Spell Check does not work after installing InDesign 15.0.2
Dear Adobe Team,
in our office we use In Design from several years without nothing problems.
Yesterday we had updated the version 15.0.2. After that, the spell-check (we use the Italian language) don’t work if we import text in a existing document.
But if we import text in a new document, the spell-check work without problems.
Please can you help us?

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.3.
Please update your InDesign application to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Matthew McFall commented
Yep my spell check is cactus.
Anonymous commented
My spell check not working either InDesign CC 15.0.2. I work in publishing - it's imperative I have a spell checker!
Jane. -
Anonymous commented
Okay, I take that back: after briefly working, 15.0.3 was auto-"updated" this morning to 15.0.2, which (again) erased my preferences...and of course spell check doesn't work again. Doesn't CC check the version number before "updating"?
I give up! I guess this is just another thing I have to get used to with your application. I couldn't place or import a InCopy file for two years, in spite three calls for help to Adobe support, so I guess this is just something I have to wait to come back.
AS commented
Changing the Dictionary preference to Hunspell has mixed results: a brand new file will run through spell check, but a file designed prior to the latest ID release and being updated in the current version will cause ID to crash. This is far from a fix. If anything, it'll damage files.
Anonymous commented
That worked!
We should have to go through this though Adobe. This is a critical basic feature. I sent a client a document with typos. Not impressed. -
Anonymous commented
Thankfully, that worked!
Ted Davis commented
Same problem, and just sent out a resume with a typo! Please fix ASAP.
Carl commented
Spell check works on newly created documents, but not older files or new files created from templates.
Bill Reburn commented
ANOTHER user with no spell-check.
Really Adobe? This is brutal.
10 updates to every app in the suite, every other day - but nothing here?
John commented
This should be a top-of-the-line fix. I am copying into Word to check spelling.
Anonymous commented
this is ridiculous - Adobe release the fix!
SAteven Harper commented
Same problem here. Whenever I bring in an existing [pre-2020] file and save as a 2020 file, it will not recognize ANY misspelled words, regardless of settings. All settings have been checked, set, and reset, but to no avail. Having to start with new documents each time to be able to use this feature is NOT efficient. I have many files where the format is used over and over, and now I have to create a new document, import paragraph formatting, and reset the appropriate text.
Pete Friedrich commented
I have the same issue-how do we bring this to Adobes attention!?
Anonymous commented
This is unacceptable!
Anonymous commented
Come on Adobe, this issue is major! I'm having to copy all text from every file into Microsoft word to ensure there are no typos. Why is this not at the top of your priority list?!?!
Bill Murphy commented
I am having issue with spell checking in InDesign CC 2020. Nothing seems to fix it. No red underline. Looking forward to this getting fixed soon. Thanks. Grammer would also be nice.
Pam commented
Not working
Anonymous commented
Not working for me
Greg Alexander commented
I downloaded the pre-release and and installed. Now running in 15.0.3 and yet spell check still does not work. I restarted, too, and ensured that Dictionary was on Hunspell. Still not working.
Lara Raymond commented
Just realised this once updated. UK English I have tried everything and it's not working. I am a terrible speller and need this!