Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
206 results found
svg mask
InDesign does not keep masks that are embedded in the SVG. It ungroups them, causing hidden parts of the SVG to display.
2 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We are reviewing it
-InDesign Team
indesign crashes when deleting marker
when i delete an index marker, indesign crashes. It's not with all markers, just one word that crashes the document. That word is in my table of contents and in my index so both crash.
2 votesHi,
Please can you share a sample file with which the issue is reproducible?Thanks -
Optical Kerning issues after recent v15 update
After the recent update (v15.0), I am having issues with Optical kerning, specifically with the font Noto Serif Khmer (Cambodian font). The kerning is completely off. I've opened the file in v14.0.3 and everything works fine in that version.
2 votesHi,
Can you please share a sample file with which the issue is reproducible?Thanks -
( InDesign 2020 version on Windows 10 ).
The custom baseline grid is not working at all if a table's text frame is rotated.
It is working with text outside a table if the frame is rotated.
2 votesThanks for reporting the issue.
This issue seems to be present from a long time. We are reviewing it-InDesign Team
Accessible PDF Alternative Text Fail When Object Set to Multiply
InDesign 14.0.2
When an object is set to "multiply" in Effects and exported to Interactive PDF, there is a Alternative Text fail reported when running Accessibility Full Check. When the "multiply" effect is removed, there is a clean report. Please fix.
Attached are both the original file (with multiply on) and the PDF generated. If you remove multiply, it works.
2 votesThanks for reporting the issue. We are looking into it
windows 10 - paste number from clipboard history into X/Y-object coordinates
How to repeat the issue:
- Activate Clipboard history in windows settings (win 10)
- Copy a random number to your clipboard (my testnumber "-2,375")
- Create a new document and place a rectangle (or random object) on your page
- Select the object and click (focus) in the field for the y-coordinates
- hit "windows+V" to open your clipboard history (must be activated in the settings)
- Click on your previous copied number.
6-Bug. The number has been pasted two times in the y-coordinates field.
Test system:
- Win 10 pro (1809)
- current Indesign CC version (how to check the actual version?)By the…
2 votesThanks for reporting the issue.
We are reviewing it-InDesign Team
Anchored Object Lock/Prevent Manual Position Override
The Prevent Manual Positioning creates a Locked Object, but unlocking the widget doesn't remove the Prevent manual override.
When you check to "Prevent Manual Override" an anchored object receives a lock adornment. An object Style can be created from this object. If that lock is unlocked the Object style shows as override, but the "Prevent Manual Override" is still checked.
If the object style is redefined. The lock adornment is still unlocked, and the "Prevent Manual Positioning" is still checked. Reapplying the style locks the object.
There should be more consistent behaviour of "Prevent Manual Positioning" and the "Lock". Even…
2 votesThanks for reporting this issue. We’re currently reviewing this.
Adobe InDesign team -
Cmd/Ctrl+Backspace and Cmd/Ctrl+Delete bugs
Cmd/Ctrl+Backspace and Cmd/Ctrl+Delete bugs act erratically in latest InCopy (13.1) on Mac and Windows: contrary to all other apps and InDesign Story Editor, they delete words from seemingly random side of the cursor.
Actual result: Cmd+Del often deletes from left hand side, Cmd+Backspace often deletes from right hand side of the cursor.
Expected result: Cmd/Ctrl+Del always deletes the word to the right of the cursor; Cmd/Ctrl+Backspace always deletes a word from to the left of the cursor.
m.2 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting the issue.
We will look into the problem-Aman
idml file with frontend xml crashes with lower version indesign
when ever we try to make idml files with frontend xml, which required to open lower version of indesign file, it get crashes. Now i got in a conclusion idml files with frontend xml does not work... can you fix.
2 votesWe’ve been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.
InDesign Team -
BUG: Changes aren't tracked for bottom-right table cell
The last cell in a table is a “dead” cell as far as Track Changes is concerned. If you copy cells from another row and paste them in the last table row, if the selection you are pasting into contains the last cell in the table, the pasted text will not be marked as a change. Likewise, inserting a new row in a table as the last row via drag and drop isn’t marked as an insertion at all. Inserting a new column in a table as the last column via drag and drop is tracked as an insertion for…
2 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting the issue.
We have been able to reproduce the issue.“The last cell in a table is a “dead” cell as far as Track Changes is concerned. If you copy cells from another row and paste them in the last table row, if the selection you are pasting into contains the last cell in the table, the pasted text will not be marked as a change. "
This issue seems to be present since CS 6-Aman
Publish Online thumbnail navigation has disappeared
The cursor changes on hover and link works but the graphics are missing for forward and back.
2 votes -
Data Merge: Data on a master page AND on a locked layer CRASHES when creating merged document
Best described by the original post on Reddit that was then confirmed by me: Try it out with the demo provided.
2 votesHi,
Thanks for reporting the issue. The crash/protective shutdown is reproducible at our end.-Aman
[Indesign CC 2018][BUG] Indesign crashes when using script to remove table row
When using a javascript to remove a table row, Adobe Indesign crashes.
This happens when a table has only 2 rows. The table contains a header row and your script tries to remove the only body row.2 votesHi,
We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.Regards
InDesign Team -
Duden-Hyphenation changes the language in preferences
After setting Duden hyphenation in Preferences, the next time the menu is opened, it will change to "1996 Alte Rechtschreibung" instead of "2006 Neue Rechtschreibung". (only on WIN-machines?!?)
Regards Frank Muenschke (IDUG Rhein/Ruhr)2 votesHi,
Changing the status to Needs Review since we are looking into the issue for fixing.-Aman
Pages/spread overlapping after changing page size
InDesign 2018 CC 13.0.1
Pages and spreads are doing weird things when I resize my document. It creates some odd margin after resize of pages. I start out with 2 pages, document shuffling allowed, facing pages turned off.
Pagespread01112617 - shows the page spread I was working with; each page is 10”x12.25”.
Pagespread02112617 - after I changed the size to 10.68”x11.239” for another ad spread, a weird margin showed up. The content boxes show how there is an odd overlap; each box is 10.68" wide.
Pagespread03_112617 - If I move page 2…2 votesHi,
We have been able to reproduce the issue and it is currently under investigation.Regards
InDesign Team -
Unable to add Paragraph Styles to Creative Cloud Library, InDesign 2018
Not sure how you can reproduce this as I haven't found anybody else with this problem, but hopefully you can figure out how to help me. I cannot add paragraph styles to the Library, and I have tried every way:"+" button on the panel with text selected, cloud button on the styles panel, dragging from the panel... nothing works. Everything else--including character styles--can be added normally.
2 votesThe issue is due to the Kerning being set as None, if one sets it as Optical or Metrics, it solves the issue. The issue is currently under review.
Numbered list gets corrupted when saved and opened as idml
Version: Indesign CC 13.0 x64 Windows (and Indesign CC 2017)
- Create 2 paragraphstyles
- For ParagraphStyle 1 set bullets and numbering To List Type 'Numbers' and name it 'Multiple Choice' (or something else) and Level 1
- For ParagraphStyle 2 base it on ParagraphStyle 1 and change the text color
- Create some paragraphs with different combinations of these styles.
- Save as idml
- Open the idml
- Look at the paragraphs of the second paragraphstyle, you will notice that paragraphStyle 2 has a numbering of his own and no longer the mix with paragraphstyle 1.
Expected result: Same as before the save to idml.…
2 votesThank you for reporting the issue. It is under review now.
[ID-4256388] New document size resetting to previous
Every time I go to set up a new document and put in a size in the preset details, the measurments snap back to the previous size, either immediately, when tabbing from width to height, or when adding margin or bleed details. Happens every time, repeatedly. Using Indesign 2025 v20.01, on iMac 2019 OS Sonoma 14.1, also happens using Sequoia
1 voteWe're reviewing this issue.
Adobe InDesign team
Opening documents as tabs cannot be deactivated
Always open documents as tabs even if you have not selected this in the settings under User interface -> Open documents as tabs. I need different window sizes and find tabs impractical.
1 voteThanks for reporting. We'll review this shortly.
Adobe InDesign team
object style override plus-sign when multiple elements selected
Object style made. Works fine.
Multiple items on page need same style. When applied to ONE item, styles menu looks "normal." When applied to multiple items, with items selected, the styles menu shows plus-sign after style name.
All of "clear overrides" options tried. Does not fix. Cannot verify that use of style is correct if styles panel gives false feedback.
In the past, earlier versions, I don't remember ever seeing this apparent conflict.
MacOS 11.5.2
InDesign 17.0.11 voteThanks for reporting this issue.
We are going to review this shortly.
InDesign team
- Don't see your idea?