Please make it possible to insert footnotes in Tables

Dear All,
This feature is now available in latest InDesign CC version. Please upgrade to the latest release.
Abhinav Agarwal
Alex commented
Footnotes in Tables in Version 14 is good. But they do not suit needs of all of us!
I need footnotes from the whole page from different Textboxes / Tables at the end of the page.
There should be an option for an extra textbox with footnotes from the whole page.
It is still not possible. -
Rainer Klute commented
As mentioned before it should be possible to have the footnote just under the table – or even better and logically: in the footer of the table.
It's not useful to have the table footnote at the bottom of the textframe where the table is placed. -
andlusy commented
how can i find this feature ?
Florin commented
@Rainer Klute,
Table footnotees can be just insert after the table.
the Thing in the beta is the right one mostly needed. -
Rainer Klute commented
Sorry Abhinav, but "insert footnotes in (sic!) tables" is NOT "available in beta builds".
What I see there is that the footnote text is added to the regular footnotes section on the page but not directly under the table. There is no use at all for this solution. Please take it away from the next release and rebuild it.
Gerald Donker commented
This has to go high on the list of 'needs' not just 'wants'.
Deepak Kumar commented
This is the very important feature which is needed in our projects.
Klaas commented
as far as i can see the beta does not solve the standard needs for table footnotes, e.g.
– notes belobe/above table
– separate numbering/styling per table / tablestylePlease add real table footnotes to give users real advantage of this new feature. Otherwise you can call it "NEW" but it will be needless.
Thanks a lot for you efforts!
Collective Lab of Ideas commented
Please give both options, one option where the entire Document including tables and boxes have a continuing numbering, then you can provide a "start new numbering" option like with lists for those who want different numbering within tables and boxes.
Also, is there a way to make this consistent across book files, maybe it already exists and I am not aware of it.
KLO commented
karien sticker commented
please give us a solution. I loose hours to solve this problem.
Microsoft Word does this smoothly. I thought Adobe was the best... -
Anonymous commented
It shouldn't be a request. It's a must !!!!!!!!! that's so unprofessional!
Anonymous commented
Need to add footnotes in tables.
Anonymous commented
Please make footnotes in tables possible!
Deepak commented
Please add this feature
Thomas Hutchinson commented
Need footnotes in tables, quick! is there a work-a-round?
Emil commented
We need it!
Salah Fadlabi commented
Nuno Beirão commented
Make footnotes in tables possible! PLEASE!!!!
Darya commented
PLEASE do it finally, I am surprised there are only 13 comments, it is so frustrating to create invisible footnotes just to make the numbering consistent :(