Add the ability to Name Pages
We build all our digital ads in indesign. 20 pages at 20 unique sizes. When we export to jpegs, we have to go and manually name every single image with the file name.
It would be nice if we could tag the file dimensions to each page and have this information export as a suffix to the original file name.
i.e. 0000-Client Code-'600x600', 0000-Client Code-'1280x760'
The pages would allow us to assign the 600x600 and the 1280x760 to the page for exporting and would carry over from document to document.
Please and thank you for your consideration.

The ability to add suffix to JPEG/PNG is now available in InDesign’s latest release 19.0. Please let us know your feedback in comments.
Sanyam Talwar (he/him)
В В commented
<a href="">Выбор ведущего для свадьбы</a> - это ключевой момент в подготовке к празднику. Ведущий, также известный как тамада, играет важную роль в создании неповторимой атмосферы и праздничного настроения. В Германии свадебные ведущие профессионально воплощают традиции и обычаи, смешивая их с местной культурой. Они заботливо планируют каждый момент торжества, от встречи гостей до проведения интересных конкурсов и программы. Надежный свадебный ведущий в Германии - это ключ к успеху вашего праздника, гарантирующий незабываемые воспоминания для вас и ваших гостей.
Creative Overlord commented
Exactly as Erik said, this is what I would also like.
Using suffix on export isn't enough and doesn't allow it to be at the start of the filename, and weirdly adds spaces to page size then you still have to rename it.
When using alternative layouts and exporting the layout name can't be included in the suffix either (which I was hoping might be a solution), and exporting certain layouts becomes almost impossible as there seems to be no way to select "ranges" once you have a few layouts with custom names (like 5-20 instead of all pages) and it messes up gif export extensions too which is a shame.
Erik Bydlo commented
To follow up, I'm looking to add a name to a page, sometimes we have multiple 1080x1080 size and it needs to be exported for client Client_Projectname_PLASMA_1080x1080... Client_Projectname_FACEBOOK_1080x1080...etc.. I cannot seem to be able to name and use that to export file name of specific pages. Kind of like Photoshop does with Artboards.
Also: the ability to choose what character separates that information some sites do not like spaces in their filename
Andy commented
Naming of pages is still not possible. Please reopen.
Kostis K. commented
Needs revisiting—jpg/png suffix is a great addition but very far from initial request—to name individual pages (and use that name as suffix).
Colin Flashman commented
I agree with the other posters that the InDesign Dev team has misunderstood the brief here and MUST REOPEN THIS REQUEST. Read the comments below mine in date order to understand how the users would like the feature to ACTUALLY work!
Joachim Tillessen commented
Agree with many other users. Improved naming options for export of bitmap images is nice, but it is only one of many many use cases where we could benefit from named pages.
Jason Green commented
Yeah, it's an improvement, but we still can't name pages and pass them to export like you can in Adobe XD or Canva, so this idea is not completed. It's also not helpful when folks mention the Mars Premedia script over and over again. That script has significant limitations and just gives the devs an excuse not to deliver. Naming pages built into the InDesign UI is a basic function that improves the software and daily workflows for some design teams. Maybe we'll get it in next year's release?
Creative Overlord commented
Not completed, the issue is as Luke B said.
LukeB commented
This is not completed! You totally missed the whole point. We want to be able to name the pages like we can name artboards in Illustrator
Anonymous commented
Still missing NAME PAGE and be able to export that PAGE NAME as part of the filename.
By reading through these comments again, the answer is to install (and pay for) this AMAZING export tool--it literally does exactly what is being requested here--you set a style inside the page and this script exports files based on whatever that style points to. It works BRILLIANTLY.
Evan commented
No, you have NOT added the ability to "name pages!" You have added the ability to add an (automated) suffix when exporting images. Yes, I know you addressed the one specific example from the original post here, but have ignored the root of what we mean by "name pages." We want a way to LABEL individual pages in indesign with anything we want, and have that custom label carry through the the exported filename—including PDF exports as well as images, just like we can do with Illustrator artboards. This is very clearly explained by multiple people if you read through the full chain of comments around this request. So frustrating that it has been over 5 years and we still can't get anyone to understand this. BTW thanks for wiping out all my ID preferences with this latest update too, really appreciate that.
Mohammed Shahid Rahman commented
Thanks for the feature.
Audrey Shores commented
There's a way to kind of give the pages names, albeit very short ones, and they do not appear to carry through to the file names. Some people may find it helpful, however.
Right-click on the page in the Pages panel and select Numbering and Section Options. Under the Page Numbering section you can add a Section Prefix (make sure the Start Section checkbox is selected). It will continue on every page until you change it by "starting" a new section on another page.
Jason Green commented
@Max - Again, that script is not tenable in a team environment. It would be hard to get dozens of people to all use the script the same way and then script licensing has to be managed - sometimes across teams that are funded differently. When it comes to software design, user experience is everything. The function needs to be baked into InDesign in a way that is self-evident to users so we can get teams to utilize it. I think folks in this thread have done a good job of defining how it should work.
Max commented
Hi everyone,
This morning I found the perfect script totally by chance that pretty much implements every feature request from every post that's on this thread. There's a free 30 day trial and it costs just 32 USD, which I am more than happy to pay!
Jason Green commented
I did some user-testing of the Bookmarks feature, and while I can see how it is implementable within a team setting, it would take a lot more management to implement successfully as opposed to something as self-evident as being able to name the pages. My wife demoed Canva's solution to this and it works a lot like Adobe XD. Each Artboard has a one click updateable name above the top left of the artboard. When you export artboards, that name carries through to the file name, which is perfect. Being able to pass data such as the artboard size with a one click checkbox would add value to the system as you wouldn't have to hand key that in as a name.
Kelly Vaughn commented
While we wait for this feature to be implemented by the InDesign team, I wanted to recommend another idea that may be helpful to those of you who are wanting this feature.
PDF Stickies by Kerntiff Publishing:
This plugin utilizes InDesign notes and converts them to PDF sticky notes upon PDF export. The great thing about this is that the notes can either be in their own text frame, or as part of threaded text, the text reflows, the note will stay with the text to which it relates. This has become my #1 most valuable InDesign plugin and my entire technical publishing workflow depends on it. In my case, I fill these notes with questions for the reviewer, or notes for myself about things I need to check before final output (to printer or delivery to the customer). But you could also use the Notes to add your own page labels, like Business Card, Envelope, etc.
I even go so far as to have a script in Acrobat that color-codes the notes based on content. So all the ones that start with "Note to Kelly" are turned yellow. All the ones that start with "Photo Request" are turned blue, etc. It makes for handy visual grouping (in the PDF comments pane) of the various types of information still needed to finalize the document.
My documents contains often more than 200 comments, so that color coding might be a bit overkill for small documents with only a couple of categories of information (like an identity package), but for long documents, it's an invaluable tool.
I'd also like to echo the recommendation for utilizing InDesign Bookmarks feature. That functionality already built into the program and work great to help navigate a complex document (like a magazine layout).
Anonymous commented
And as other users said, simply naming an Page would be great.
Names as
"ask client"
"15min pause in presentation"
"image not ready"
"does not matter since it is at the end of the filename so people may use it or not but some may find it incredibly useful" -
Anonymous commented
One more wish:
Could the Export please add the same options for a prefix?
would be an example where numbering in the front is useful. Lightroom has great options with the filenames at the export.