Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
248 results found
Grey outlines around pictures in Publish Online
About 1/7 of every picture has grey lines partially surrounding it, but only when I publish online. Not when I export as PDF. There's plenty of image available beyond the edges of the image box, so I don't know why it does this.
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class names when exporting to html
would be nice if paragraph or character styles would be saved intact when exporting to html. I work with a lot of books to create epub versions, and many of them have class names like - 1, 2, 3. or 1level, 2level, etc. When exporting to html all names where digits at the begiingis of class name, are changed to ''. So 1-level = _-level, 2-level = _-level. Which creates obvious problem. Would be nice if other solution would be applied, for example - html1-level, html_2-level, or anything else, but with names intact.
Best regards1 vote -
Publish Online Embed and Interactivity
When embedding a Publish Online document in a webpage, "read now" appears in the center of the document, and when the document is clicked, it goes into fullscreen mode. The problem is, once in fullscreen the "read now" button does not go away and prevents any of the interactive features in my document from being used. Once in fullscreen, the "read now" interface needs to go away.
It may also be useful to change how a user accesses fullscreen from an embedded document. They may not want to use fullscreen but are forced to when they interact with the document.
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Crash on HTML export when notes contain hyperlinks, and messed up HTML
Steps to reproduce
1. Export the attached file starting with "B272" as HTML
2. BUG: ID crashes
3. EXPECTED: No crash
4. QUICK FIX: Remove all notes that contain hyperlinks
5. RESULT: No crash on exportNote: The reason for crashing is NOT that many of the URLs contain a colon in a non-standard place. You can enter any URL and it will still crash.
This problem happens with about 80% of files with links in endnotes. It will not happen when endnotes are converted to footnotes. 20% of the files do export without crashing, but the HTML of endnotes…
1 vote -
publish indesign file not working with Indesign 2023
Indesign 2023. MacOS 12.6.1. Shared Device License (Lab iMacs). When going to Publish an Indesign document it errors. Installed 2022 version of Indesign, the Publish option works.
When attempting this on a Mac with a Named License it works though, but not when using this in a Lab (Higher Ed) on iMacs with the Shared Device License.
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Publish Online - Email Hyperlink
Email Hyperlink does not work in publish online
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day 62
DAY 63 - Slow Publish Online document loading - Case ADB-25741223-T9S3
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DAY 62 - Slow Publish Online document loading - Case ADB-25741223-T9S3
I'm getting very tired with this - Publish Online still slow loading, feel it's like knocking your head against. a brick wall!!!!
Since I first reported this major slow-down 62 days ago, it's speeded up a little, but now today, back to the slow stuff. Please, please, please Adobe - listen to what I'm saying, you have a problem with your Publish Online server setup. It used to be incredibly fast loading, now it's sloooooooow!I keep getting told it will be resolved in the latest Indesign update - of course it isn't, it's the servers where the documents are…
1 vote -
publish online failure
When publishing online, objects appear missing, indesign drawn objects, text, placed svgs, etc. Shows a question mark where the object should be
I'm using latest InDesign CC, have scanned computer for virus/malware, reinstalled Indesign, with no resolution of problem which started on 3rd March. Previous to this I've been using for 8 months with no problems Publishing Online whatsoever, been totally rock-steady.See this link from Uwe Launder: this Publish Online with missing InDesign drawn elements:'s how it should look (see attached):
7 votes -
Indesign published document - not listed on the 'publish online dashboard'
Yesterday I published a presentation and shared it with the client - this morning I went to view analytics for the published document in my online dashboard but it's not listed there. The published document I shared is still working but I have no way to see the analytics for the document. I've tried clearing browser history, signing out of indesign and refreshing browser many times but no change. I can see the other documents that I published yesterday that I don't need the analytics for.
Any suggestions or solutions please? Is this a known bug?
I'm on a MacBook…
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Publish online: Video sound overlaps on multiple pages
I regularly need to upload presentations using Publish Online in Indesign. When you start viewing pages, video sound overlaps and plays despite that page not being selected. I have found that once the pages have finished "loading" in the browser, and you start the presentation again, this no longer happens. However, this doesn't help if you have a client wanting to view the link for the first time, and the sound is overlapping.
I have tried different browsers, and the problem is the same in each one.
The only solve is to not have videos play sound, but this is…1 vote -
epub and mp3
To adobe,
I am an InDesign user, to create the e-book for the publish.Today, I face a serious problem and hope to find out a solution.
It is the problem, I insert mp3, each page around 4, the similar page around 30-40 page.
The mp3 maybe not the same on each page, it’s may different, test in the InDesign app, and all is fine.
If exported to PDF, also it is fine and could sound normally.
However, if exported to EPUB, the first 16 of the mp3 file, also means the first 4 pages can work, the rest of…
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Nav bar size change ruins my web app layout
Adobe have recently made the Nav bar at the bottom of the Publish Online interface fatter, unfortunately for my company, this means a carefully crafted web-app now has the Nav bar covering the lower part of my menu. It also on some PO documents, stays popped-up for much longer than 5 seconds, sometimes on single page documents, up to 15 seconds.
Adobe say this is because they wanted to improve accessibility, but really they're messing with a space that shouldn't keep changing, as per the margin around PO documents they added earlier in the year. Improve the products - yes,…1 vote -
ID 17 English LTR document with any RTL text exports as RTL epub
I edited this to remove the urgent notice. The publisher does not want to publish this book as an epub.
The basic problem remains, however.
When exporting an epub 3.0 from an academic book written in English with some RTL text sections, typically tables with Hebrew and English text, the epub exports in reverse order. That is, the title page is at the end of the epub, and the last page of the text is the first in the epub. So far it seems that the presence of any RTL elements, even a single character, causes the epub to export…
2 votes -
Having issues updating files which are published online.
Hi there, I am having problems trying to amend (override) an already 'published online' indesign file. I really liked the capability of this function as it means that other sites where my file is embedded, do not need to be updated and I can go directly to the source without the html link changing. Version 17.3
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Publish Online - Hyperlink download lässt sich in Chrome nicht öffnen
hier wurde eine Diskussion zum Thema Publish Online und einem möglichen Bug geführt: geht darum, dass integrierte Download Hyperlinks in Publish Online in Chrome und Edge nicht richtig gedownloaded werden können.
Die Downloadlinks an sich funktionieren (z.B. in Firefox) in Chrome und Edge öffnet sich leider nur ein leerer Tab und kein Download beginnt.önnt ihr das einmal nachvollziehen und eventuell beheben?
Vielen Dank & Grüße
Gina-Marie1 vote -
translation German
Object→Object Export Options: EPUB tab:
epub:type should be translated to epub:Typ and not "Schrift" which is basically the font type.17.2
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Image copyright notice in EPUB exported images removed by ID
If you create an InDesign ePub that contains images with copyright notices, inspection of the exported image files within the EPUB (ie. OEBPS/image/*) shows that the embedded images have had the copyright notice removed.
Ideally, copyright messages should be retained throughout the export process.
The TIFF source file has an IPTC Copyright message.
macOS Big Sur, ID 17.3
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epub doesn't support the none color. Since it has no colour it needs to output in a way that it is not displayed to the user.
Erub doesn't support the colour "None" which I use when I need to hide text from a document. [ And seriously it would be MUCH easier if you allowed people to post files created in YOUR tools to user voice. You look like you don't care. ]
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1 vote
- Don't see your idea?