Over the years I (and others) have requested that the UI of InDesign be scalable. As designers, our eyes navigate us thru the creative process.
IT IS NOT EASY to readily decipher palettes and menus which sport MICROSCOPIC TYPE on a 28-inch, high-resolution monitor.
It IMPEDES workflow if one is spending extra time trying to find and choose things on the interface.
At least give us a choice! Smaller, Medium, Large, Extra-large.
When will Adobe get this??????

Scalable UI feature is now available in the latest version of InDesign – InDesign 2022. Please get the latest version of InDesign from the Creative Cloud Desktop app. — Adobe InDesign team
Jose Calderon commented
Abobe InDesign software engineers:
Please make InDesign’s interface scalable so that icons, etc, can appear larger. Please.
Seems like they are getting smaller with each upgrade.
Thank you -
Sten M. commented
Amen to that request.
rennoib commented
UI scale don't work. I'm using 2 screens of 1080p and only allow me 2 options, one too big, so I can't read or use anything on the bottom. The other option show the text and symbols ridiculously small.
This don't happened with others Adobe software. I'm working on W10.
Milestones62 commented
On a side note:
Please also support the request
"Adding an option to increase the anchor point handle size"
It has only 6 votes and is on page 40!Thank you
MLasko commented
Using the exact same setup and having a similar issue. My interface is fine, but my cursor is gigantic! It's very annoying. These Dell docking stations are terrible :/
Tugce commented
I am crying, please make it bigger PLEASE
Nick commented
The display scaling across the suite on Windows varies dramatically. InDesign doesn't even have GPU acceleration. It's night and day between macOS and Windows implementations.
I don't think Adobe is too bothered about InDesign users as it's not a growth segment.
I suggest you look at Affinity Publisher as none of these are issues, for a one-off £48.99. I'm stuck with InDesign for workflow reasons and compatibility with clients... but it's worth a look.
Charlotte Sinclaire commented
P.S. I'm going to check out Affinity Publisher -- I have it installed already. If its UI is easier to see, I may try a few projects therein and see if I like it any better. If I do, then ....
Charlotte Sinclaire commented
I just traded my 28" monitor for a 43" monitor and I still have the same size interface as before. Sure, I could increase the size of the interface if I'm willing to not take advantage of the high resolution of my new monitor. But I bought this monitor for a reason, and in every other way, I'm extremely happy with it. It is only the lack of scalability in InDesign's user interface that causes me any grief at all. Since I'm not alone in this, I'm not going to blame the resolution on my monitor but would ask that InDesign developers please hear us on this issue and make the interface scalable. I am forever squinting at the little numbers in the control panel!!!
Anonymous commented
Just signed up to Free trial and this will make me think twice about carrying on - it's crazy that design software is so poorly designed ! I'm going to need about 5 pairs of glasses... please fix
Jonathan commented
Indesign UI scaling on a high DPi screen is poor and needs fixing asap. I am using a Dell XPS 13 9300 with a 4k display. Version of Indesign is 15.11. Even with UI scaling set to high, the UI is unacceptably small - too small to any kind of work. Other apps seem ok. WIndows display settings set to 300%, which is sufficient for basically everything except Indesign
Rebecca G commented
People have been complaining for years about Indesign's hard to see UI and the inability to make adequate changes. Why is it 2020, and this issue is still unresolved? I shouldn't have to change my Windows UI to make it better, which by the way it doesn't. Attached pic of my display at the recommend UI setting of 250% on a 15 inch screen.
Martin Randolph commented
I have a 5K monitor and am in Windows 10. My OS display is set at 350%. Photoshop and Illustrator UI display perfectly but InDesign is too small! I can’t use the software! I have the June 2020 update! When will this issue be fixed?
TKalra commented
User interface of Indesign 2020 is very small..UI of other softwares
are still fine. -
Scheurer commented
same same
James commented
This feature has been requested for years and years (well before CreativeCloud came along) and has been thus far ignored. I don't expect that to change any time soon... but it really needs addressing.
Christine Winscott commented
I would really would like to be able to "scrub" the T next to the font size in menu to choose the size I would like to use. It is SO much faster than having to type it in or click and scroll up or down. If it can be done in PhotoShop it should be available in InDesign too.
I also TOTALLY agree with the UI being too small!
Cross platform compatibility would be great!
We all pay more than ever before for these programs, please listen to our requests. I've been paying since 1993. -
Charan Langton commented
Here is another: I want to move my graphic with the frame as the default. Spend a lot of time figuring out where to click so I can move a graphic and not its frame.
Charan Langton commented
So true. Have a really hard time with this tiny interface. In fact I just cant use a couple of the Adobe software at all. Seems my eyes just cant handle the text size. The menu boxes are too tiny even for my small screen. VERY ANNOYING.
Ches Hensley commented
Even working on a standard 15.6" laptop there are major UI issues. The interface is ridiculously small and any attempt to find a work around results in a throwback moment to the 90s and low-bit resolutions with significant blur on all interface items. The dropdown menus for the application in the top menu bar all open to scale with system settings but all icons and application features/menus retain the microscopic scaling.