[ID-4208669]QR Code Generator Problems with Special Characters in vCards
In the actual version of indesign (16.0) there is still an issue with internal generated vCard-QR-Code scanned by an iphone.
In germany there are special Characters called "Umlaute" (ü, ö, ä) or the "sharp s" (ß). If these characters are used in an vCard generated within the buildin function from indesign, they are replaced with other symbols on the iPhone QR-Code-Camera Reader.
I think this is only a Problem of the used vCard-Version. I think indesign uses Version 2.1 if you would just use Version 3.0 this issue does not appear.
please see attached one example
Kind regards from germany
Bug QR code on iOs.jpg 236 KB -
Correct QR code on Android.jpg 213 KB -
qr-code2.png 9 KB -
qr-code1 ID.png 9 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-13 um 14.49.23.png 130 KB -
Bildschirmfoto 2022-12-13 um 14.49.16.png 130 KB -
iphone.png 125 KB -
indesign.jpg 157 KB -
iphone.png 125 KB -
indesign.jpg 157 KB -
IMG_0282.PNG 91 KB

Fix for this issue is now available in the latest InDesign Release version 20.1 (Build, available via Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update your InDesign application to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Matty Mosci commented
Give this tool a try, it exports qr codes with data merge source file for vcards and other types:
https://qr.lovepoly.online/ -
Matty Mosci commented
Give this tool a try, it exports qr codes with data merge source file for vcards and other types:
https://qr.lovepoly.online/ -
Matty Mosci commented
Give this tool a try, it exports qr codes with data merge source file for vcards and other types:
https://qr.lovepoly.online/ -
Alexandre Tremblay commented
“We will review the issue shortly”… It’s been four years, and it’s still a problem in version 2025!
I need my accents!
enea grama commented
Dear Adobe Team. Please give full commitment to solve an overdue problem for all german speaking people. Generating a QR code in Indesign, using a name with «Umlaut», that said special signs such as üöäé etc. the system does not recognize them and writes while scanning the vCard instead of Müller, M√°ller. That problem is appearing since some updates, Millions of printed cards are therefore affected.
Please put max priority to that problem.
thank you
renaud commented
Like Marianne Skettrup, it would be nice if indesign could handle all types of accent, there are many in latin languages but also in eastern countries, etc.
Mr. Brown 300 commented
We will review the matter shortly????
Come on, four years and nothing happens?
85 Postst here alone - a lot more post about this problem in other places.Please fix it now!
Bradley Smith commented
still not working
looks like apple will not allow addresses or URLS just name number and email work -
Jonas Beckmann commented
The moment when you realize that a BUG submitted in 10/2020 is still not fixed and every other browser QR code generator does a better job and doesn't even get paid for it. It's really ironic to write "Thanks for reporting. We will review the issue shortly."
For everyone who is looking for a workaround:
Angela Mats commented
I am having this issue as well with the name, José. Their name is not Jose. The iphone scans are showing random symbols.
Please fix this. It looks like many of us are waiting for an update!
Mac Conin commented
push - its 2023 ...
And please check that TEXT respects line breaks
Heike Herzog-Kuhnke commented
How long will that review still take? I think three years should be enough to find out how to solve this.
Any update Adobe?
Anna Semczuk commented
One of my clients has an 'ë' in his name. When scanning the QR-code with Android, everything is shown perfectly. However, when scanning with iPhone (no specific model) the 'ë' is recplaced by symbols, thus the system doesn't recognise the character or font. The cards have been printed, but are now not suitable for use, when handing them to clients using iPhone.
Is this a bug from Adobe, or what is going on? Will this be fixed in the near future, or do we need to reprint? -
JR cetout commented
Accents are not active in french when vcard was created.
Alain Melsens commented
Currently, QR codes are having a great success. Especially when used on business cards. But indeed, on iPhones, many names and words with strange punctuation and accent marks are still being incorrectly converted. When will this finally change? There does appear to be a bug in the QR VCard converter when using iPhones.
So please, fix this. -
Maxime van der Laarse commented
This is still not working for iPhone and most of our customers have iPhones. In Europe, we have a lot of special characters. So please fix this!
Annelise commented
This is still not working with special characters. When will you fix this? In Denmark we are using special characters in our alphabet: æ, ø og å - very common in names.
Mathias commented
WHEN will you finally fix this bug and enable vCard 3.0? It's been three years since it was first posted. It is so annoying!
Tom Sawyer 612 commented
Tom Sawyer 612 commented
Dear Adobe,
the bug is still present, although there are no umlauts at all!Vcard QR-Codes made with latest Indesign version (20.03.2023) often do not work with iPhone / iOS devices.
Error on iPhone (German): "Keine nutzbaren Daten gefunden" / : No usable data foundWhile android phones are always able to scan those "faulty" QR-codes.
This error also happens if there are no umlauts in the vacard fields.If one produces 1.000 vcard qr-codes and 10 of them will not work,
it is not possible to find out which of them are faulty until scanning them one by one with iPhone.Adobe please fix / update Indesigns V-Card 2.1 version to 3.0 or even better: 4.0!
Thank you!!!