Export to JPG generates yellow horizontal lines
yellow lines in all my image exports (PNG / JPG)... When giving it more pixels/inch the lines change position and are less wide.

Fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2021 – that is, InDesign 16.2.1
In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.
Let us know in the comments section if you still face this problem.
Adobe InDesign Team
Al Weirick commented
Same problem!!! only started a few days ago. PLEASE FIX!
For the moment - If I export to a 300dpi jpeg it's OK - but if I export at 72dpi I get yellow lines through placed images in the file :(. -
Adam commented
BTW, my workaround at the moment is exporting to PNG format and then converting to jpeg via Lightroom Classic.
Adam commented
Same issue. Please fix this - I use this feature all day, every day. Can't work like this.
Anonymous commented
Yeah, I'm having the same, issue, bit frustrating with a deadline looming. currently installing an older version to see if that gets us across the line.
Siri commented
Hi there, I have the same problem when exporting to png and jpg.
Annika commented
I have the exact same problem since 2 days.
Phabio commented
Da ieri indd 2021 esporta jpg con righe gialle! Nella versione 2020, invece, funziona bene.
Carlo Introini commented
nell'ultima versione Id 2021 quando esporto in JPG documenti di basse dimensioni (600x600 px) con immagini collegate, il file jpg mostra striature gialle sopra le immagini. Succede quando l'immagine originale è di dimensioni consistenti e viene ridotta nell'impaginato oltre il 50%.
Nelle versioni precedenti non succedeva...
in the latest version Id 2021 when I export in JPG some low-sized documents (600x600 px) with linked images, the jpg file shows yellow streaks above the images. It happens when the original image is of consistent size and is reduced in the pagination by more than 50%.
In previous versions this did not happen ... -
Pim Huijgens commented
Also the same problem here! After updating to 16.2
Anonymous commented
Horizontal yellow lines appear when export jpegs from Indesign had to revert back to previous version to fix
Anonymous commented
Horizontal yellow lines appear when export jpegs from Indesign had to revert back to previous version to fix
Anonymous commented
Also having this issue
Anonymous commented
I am also getting this issue.
Al commented
Adding to previous comment ... I have rolled back InDesign to 16.1 and this has solved the issue - definitely an issue with 16.2
Al commented
I am having the same problem - only just appeared after last update
Georgina commented
Same issue since 21/04/2021 with every jpeg export. Windows 10 user.
Jenny Vassalli commented
We have the same problem from two days, here attached an example
Martina commented
I've been having the same problem since yesterday. Indesign version 16.2 Mac user.
Irene commented
I am having the same problem.
Please solve this problem as soon as possible!!! -
Lotte commented
I've been having the same problem since yesterday. Please resolve this bug as soon as possible!