Share for Review- White/Black screen only
When I try to Share for Review, I only see this. I have updated my software to the most recent release. Any advice is greatly appreciated.
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The fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign release 16.2.1
Please update to this latest version of InDesign to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
danis commented
Still the issue exists...Every time to share for a review i have a heart attack... sometimes blank grey screen sometimes like there is no link and tries to create new one...sometimes infinity blue circle rolling.... someone needs to fix this or to remove it as a feature until is fixed...
Anonymous commented
Also having trouble with creating a link for others to use to review. The circle icon just spins and nothing happens...
Katie Muth commented
My team and I are still running into issues with share for review working. Is there a solution yet?
sdruesch commented
I have release 16.3.2 and it is still showing a blank screen. Help?
Anonymous commented
Today is Monday Aug 9th. I'm on MAC OS big sur 11.5, and the latest version of InDesigm 16.3.2. SAME ISSUE: When I try to update the 'SHARE FOR REVEIW' link, i get the blue spinning wheel forever and it never updates. Restarted, Signed in and Out of CC, same issue.
Melissa commented
My InDesign is updated and my "Share for Review" window is empty. :(
Jaemin commented
Still not working for me and it's July 27... uh oh...
David Sienko commented
The five work arounds you've listed haven't worked for me. So far five hours wasted today. Yeah Adobe speeds things up.... hahahaha
Angie commented
When is this going to be fixed? Hard to complete client projects without it.
Amelia commented
Still not fixed 15 july 2021
bruno commented
still not fixed error persists as of the 24/6/2021
Sandra commented
Unfortunately, this problem is still not solved in the new update. At the moment I am working on a big job for an important client in Amsterdam. Indesign crashed while I was trying to re-link the document.
After restarting the apps and the computer, all the files (documents) I had shared with the customer showed a black screen. After I logged out of my adobe account, the screen was visible again but all comments had disappeared. Only the version in the browser was still visible. -
Simon commented
Still not fixed in 16.2.1 on Mac.
Martin Henle commented
Still no fix (Also got the latest update)
edward nichter commented
Ravi Kiran (Senior Lead Quality Engineer, Adobe InDesign) responded · May 20, 2021
The fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign release 16.2.1LOL no it's not. I've been dealing with Adobe for years and years and it amazes me how buggy it is. You all have to get this fixed. Publish online is a disaster too.
Chris commented
Still not fixed although I get the spinning blue icon when updating a link not a blank panel.
All updated to 16.2.1 and followed all solutions mentioned here
I'm pulling my hair out! -
Anonymous commented
We pay a lot for this nonsense and it is infuriating that bugs are introduced as fast as they are resolved. it is ridiculous that we should have to start digging into the file system this deep to fix an aspect of the software that your company put out, obviously without enough testing. We pay on time but are expected to figure out these types of bugs, especially for a feature as needed as this one, and end up paying for updates that do not work. This company needs to fix itself. Also the total lack of regard for complaining, paying customers is a show of disrespect for customers that i will never understand.
Anonymous commented
The issue is fixed...Now there is a blue spinning ball under “create a web link for stakeholders to comment and provide feedback”.
Khristian commented
Share for review is a nightmare:
1. I set up the document for review and added the reviewer
2. I update the document and try to update the link for review
2.a. The blue spinning wheel keeps spinning for hours on end
2.b. The document is not updated
3. I restart ID and try again - same outcome
4. I restart ID and try again - blank "Share for Review" box...
5. I close ID, logout of Creative Cloud then log back in
6. The options reappear and I click to update the link
7... repeat ad infinitum -
Chris commented
This issue has *still* not been fixed, despite what is being communicated here. V 16.1. Error/bug fixing for Share for Review has been incredibly poor, with errors remaining since launch.