Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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1. Description
2. Why is this valuable to you?
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5168 results found
Build a better interface between Excel and InDesign
I publish a magazine monthly. Every month I must identify the changes, update the head shots, and the hyperlinks back to the original page. The files all start in Excel, then export to Word, then move to InDesign tables.
If we could bring the updates (Head shots, hyperlinks, and text) into an ID table, this would saves us hours of work every month. That would pay for the CC License.
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allow pasting from left page to right page in master- exactly the same location
Every time I make a new document- my masters can be complex but the left and right side of the same master are a pain to make exactly the same.
So either make copy and paste work better in masters or add a feature that allows left and right sides to be lined up the same.
I want to be able to set all my parts and then set guides on the left side—
and then copy them ALL- guides, date, page numbers, doc name and other items to EXACTLY paste in the right hand side.
Right now Paste In…1 vote -
Ability to search for cell format
I want to be able to search for a cell styles in the same way I can search for a colour or text style. I like a tidy document and want to ensure that only the cell styles I want are used. Sometimes there are hangovers from old files and it is impossible to search for that cell style name.
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Floating Paragraph Rules Panel
A floating/dockable paragraph rules panel would be helpful when having to change a file with multiple paragraph rules applied manually and not in a style. As it is now I have to select each instance and open the dialog box and change the rule settings. Also, show both rule above and below at the same time in the dialog box! Thanks!
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"Remove Frame" option
If you have several items that are grouped together in a frame, it can be difficult to edit them. You have to cut them out of the frame to ungroup them.
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Show picture as it is being resized
In CS5 we could drag the corner of a picture and the picture would change as you pulled down. The new version only changes the frame and you can't see what the picture is doing. We print over 1,000 pictures in our weekly publication and this takes a HUGE amount of extra time to get the picture to the size we need it in the frame.
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Please add free templates that come with a paid subscription to InDesign and Illustrator.
It's ridiculous that I am paying for InDesign and Illustrator, and I don't have access to adobe stock. I need some templates and I shouldn't have to pay additionally for templates for InDesign and Illustrator.
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Discrete Zoom vs. Resize Multi-touch Gesture Preferences
Currently the enable/disable Multi-touch Gestures preferences turn on and off all multi-touch gestures, including multitouch resizing of content and interface actions, such as zoom. It would be great to have an option to preserve multi-touch UI gestures, such as zoom separate from enabling resizing of content. For example, it would be useful to be able to zoom in and out with multitouch in any area without having it actually affect content.
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Removal modal warnings when opening a document.
Such as missing links, fonts, etc. Perhaps a docked issues panel once the document is open, but modals block the loading, and if you happen to be opening several old documents at the same time... Also the one that needs attention inevitably pops under the one that says the document is loading. Just remove them all and find another way to give the user feedback.
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Caption Setup Metadata Dimensions in Inches OR ImageCatalog.jsx Script Labels in inches
I would like to be able to add dimensions in inches in Caption Setup.
This is useful for creating a reference contact sheet for printing graphics of many different sizesAlternatively, could ImageCatalog.jsx Script be edited to include a dimensions label in inches?
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Improve the time it takes to import to PDF in InDesign 2020
It takes up to 10 (ten) times as long to export to PDF in InDesign 2020 compared to InDesign 2019. These are files linked to graphics, not just text files.
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Increase increment limitation in InDesign (now max 35.278 mm, annoing)
Hi, I had old question about Keyboard Increment limitation to max 35.278 mm in InDesign. It is annoing, ok, I undestand purpose of limitatiot, but c'mon... 35mm? please, make this limitation bit bigger - up to ~300-500mm, please. ?
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Add a feature to the paragraph shading or the underlining where you can set the angle. For italic Fonts.
Would be a big relief if you could set an angle in the paragraph shading or the underlining. With this it would be possible to underline an italic Font individually and correctly.
Right now im forced to create a transformed rectangle under the italic Font to underline or highlight it with its angle. I cant do it with underlinings or shadowing for italic Fonts..1 vote -
Show Page Dimensions permanently in Document Window
With more than one tool to change general/individual page sizes, keeping an eye on these numbers is crucial.
Please make page dimensions visible at all time – e.g. in the slug/pasteboard area next to every page or in the Pages thumbnails, at least as some kind of tooltip or popup info. This behavior could be activated with a preferences checkbox. Thanks.
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OS Specific Features Lacking
I can respect that you want to keep the CC base code clean of OS specific features, but I HATE subscriptions and I HATE the fact that you make the apps feel like 2nd class citizens on Mac. Two examples:
1) Full screen windows.
2) Full Dark Mode support.I won't go into details as I am sure that any developer / engineer working on these products on a Mac knows exactly what I am speaking of. There was a time when I truly loved Adobe products and thought it was a fair company. Today with subscriptions and attitude, I'm…
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Merge groups
It would be good to be able to merge groups, not just layers.
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providing best solution for nuance support
We provide one of Best nuance Support And Help. We deliver Complete Dragon Customer Service and Support to our customers for Dragon Desktop applications. nuance Dragon support service is an independent organization. We has been providing nuance Support For Dragon Naturally Speaking for many years and we have the experience to fix various issues of Nuance product. We have highly skilled IT Specialist to work on Dragon naturally speaking software issues nuance Support +1-855-519-0111 is toll free number for customer to contact dragon support any time.
visit us: vote -
How to install install in android?
The user needs to sign in to install as mentioned over there and follow some simple steps. First of all, the user have to go to our web site. Norton 360 security is simple to install throughout the web site for more information
If you face any problem, setup, installing, downloading or any other problem like download and install and setup install with product key kindly CALL TOLL FREE: 000 800 100 7601.1 vote -
Make tool windows movable from anywhere within the window
Since I'm working with two screens I have a custom design to my workspace. However, whenever I use one screen only my workspace gets messed up and the headers of several tool windows appear in-between screens, making it impossible (?) to move them.
It would be great if I could click anywhere in a palette and move the window around, could even be together with a modifier.
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After creating a QR-Code-symbol, I can´t change the color in InDesign.
I have to copy-paste it to Illustrator, copy-past back to Indesign, to change the color. Wouldn´t it be comfortable, to change the color directly in Indesign?
1 voteWhile creating the QR Code Symbol, you can go to the Color tab in the “Generate QR Code” dialog to specify the color. You can also change the color for an existing QR Code by opening the “Edit QR Code” dialog.
Do let us know if this helps.
Adobe InDesign team
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