Export to PDF function crash in InDesign 15.1
Today I have updated to InDesign 15.1 and when I try to export to PDF the application immediately crash.
This happen even I change the type of export (small dimension, print, etc.).
I'm using windows 10 pro ver. 1909 build 18363.836, and Indesign 15.1 x64.
The system start to work but the application crash at 16% of the export.
The problem seems connected with something on the file, because I try to export another project and it work perfectly.
The file was all "green" in the preliminary checks panel.
And I notice that the system crash also using other function, example scrolling the pages list or the links list.
There is something wrong in the new version 15.1 that stops the compiling. Unfortunately no errors appear, only application crash.
Coming back to version 15.0.3 have solved the problem and the file was perfectly exported in PDF.

The fix for this is now publicly available in the latest InDesign update, 15.1.1
Please update to the latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Clement Batifoulier commented
Same problem impossible to export interactive pdf...
It crashed 6/7 times today, back to CC2019 works fine....
So disappointing (again)
Tennant commented
Seems to be related to PNG files embedded in the artwork, especially if they are using non-standard colour settings, eg Indexed Color.
These same files would generate PDFs fine under previous (15.0.x) version of InDesign.
Anonymous commented
export to PDF also fails after upgrading to 15.1 - it is definitely a program error!!!
Anonymous commented
Version 15.1 (16.6.2020) - There is also an error in exporting to PDF !!! INDD crashes!!!