Adobe InDesign: Feature Requests
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704 results found
Cache remote/server images on local drive for high quality display preview
Yesterday I was working on a document from another office so the server wasn't in the building. I was working on graphics that required hi-res display so I could use them as a guide, but because they were all on the server the performance was abysmal. I realised after a while what the problem was, copied them to my local hard drive and re-linked so everything was much faster.
InDesign should be able to do this automatically: when a large image is not on the local drive, a copy of it could live in a cache somewhere to be used…
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Horizontal guides that alter in relation to margins
Horizontal guides that alter in relation to margins if you have to change the page sizing in document setup.
At the moment, if you need to change the page size of a document, you have to manually reset all the horizontal/row guides (e.g. Remove Existing Ruler Guides and reset the number of rows and the gutter). If InDesign automatically recalculated the guides it would save a lot of time.1 vote -
Put spinners back in Object>Tranform
Bug, oversight, or poor design has eliminated the spinners that allow me to efficiently resize and reposition an object. Please put them back - I use them constantly.
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Create strokes/guides for Production purposes.
When creating a layout that requires fold lines, these strokes could be placed across the layout BUT only show up in the slug/bleed area. This would eliminate 2 smaller strokes on either side of the doc or one continuous stroke with a white box over the center portion.
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Smart Guides for Grid Spacing
In this feature Smart Guides would recognize grid spacing for object groups. So say you have three boxes equally spaced, you select all three, and alt drag to create duplicates below. Smart Guides would recognize the spacing you have in the first three boxes, and would apply that same perpendicular spacing to the three new boxes so you have a perfect grid spacing between all 6 boxes.
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Problem mit der Steuerleiste
Siehe die Bildschirmfotos
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When you have a box with a placed item and you go to replace the item, the program should not INCREASE or DECREASE the percentage of the place item to fill the box. (Just cost me a client)
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Blending mode (effect pannel) Text and forms as a mask with the next image
Dear Adobe, could you make it possible to add behind a text or form a picture - like in photoshop with masks. May be it would be possible to integrate it as a effect (blending mode) to have mark the layer as a mask (black) mask (white) - this would help a lot making much faster
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Copying Links to folder fails
Oftentimes, when I try to copy links to a folder, it fails. No explanation as to why. It's happened dozens of times. Occasionally, it works. Usually not, though.
I am running InDesign 13.1 on Mac OS 10.13.6
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new visual identifier for missing glyphs rather than using the same pink color that indicates 'missing font'
Please create a new visual identifier for missing glyphs rather than using the same pink color that indicates 'missing font'. I have just answered for the 3rd time a client's question why "The text is all in pink boxes but the Find Font dialog says there's no missing font, how can this be?!" Typically this happens when Western-language documents are translated to an Asian or Cyrillic language by pasting in the supplied translation. If the designer is doing the pasting themselves, and if they're experienced enough, they can usually figure it out. But if the translation company does it and…
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Tabs whose location is set from the right instead of from the left (not just the right-aligned tab!)
Recently setting a series of tables of financial data, I noticed that, if the column width varied, I had to set individual decimal-aligned tabs for each column to ensure that the numbers ended up a similar distance from the right edge of the column. (In other words, so that the numbers in the narrow columns aligned correctly on the decimal without having the numbers in the wide columns appear too far to the left.)
Would it be possible to create a set of tab stops whose positions are calculated from the right-hand edge rather than the left? This would have…
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Free use of units in Move dialog box
In Illustrator, when moving object, you can choose either pt or mm (or others) regardless of your unit settings in Preferences. This is very helpful when working with graphics and text at the same time ... for example I normally work in mm when moving graphics around, but sometimes it is useful to move text for example 2 lines up or down. In Illustrator I can then type '24 pt' in the Move dialog box - but this feature does not exist in InDesign ... I can only move text and objects in mm.
Would be very helpful to have…1 vote -
Curvilinear text tool on several lines
Instead of limitating the use of this tool to one line, you should be able to make a paragraph based on the shape you use the curvilinear tool on.
For instance, if i want to write on the edge of a wheel divided in different parts, so that the text follows the shape of the circle. Let's say that the name of the wheel's part is a three lines title, when i press enter, indesign would create another circle on wich the text would follow the curve. see atached picture
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In the pop up window file menu, "Object, Transform, Scale", when scaling a warning can be shown that object can't be scaled as they'd fall
In the pop up window file menu, "Object, Transform, Scale", when scaling a warning is shown that objects can't be scaled as they'd fall off the pasteboard. This is mainly due to the wrong point indesign scales from. IE it may be set to top left whereas centrally or mid right may scale no problem. But because the warning pops up you have to cancel what you're doing, select the different point then start the scaling process again.
Can the squares of the object not be combined with the scale pop up window please?
Please see attached existing and required…1 vote -
Ability to bring whole excel like worksheet in indesign
As a graphic design working on a annual report, we require financial figures to correctly align numbers and to dashes to be represented like in excel. Kindly built a feature to bring excel like tables into indesign.
Also, please improve strokes and fills setting in indesign tables. As the tables styles dont work properly.
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Please add support for Yiddish
The problem i find is that InDesign CS2018 (and basically all versions of InDesign CC) does not dependably handle Yiddish text. Sometimes it will break words at arbitrary points when it comes to the end of the line. See attached screenshot. I've highlighted certain words in green. You can see that when some of them reach the end of the line, they are getting broken in the middle of the word. Hyphenation is turned off, this should not be happening.
I've attached an InDesign package with this page and its font, if you'd like to play with it and see…
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Fix dictionary translating from US to UK (and vice versa) in macOS High Sierra
Dictionary not working correctly after upgrading to macOS High Sierra. I translate many documents from US to UK spelling (and the reverse). The dictionary used to work perfectly, but since moving to High Sierra neither dictionary recognises incorrect spellings from the wrong continent. It thinks all the spellings are correct. I've checked all paragraph styles, basic paragraph styles and preferences to no avail, so deleted my preferences but this feature no longer works.
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