Major System Font Issue!
Our publishing company recently ran the InDesign update (to 15.0.2) and have discovered some major font issues. I have narrowed it down to InDesign 15.0.2, macOS Catalina 10.15.3, and Suitcase Fusion 21.0.0. I actually don't think Suitcase has too much to do with this, because the problem occurred after the InDesign update, but it's our font management software so I'm including it. Basically it appears system fonts have become problematic with InDesign. Packaged files are suddenly showing up with lots of the dreaded pink. I have tested about everything I can. I even created some very simple type only files that are having system font issues as well. Sometimes the document will open ok and the fonts will appear fine. Then when I go to export, the system fonts turn pink. Sometimes the file can't open the fonts at all and they start out and remain highlighted pink. Other times it will open but them shut off a few seconds later. It's only happening with system fonts. I have included screen shots for reference. I hope this issue can be fixed asap because it's font chaos over here! Thank you.
Capture d’écran 2020-05-14 à 06.20.11.jpg 300 KB -
simple-file-font-not-ok.png 841 KB -
simple-file-font-ok.png 833 KB -
previously-packaged-file.png 2225 KB -
previously-packaged-file-2.png 1013 KB -
Seconod simple file with Bondoni-opens fine.png 1085 KB -
Screen Shot Font shut off when exporting.png 1367 KB -
Packaged file-with errors.png 1013 KB -
Packaged file-Says no errors.png 2225 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 9.35.59 AM.png 841 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 9.36.28 AM.png 833 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 10.01.38 AM.png 2722 KB

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.1
Please update to this version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
David commented
Helvetica and Avenir (Next) are two of the most commonly used typefaces for designers. Please address this issue soon!
Anonymous commented
you have been aware of this problem sine March 6, 2020 - is there any resolution other than uninstalling 15.02 and going back to 15.0?
Frau Kre commented
I also have these font issues with Avenir and Avenir Next. Could't find anything in the web or adobe help for days until I discovered this page. Very, very, annoying - anytime I open a file, these font can't be found.
Glad to discover I'm not the only one...when will this bug be fixed? But what can I do until then? How can I carry on with my work without changing the corporate fonts?
Albert Camicioli commented
I'm also having this issue with system fonts particularly Avenir and Avenir Next (our main corporate font-I have no other Avenir's open to conflict with). The other related issue is packaging files, if I do this and packaging another file it creates another folder with the same name as the 1st file I packaged, but with only a fonts folder in it (as well as the file I am currently packaging) if I have many files to package this just goes on and on until I restart Indesign and delete preferences. As well, most of the packaged files have font issues. This has been going on since Indesign 2020, but got worse with 15.02. It happened in Mojave and Catalina. Please fix this soon, I'm beyond frustrated.
Shelby Jones commented
It's a bit disheartening to see that this bug has not even been mentioned in the "Known Issues" of the latest beta builds on the pre-release program.
Anonymous commented
Have the same issue. When will this be resolved?
Anonymous commented
Have the same issue. When will this be resolved?
Sandra Hartigan commented
Having the same issue, thanks for reviewing the issue.
Nils Köpfer commented
I am having problems with InDesign not recognizing Helvetica, running macos Catalina. It mostly works for a minute, then shows up an error missing fonts.
Michelle Rapaport commented
Has there been a fix for this????
I'm having the same issues with many fonts. -
Anonymous commented
I am having the same issues. Sometimes I close the file and then reopen it and it appears fixed. But, the next day, the same issues reoccurs. This is very frustrating.
Fernando commented
@Abhinav we have been experiencing this issue after Indesign 15.0.1+ updates. What solved the problem for us is uninstalling indesign and installing version 15.0. It tends to work after this "duck tape" change.
We also kept trying various habits to see if we noticed anything else and noticed that shortcuts had issues. The main one was using the type shortcut (T). When we hit "T" and click on the type box to make a change it went back to the previous tool we had selected. So, the "type select" tool only worked when we access it from the tool box and NOT from the shortcuts.
Hope this helps point out the area that might need work.
troyjack commented
Same problem here, with Avenir Next. Closing and reopening the document (with no other docs open that use the same font) fixes it... As a (hopefully temporary) work-around.
I don't know what happened, but 15.0.2 is proving to be the buggiest version of Indesign I've ever used. -
Chan commented
Avenir is the problem font for us as well. But that doesn't mean others won't freak out on us. Even stranger, even though the font is all greeked on the screen. Exported pdfs themselves are fine and show no corruption. Running InDesign 15.0.2, macOS Catalina 10.15.4, Suitcase Fusion 18.2.4 (1517)
Courtney commented
Having the same issue with Avenir! Our quick fix is to delete this font file from the "Document Fonts" folder that is tied to the packaged folder. We are running on InDesign 15.0.2, macOS Mojave 10.14.6, and Suitcase Fusion 21.0.1.
Jamie commented
Having this issue with Helvetica (entire family). This is a huge issue for me as a graphic designer whose company font is Helvetica. We need a fix to this ASAP!!!!!
Anonymous commented
Since the 15.0.2 InDesign update, InDesign won't recognize system fonts; mostly with Helvetica Bold and Futura Bold. Eventually I find a way to work around the issue, but every time I restart my Mac or try to make a pdf, I see pink. This is a serious problem.
Anonymous commented
Running Mojave, have fonts issues with two archived books both packaged correctly, one font Baskerville Semibold Italic, the other a script font. Opened documents in Indesign 2019 worked fine, 2020 update not seeing many fonts, suitcase not the issue, and I don't think its Apple because both Mojave and Catalina have been around for a while.
Peter Crownfield commented
It's even worse if I try to Open… a document from within InDesign — it fails to find many more fonts that are not system fonts but are in the Document Fonts folder
Lauren Foran commented
I'm having the same issue with Avenir Next. Extremely frustrating. Mac OS Catalina v 10.15.3