Cmd-O or Cmd-N doesn't work after InDesign starts up.
This has been an annoying bug for a while. If you open indesign, then use the command-O or command-N key to open/create a file, nothing happens. You just get an alert sound.

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.0.1.
Please update to this version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Peter commented
Still a problem in version 19.1. … And we're talking 2024.
Angela Forgey commented
Version 17.1 and this is STILL not fixed! Ugh!
Brian G commented
Just downloaded v17.1 and now both Cmd-O and Cmd-N work from the home screen. Thanks for fixing Adobe!
Lori Monahan Borden commented
17.0.1 STILL not working!
DebBeck commented
I am using 16.3.2 and STILL NOT WORKING!
ColoradoKlein commented
Ha! 16.3.2 still not fixed. Misery loves company but please fix adobe!
Magstar commented
Using 16.0.1, still not fixed
Mireille commented
We're on version 16.3.2 AND STILL NOT FIXED!! This issue has been around FOREVER. ARGHHHHH!
Gareth Lind commented
Please, please, please fix this. The fact that Command-N, which works for other Adobe apps (Illustrator, Photoshop) and is a universal and ancient command for Apple apps, doesn't work with InDesign is inexcusable. Every day, I hear that annoying beep when I try to create a new folder and have to interrupt my flow and move my mouse to create New Folder. It doesn't sound like much, but it makes my blood boil every time. FIX THIS.
Craig commented
Not fixed in latest version- how annoying still.
Tom L commented
NOT RESOLVED, not in 16.1 nor 16.2 macOS 11.2.3
Anonymous commented
April 2021 and vers. 16.1 and Command N and O still not working.
PhilipK commented
On 6.1 here and `cmd-n` and `cmd-o` definitely do not work immediately after launch.
I especially agree with the comment by Gareth Lind; I think the problem is that although Adobe has its roots on the Mac, their programmers these days are primarily PC-oriented and don’t care much about the Mac any more, which is evident from the poor support for some key Mac features as well as sloppy errors like this.
Tim Hansen commented
This isn't fixed at all, even after updating another 2 versions. Every time it's just the 'plonk' sound 😅. Such a seemingly obvious and silly bug.
Amy commented
Definitely not fixed. This has been an issue for several versions now. C'mon Adobe! Get it together!
Gareth Lind commented
Actually, it HASN'T been fixed. Do your people even use InDesign? It's such a simple thing to check: Launch InDesign. Open a file with "Command-O." ****. I can't. Sigh. Mouse goes to "open file," as the user mutters curses for adding a millisecond to their workflow. All those milliseconds spent because InDesign isn't adhering to standard keyboard commands add up!
christophe marandon commented
version 16.0.1 did not fix these bugs for me : command O and command N don't work on launch but only after the first document is open....
Several versions have passed without fixing these bugs. Is it a joke ?? Please, fix these bugs !!!
Anonymous commented
Just updated to 16.0.1 and Command O still doesn't work.
barbara commented
Glad I'm not the only one. I open keyboard prefs, then close -- then Cmd-O works.
Cathy or Brian commented
version 16.0.1 did not fix this command O (open) for me