[ID-4210967]Problem with changing the cursor to text
Hello. After running the latest version of InDesign CC 2019 v. 14.0, I have a problem with changing the cursor to text. It takes about 50 seconds. This happens each time you launch InDesign.

Hello All,
Thank you for your patience all this while.
This issue is now fixed in the latest update (Id 14.0.1) of InDesign CC.
If you are unable to see the update notification yet, open the menu (three dots) from the top-right of Creative Cloud desktop application and click on ‘Check For App Updates’.
Once the update button is shown against InDesign CC, click on the button to update your InDesign to Id 14.0.1 for the fix of the issue.
Do let us know in the comments, if you face any problem with the new update.
List of fixed issues can be found at: helpx.adobe.com/indesign/kb/fixed-issues.html
InDesign Team
SaraJ commented
Same problem.
Anonymous commented
I have this issue with ALL documents upon startup/open and text selection.
Anonymous commented
I have the same issue with ALL my documents: previous or new one
Kyou commented
I have the same problem my pc freezes for a 1 minute whenever I open character tool at the first open and then it goes smoothly.
It is really frustrating -
Brielle commented
I have this issue with ALL documents upon startup/open and text selection.
Anonymous commented
Same issue - if i double click a text element InDesign CC 2019 is freezing and have to be close with taskmanager. And i have a 250 mb/s line and a very good PC.
Mhast commented
Same issue - seems to be affected by the speed of your internet connection. At home, it's pushing a minute on a 80mb/s down/20mb/s up; at work it's more like 20s on a 250mb/s dedicated line. Tested on 20 different machines, mostly on Mojave or Windows 10.
Anonymous commented
yes, same here
Anonymous commented
Same here in all my documents, apart from that Indesign frequently crashes when documents are opened.
Janne Lyng commented
Same problem here, in every document.
"After running the latest version of InDesign CC 2019 v. 14.0, I have a problem with changing the cursor to text. It takes about 50 seconds. This happens each time you launch InDesign." -
Christopher Hunter commented
Same problem, major problem for us trying to go to press on a magazine right now. Repeated crashes, going back to CC2017 until it's sorted out.
Frank Jacob commented
me too... / on every document... very frustrated
Iris commented
InDesign 2019 keeps freezing and showing the 'beachball'. Even when just changing from the cursortool to the typetool or clicking something. Every action takes a few seconds.
Changed back to InDesign 2018 for now, still no problems there...
Anonymous commented
The same thing is happening to my team (group of 3 designers) who all work on Dell desktop computers running Windows 10. It is EXTREMELY frustrating.
Anonymous commented
MINE IS DOING THE SAME THING! So annoying. PLEASE fix Adobe!!!
Ronan Howe commented
Every time I open any Indesign document and click on text it freezes for about 30-40 seconds. Very annoying
Anonymous commented
Same issue when modify pages and editing text !!
Anonymous commented
Very frustrating problem
Peter commented
Me and my colleague both have an issue with InDesign 2019. The first time we make a text box in a document, the program hangs up for about 15-20 seconds. It's getting annoying. Thanks
Anonymous commented
Text freeze. Please fix it!