Major System Font Issue!
Our publishing company recently ran the InDesign update (to 15.0.2) and have discovered some major font issues. I have narrowed it down to InDesign 15.0.2, macOS Catalina 10.15.3, and Suitcase Fusion 21.0.0. I actually don't think Suitcase has too much to do with this, because the problem occurred after the InDesign update, but it's our font management software so I'm including it. Basically it appears system fonts have become problematic with InDesign. Packaged files are suddenly showing up with lots of the dreaded pink. I have tested about everything I can. I even created some very simple type only files that are having system font issues as well. Sometimes the document will open ok and the fonts will appear fine. Then when I go to export, the system fonts turn pink. Sometimes the file can't open the fonts at all and they start out and remain highlighted pink. Other times it will open but them shut off a few seconds later. It's only happening with system fonts. I have included screen shots for reference. I hope this issue can be fixed asap because it's font chaos over here! Thank you.
Capture d’écran 2020-05-14 à 06.20.11.jpg 300 KB -
simple-file-font-not-ok.png 841 KB -
simple-file-font-ok.png 833 KB -
previously-packaged-file.png 2225 KB -
previously-packaged-file-2.png 1013 KB -
Seconod simple file with Bondoni-opens fine.png 1085 KB -
Screen Shot Font shut off when exporting.png 1367 KB -
Packaged file-with errors.png 1013 KB -
Packaged file-Says no errors.png 2225 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 9.35.59 AM.png 841 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 9.36.28 AM.png 833 KB -
Screen Shot 2020-03-04 at 10.01.38 AM.png 2722 KB

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.1
Please update to this version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
Same problem here with the Helvetica Neue. indesign does not recognise the font.
Why does the fix take so long? -
Pam commented
I didn't read all of the 129 comments but what I did read there is a reasonable amount of frustration. My workaround, again I didn't read everyone's comments so someone else may have suggested this too, is to use Avenir Book and add a stroke to it to make it bold. Then take your eyedropper and apply the style every where else you need a bold font in your document. I hope this helps. :)
Judy Miamis commented
PLEASE fix this! our corporate font is Avenir, all our InDesign documents are being hit with this font problem!
Anonymous commented
I am having the same issue with Avenir Book Oblique, Avenir Heavy and Futura Medium Condensed. These fonts are staples for all of my organization's publications. Attached is a small sample of the gibberish.
I see that Ravi from Adobe commented on June 29. Today is July 31 and my deadline is early next week.
Ravi, has the problem been solved? Do you have a workaround? Please advise. -
Anonymous commented
InDesign 15.11 fails to consistently load Avenir Next Condensed Demi Bold and Medium faces. Unpredictable. Which means failure. Adobe: it is the “industry-leading layout and page design software” but the application will not find mac OS system fonts? What an utter disregard for your creative cloud customers.
Nicholas Cuccia commented
Misery loves company. Glad to see I'm not the only one who's having these font errors. One minute the file opens and the font displays, minutes later the font error/the highlighting appears and I close InDesign, then a crash report dialog box appears. This is lame!!
Sean Morgan commented
Good morning. Are there any updates on the font issues we are all experiencing? If you need any more information or screenshots, please let me know.
Thanks for any information.
Anonymous commented
This is such a nightmare! Please let me know when this is fixed
joe d commented
What a waste of time. How can this be possible for a page layout program. Have spent may hours dealing with this issue with the same doc or different dodc over and over
Anonymous commented
It's always the same fonts that are not "missing" even though they are installed on my system (see screenshot) and were fine before we updated inDesign. I am currently on v15.1.1 using Catalina on a Mac. This does NOT happen to EVERYTHING I open though. When it does happen, I select "Skip" to avoid replacing fonts and close the document. I then reopen and it's fine. Adobe....please fix this sporadic issue!!
barbara commented
Same result, but with any font available locally and on typekit.
Wendy Turrentine commented
O Dear!
I was about to release my files to the client after making a few edits when I noticed on a few pages fonts are missing! This is not good. Please advise of a fix soon, REALZ soon!! The missing font is Palatino... -
Jburke commented
With every update this issue is still not fixed. So incredibly frustrating and wastes so much time. I've resorted to downgrading to version 15 as this font issue is complete and utter bs. Why did the Adobe InDesign Team break something that wasn't broke? Fix it please!!!!!! Also, tell your friends on the Photoshop team to fix the jpeg issue as well. geeshhhhhhh.....
Matt commented
Here's another possible fix I discovered recently by accident (the things we do for clients...). Open the affected document and a new document of similar dimensions. After highlighting the pages in the page panel of the affected document, right click them and select the "move pages" action to place them in the new document. I don't know why, but I haven't had font issues since. Good luck y'all.
Julian commented
Any update on when this will be fixed?
Leisa commented
Having the same issue with Avenir
Leigh commented
Having the same issues with Avenir and Helvetica.
InDesign 15.1.1 on macOS 10.14.6
Anonymous commented
Avenir and Helvetica problems. Sometimes they show up and sometimes they don't!! Please fix this.
Whitney Bruscato commented
I know you are asking the original poster, but I figured I'd fill you in as well. It happens with typekit fonts, in a file where typekit fonts where used the day before, synced up working fine. Creative Cloud is running in the background, we have it set to open when we start our computer so that fonts always stay synced.
For example, every day we save all files and close before leaving work because every so often IT may come through and do updates to Windows and restart our PC. When we arrive to work the next morning, we reopen the same file we saved at 5 PM the prior day, and get the "Find Fonts" window. The "Activate" check box is grayed out. I close the "Find Fonts" window without resolving anything and look in the font dropdown list and the font isn't there. I click the tab at the top of the font dropdown list that lets you look through adobe fonts that aren't activated and I can find it, but the icon shows that it is activated. Deactivating/reactivating there doesn't do anything. The only way I can get the font to reactivate is to go to the website and do it there. Once I do that, I don't even have to close InDesign and reopen, it just starts working.
Hopefully this makes sense. None of the issues I'm facing is with fonts installed on my pc or packaged in a file.
banana commented
impossible to work. Helvetica makes my files bleed. Any updates soon, please?