Add the ability to Name Pages
We build all our digital ads in indesign. 20 pages at 20 unique sizes. When we export to jpegs, we have to go and manually name every single image with the file name.
It would be nice if we could tag the file dimensions to each page and have this information export as a suffix to the original file name.
i.e. 0000-Client Code-'600x600', 0000-Client Code-'1280x760'
The pages would allow us to assign the 600x600 and the 1280x760 to the page for exporting and would carry over from document to document.
Please and thank you for your consideration.

The ability to add suffix to JPEG/PNG is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
Brittany commented
How is there not that many people commenting on this issue.. I haven't used InDesign in 5 months and that was the first thing I was looking for while creating pages! I completely forgot that it didn't have it.. so of course I googled it and ended up here.
All their other programs have it! ADOBE, PLEASE MAKE THIS HAPPEN!
Barbara Leung Larson commented
PLEASE MAKE IT SO!!! I love InDesign, for so many reasons, but naming or nicknaming pages would make it even better
Chelsea commented
Great Idea
Anonymous commented
yes please
Shane Patton commented
this feature would save an amazing amount of time.
Cherelyn commented
Evan your script worked brilliantly thank you. I generated a TOC and included bookmarks and anchors in the source para which bookmarked all the pages and ran your script.
Took all of 2 minutes from when I found this page. You are amazing. Thank you :) -
NEU! commented
While probably working on this soon, there should be an option to use the pagenames as export-names for export as single pages, such as jpg-export.
Human Person commented
Anonymous commented
I have been wanting this for a years.
The numbering an section option gives some leeway, but the choice to name every page would be the best
james commented
why can't you choose the resolution for the suffix script? i'm using the jpg one. also is there a prefix script. I need to have the 2x after the file name
Anonymous commented
please, please please
Melissa Ellsworth commented
It's such a small but important thing to have..
Evan commented
Sean, and anyone else who can use it. Here is a zip of various scripts I've created to batch export assets.
All work based off NEU's idea below, where you create named bookmarks for every page, then run the script to batch export all the bookmarked pages into individual files. The bookmark name is passed into the filename. Some of these scripts allow you to put in a global prefix and even include the pixel dimensions in the filename automatically.
They work pretty well, though the bookmark creation part is annoying and tedious. Would still love to see page names baked into indesign.
Erik commented
Different artboard names could be handy to export PDF as separate files. Now we often make two language versions on different pages (when too complex for layers). We have to export for every language another PDF. Or for different sizes advertisements in one InDesign file. If you could name the page with the size and publication, and generate separate PDF's with one preset, that would be nice!
Sean Meyers commented
It would be a miracle if they added this. I export hundreds of jpegs a day and then have to manually name each size in bridge, which takes a lot of time. If a page could be labelled 300x250 and a Document is named WEB Graphic, it would be amazing to export this as a jpeg and have it automatically be named WEB Graphic 300x250. Please adobe, please!! I'm a production manager and this would save so much time and help with accurately naming proofs.
Timothy Litostansky commented
This would be great. We use Id for on screen experiences, as well as print. When designing non-linear sets of screens, naming would be very helpful.
kt commented
It would be so helpful if you could name pages (much like layers). I've had to resort to using bookmarks, but having it visually on the pages panel would be amazing.
Anonymous commented
Yes, i would love that for presentations etc. Just for Navigating in the pages-window. Und export with something like presentation_001_$comment.png.
Joachim Tillessen commented
Due to their size the thumbnails in the pages palette often give little indication of their content, which makes finding pages difficult. If users could name pages and the names would be displayed in the panel next to the page number, that would make this task way easier.
NEU! commented
I workarounded a batch-jpg-export-script with given export filenames. These names are in the page-bookmarks. This scripting, just to have 'export-names', is clunky, to say at least.
I like the idea of giving the pages a script-label-like text field. Although various bookmarks can point to a single page, so you can use different export names per page.