size in inches, points, picas, whatever.
If we later decide that we want to change the base unit for the document we can do so via document setup, and everything in the document that uses the base unit as a measure would scale accordingly. So, for example:
Base unit is 10pt. In the Body paragraph style, the font size is set as "1B (10pt)". The H1 paragraph style is set as "3B (30pt)." The 2 Column Text Frame object style has its gutter width set to "1.5B (15pt)".
I later decide I want the base unit to be 9pt. After I make this change, the the body paragraph style automatically changes its font size to 9pt, the H1 style changes its font size to 27pt, and the 2 Column Text Frame object changes its gutter width to 13.5pt.
(That said, for me it would be ideal if the calculation happens internally, while the measurement field continues showing the 2*B or .5*B or whatever it is we entered-- that way we can keep track of what multipliers we're using. Something similar to what happens with layout scaling, where the original font size is displayed adjacent to the new font size is shown in parentheses, could work.)
All together this feature would save me an ENORMOUS amount of time that I currently waste having to tweak measurements when I decide to change the font size or leading of a document. Relative sizes would make it so much easier to test changes to type and layout on the fly.
Neat supported this idea ·
32 votes
Neat supported this idea ·
61 votes
Neat supported this idea ·
17 votes
Neat shared this idea ·
60 votes
Neat supported this idea ·
There are plugins you can purchase that will do this for you, but the result won't be 100% error free. The design you currently have seems pretty straightforward-- though it's a pain, it'll probably be easier to rebuild the file from scratch.