Restore video from URL media option
For some unexplained reason the Video from URL option has been removed from InDesign 2020. This needs to be restored ASAP as there are people using this feature.
Moveover, it needs a minor improvement to allow HTTPS links (
It was a big mistake to not query the community before removing this and it should be a simple thing to restore.

“Place Video from URL” option has been restored in the latest InDesign update – version 15.1.
Please update InDesign to use the feature.
Adobe InDesign team
Laeti commented
We still use this feature with in5. Could you please restore this feature or propose another solution!
Anonymous commented
Combining videos in a document now days is like adding an image to a document years ago.. this is a must
Playing a linked video stored in YouTube or in another common cloud base storage
Anonymous commented
Please restore this feature!
Mike Flaxman commented
Please restore that function
Ji. commented
Reducing already working functionality of a well established product is always a bad idea. I guess many of us count on it will be kept. Thanks for restoring it back. Ji.
Anonymous commented
Please Restore this function
Anonymous commented
Please restore this functionality. I don't use flash but the ability to add linked video from a link is essential to my workflow
Anonymous commented
Please restore this feature, help us, thank you!
Anonymous commented
Please restore this function. It is essential.
BCrompton commented
Please restore as an oline publisher and indesign user this functionality is critical.
Jeff Witchel commented
Please restore this functionality. I do not use flash but the ability to add linked video content from a link is important to my interactive workflow..
yoyo commented
I am a Publish Online and in5 user - so my clients and I rely on this function!
Please restore! Again -
Anonymous commented
Please restore the ability to insert videos. This is essential to our many instructional documents
Ken commented
Please provide a solution to place videos from URL. We need to link to vimeo for presentations.
Alejandro R. Torres commented
I'm sure this was some kind of crossed-wires thing, so please restore Place Video From URL functionality in InDesign asap. It is an important aspect of my business model.
li-av izhak commented
We still use this feature with in5 Please restore this feature!
Daniel commented
Please restore this feature!!! We still use this feature with in5! Thank-you!
Alan Gilbertson commented
Ravi, the whole value of "Place Video from URL" is that it permits use of CDNs such as YouTube and Vimeo.
Like most InDesign users, I never suspected that this functionality still, in 2019, expected the video "to be compliant with Flash Player." On the contrary, most of us assumed that because YouTube et al have long since moved away from Flash, InDesign had naturally evolved to keep up. The Help documentation online has long said that "The video must be a valid H.264-encoded file," which is NOT Flash, and doesn't mention anything about needing Flash Player..
Your marketing folks have loudly promoted creating interactive content and rich media documents with InDesign, so you should not be surprised that the disappearance of an important rich media capability is a complete shock.
If you want examples and use cases, look through the many documents up on "Publish Online." Even the Adobe-created examples for Publish Online use video.
I don't buy the idea that "it was no long possible to support this particular option,." That's an excuse, not an explanation. You do not need anyone to send you examples of video clips located on web servers. There are hundreds of millions of them online. That you even ask for them suggests that you and others are not paying attention to what your marketing division promotes and your customers rely on, far less to the current publishing scene in general.
The bottom line is that the team has removed very important functionality and should be taking URGENT action to replace it and fix the big problem you have created for your customers.
Anonymous commented
Please restore this feature!
James Thompson commented
Please restore this functionality. I haven't ever used flash but this is important to the magazines I do.