Have two systems of unit measurement operate simultaneously, depending on feature and function
I would like InDesign to operate simultaneously in two unit of measurement systems. I would like to be able to work and view typographic measurements such as point size, leading, paragraph spacing, baseline shift, and drop shadow amounts in Picas/Points; but at the same time see my page size, margins, object dimensions, column widths and such displayed in inches, or mm, or even pixels, according to my need. I don't want to have to switch back and forth to easily SEE and reference measurements in control panels. I want some to display in one system, but others to display in a different system, and I want to be able to have some control of which unit system to use in various functions.

Lukas Engqvist commented
I do understand the idea. How would you envision this? If it should not clutter the interface then right-clicking a value field to set the unit for that field would be convenient.
This is similar to the discussion in InDesign Secrets. (https://www.facebook.com/groups/indesignsecrets/posts/3368448693389603/?comment_id=3369202589980880¬if_id=1659300602729657¬if_t=group_comment_follow)
I would a parametric approach where we could add equations and/or formulas (as an example indent = 2*x-height or indent = Em etc.) and this could then be added as a unit of measurement?