[ID-4257184]InDesign 2025(v20.0) Performance issues: Delay or beach balls on basic operations
InDesign Performance issues: Delay or beach balls observed on basic operations on Macintosh
Steps to Reproduce:
- We have reproduced one scenario in which the existence of the Documents Font Folder and Contextual Task bar results in some slowness.
- Other workflows causing slowness are being investigated - No reliable reproducible steps
Impacted workflows:
- Switching to InDesign
- Open/Closing of Document
- Edit/Scroll/Copy-paste/Highlight operation on Text
- Text disappears, illustrations disappear
- Imported or added text turns black until a style is applied.
- Font menu highlight not following my mouse movement
- Text will not change fonts until I click the mouse inside or outside the text box.
- Resize a document window, the corner flies below the screen border
- Click or Drag of the mouse
- Switching between tools
- "Waiting for UXP plugins to finish up remaining tasks."
- Disable Contextual Task Bar or remove Documents Font Folder
- Close the MAGNET application
- Revert to InDesign 19.5, No performance lag is observed.
- Restarting the machine and trashing the preferences seems to resolve the issue temporarily
- Disabling any font manager software seems to resolve the issue. One customer confirmed that disabling "Rightfont" resolved the issue.
- Uninstall-Reinstall seems to resolve the issue temporarily
- Turn off Preflight seems to resolve the issue temporarily
- The issue seems to be specific to the MAC platform only. Impacted macOS (Sequoia, Sonoma, Ventura(maybe), Monterey)
- The issue seems to be specific to the MAC devices
- Apple MacBook Pro M1/M2/M3
- Apple MacBook Air M1/M2/M3
- Apple Max Studio M1/M2/M3
- Apple Mac mini M1/i7 Intel
- The issue exists for both old and new documents
Additional information needed:
- Are you opening the indd documents from the folder containing the Documents Font Folder?
- Is the "Contextual Task bar" shown? If yes, Disable it from "Window->Contextual Task bar"
- Screenshot of Memory usage while the issue is observed
- Please follow the below steps for InDesign and InDesign PR 20.1.066 on Macintosh
- Open Terminal in full-screen mode
- Drag the InDesign application on the terminal (e.g. "/Applications/Adobe\ InDesign\ 2025/Adobe\ InDesign\ 2025.app/Contents/MacOS/Adobe\ InDesign\ 2025")
- Copy the logs when you start facing the slowness in a text(.txt) file. Share the file with us at sharewithID@adobe.com.

We have made some Performance Improvements in the latest InDesign Release 2025 (Version 20.1), available via Creative Cloud Desktop application. This issue has also been fixed as part of performance improvements.
Please let us know if you still face slowdown while doing basic operations in this latest InDesign release.
Adobe InDesign team
Richard Larson commented
Went to Prerelease as instructed and there was no InDesign Prerelease. Only an Illustrator prerelease. Followed instructions from comment below . . . still no Indesign Prerelease update. Could it be expired and on its way for an actual update?
Zia commented
Since I didn't know how to find this - Im just going to post this info.
You have to go to the Adobe Prerelease website and join the InDesign prerelease.
Then it adds a "pre-release" tab in your creative cloud window.
If you don't see InDesign there after you have done this - go to the top right corner of the creative cloud window where it says "installed apps". Click on the 3 dots and select "check for updates" and then it will appear with any other prerelease apps you may have.
I haven't installed it yet but that how you can get it to show up in the main Creative Cloud App launch window.
Hope this helps.
Zia commented
Is it the Indesign "Beta" version you are referring to?
Can someone from Adobe please give us the specific steps to find this pre-release of InDesign in the creative Cloud app? -
Zia commented
How do i find this pre-release to test it out?
Mr.Coffee News commented
Same here in Canada. No InDesign prerelease on the site. Only Illustrator.
Richard commented
This issue has been going on since the introduction of InDesign 2025, I believed (wrongly it seems) that Adobe would be aware. This is a very long ongoing community page and the issue effects many subscribers. More so now as not all users have the issue and are using the 2025 software, causing software compatibility issues.
Elizabeth commented
Like others have stated, the PreRelease build is not available for selection. Unless I'm missing something?
Anders commented
Go to the help menu and look for updates. That worked for me.
Erok Johanssen commented
I also only see the PreRelease version of Illustrator. I do not see the InDesign version
Yang commented
Can't find on the CC APP the PreRelease version, only a PreRelease version of Illustrator :( Not available yet for France?
Anders commented
Latest preview version is and the problems are fixed for me. I've been able to try it for two days now. I don't know if the beta 20.1 also is also working.
Adam Smith commented
The PreRelease Build ( seems to have fixed the lag and beachball problem for me. I will continue to use it and advise if it recurs again.
Gabriele commented
Hi is this the PreRelease build (available from the Adobe Creative Cloud Desktop App)?
See attached screenshot, cause the version says only 20.1 (and not -
David commented
I really wonder if anyone from Adobe is reading this and really trying to solve this problem. The new version of inDesign is almost unusable due to the endless lag.
Todd Smith commented
This could possibly be related to Preflight constantly checking the document. I was having trouble opening a document when I got this system out of memory message (see attachment) Look at how much memory InDesign is using! As soon as I turned Preflight off the problem went away.
Mario Barbati commented
To date Indesign 2025 on my Macbook pro M1 MAX is totally unusable, Hiding the task bar or deleting the font folder is useless, the bug still persists.
I'm not able to produce a log, I drag the application on terminal but nothing happensI'm facing serious working issues so please fix it asap
Anders commented
Here is a clip of the app switch problem I described earlier.
I Command Tab over to InDesign. When I click the menu I'm back on the desktop.
Watch when I wait before clicking. It takes 2-3 seconds before it says InDesign next to the Apple.
Anders commented
I don't understand the instructions from Adobe about the log file. I'm a graphic designer and not a developer.
I've had serious problems with InDesign 2025 since it was released. I am now on a new Mac mini M4 and I did NOT clone my user from my old iMac. So it's a fresh install of everything but InDesign immediately became sluggish.
Here are two clips.
1. Link.mp4 – shows that it takes 4 seconds to make a link active in the Links panel. The same sluggishness affects all other actions as well.
2- Hide and show.mp4 – Here I hide InDesign with Option Click on the desktop. Then I Command Tab to show it again. Every other time the document takes 2-3 seconds before showing. The other time the document shows up immediately.I have a third hide and show case but not on film. I Command Tab to InDesign and directly click something in the menu, to open a file for example. But then I'm back on the desktop. When inspection what is happening I can see that the name InDesign next to the Apple isn't showing up until after 2-3 seconds, but the panels do. So I think I've switched to InDesign and start interact with it, but MacOS thinks I'm still active in the desktop so my click moves me back there. It's happened 100 times since InDesign 2025 was released.
Amy commented
I'm experiencing the same issues only none of the listed workarounds have helped. It's very frustrating as I am a graphic designer and the 2025 update is so slow it is unusable but I have to push through anyways because I have jobs to get out. However, a 15 minute project turns into an hour when every movement I make has to load and that is not acceptable for the company or my customers. I tried to uninstall and go back to 2024 but not only are the projects I started in the 2025 version "not compatible" with the 2024 version but now the 2024 version is just as slow and crashes constantly. When will this issue be addressed by Adobe?
Malcolm Horner commented
Im on a M1 macbook, OS and all Apps always up to date. 2025 INDD is impossibly slow. I have to stay with 2024, which was totally fine.
I was hoping the problem would be rectified by now, it is a real impediment to work