InDesign performance issue: Slow on documents present on server
it's not an idea, but a problem. Indesign creates problems on the network and is very slow with server documents, as never before. The media told me to work locally, but I ask Adobe to solve the problem. Windows 10 64 bit - Intel processor 32 GB of ram.

This issue has been fixed in one of the updates made to InDesign. Please update to the latest version of InDesign.
Adobe InDesign team
Abby commented
Have had the same exact problem described above since updating to 14.02. I tried uninstalling/reinstalling both Indesign and Creative Cloud, and running the CC cleanup tool. Several members of my in-house design team are experiencing the same problem. Making it extremely hard to get work done. I have to force quit Indesign countless times a day just to get work done somehow.
Amelia Damke commented
The latest version of InDesign has been virtually unusable on my Mac Pro when working off files on a sever. Every click takes 3-5 seconds to process and the beachball is constantly processing.
The Adobe help chat suggested I work locally instead, however working off the server has never been a problem with the previous versions. Working locally or off a hard drive/USB has speed it up.
Can you please advise why this issue has appeared with the latest version?
Lora commented
I have a MacPro with enough ram and hard drive space. Any time I run a file from the server, or directly from my hard drive, it periodically freezes for a few seconds then starts back up again. Working is slow and very frustrating. I thought it may have been from the fonts, so I shut off only the bare minimum. I'm running FontExplorer X Pro 6.0.5. It still freezes. I've done everything suggested and am running InDesign 14.0.1 any thoughts?
Wolfgang Housseaux commented
Indeed! Same thing happens here. Especially with large documents containing a lot of images (TIFF and EPS).
Scott K commented
This has applied to the past few versions of InDesign. When working in InDesign, and I have internal servers open on my Mac, periodically InDesign gives me the spinning beachball, hanging sometimes for minutes at a time. When the servers are disconnected that doesn't happen. This isn't optimal to constantly disconnect and reconnect to the servers just so InDesign works as it should.
Mike commented
just noticed the date on this Bug note. Our issue is with Indesign CC 2019.
Mike commented
each of our 8-user test group is reporting this problem as well. Did not exist on our previous version: Indesign 2017. Win7 and Win 10 machines properly spec'd
Donny commented
Mine is also dog slow over network and has been since 2018 update