[Performance] Footnote disappears
A footnote disappeared without reason then appeared back when I changed something in the page layout. This is a very important bug because InDesign didn't display any kind of warning about this problem: no red indicator of missing text or overfull text block. I noticed it by chance. Please look at the screen captures to understand it: the number 2 footnote is missing whereas the footnote number is present in the text. In the other screen capture, the problem has been solved.

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – version 16.1
Please update to this version to get the fix. To prevent problem on existing documents and see the footnotes again, you will have to force recompose the stories.
To force recompose stories, you can use the shortcut Command-Option-/ (slash) on Mac or Ctrl-Alt-slash on Windows
-InDesign Team
S. Krupkowski commented
I have exactly the same problem. No overset indicator, no preflight errors--footnotes simply disappear. If text frames are enlarged, footnotes usually reappear. I only have one file to send, but the same thing happened in at least one other file.
Alexander Bukovietski commented
The main problem is not in figuring out how to make the missing footnote appear again. The main problem is that we DON'T KNOW that a footnote went missing in the first place! It disappears without warning, behind the scenes, pages away from where you are at the moment, sometimes without any text reflow to alert you. Preflight shows no text overflow.
We've lost confidence in the integrity of the files we are sending to the printer. And some of these files have thousands of footnotes.
Can you still say what you said in your update, that the issue has been fixed? What does it mean for older files? Any older files? We have a lot of older files. Does it mean that ANY time we open an older file, a footnote may disappear somewhere in the book? To say that this is disconcerting or even alarming would be somewhat of an understatement.
Anonymous commented
Unless there is a newer version than 15.0.1, the partial fix simply removed the error notice from the document so that the missing footnotes now may go unnoticed. The footnote issue still existed in 14.0.3 but there was an error, so we have reverted to this version. Attached is the transcript from a call where the issue was discussed at length.
Erin commented
We are occasionally experiencing the same problem, running 14.0.3. (We can't update to 15 until our IT folks give us the go-ahead.) Please advise on how to fix this issue, Adobe! I cannot share our files with you, as they are sensitive.
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem. The footnote appears again if you type a blank just after the notecall.
Robby Poore commented
Footnotes dissapear in layout when I adjust the text box. Please see the attached screen grab. If I grab the entire block with the select tool and move the box up or down, the footnotes disappear.
To fix this, I have to select the middle handle of the top of the text box and adjust it slightly up or down to make the footnotes reappear. Thanks for looking into this!
Jason commented
I'm having the same problem. Adobe InDesign 15.0.1. Footnotes randomly disappear when working in book files, and sometimes the text flow will skip and entire page, then come back when any paragraph setting is changed.
Anonymous commented
I am also having the same problem, in the newest version. This is a very concerning issue which has been occurring for a while now. Please update whenever there is any more information!
Robby Poore commented
I'm having a similar problem. Several footnotes will drop out and then reappear. I've made a screencap of my problem. The footnote will be on one page, then jump to 12 on the next (where did 2-11 go?). When I touch up the text box, the footnotes appear again.
Sundaramoorthy commented
We too facing same problem in footnote files.
Bhupathi L commented
We are facing same issue in our book. Please resolve it soon.
Anonymous commented
I have the same error. Although an error is noted in the preflight, it does not tell me where I can find it, or how I can fix it. It reflows the document and changes everything.
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem, that I initially raised here:
I thought it was only happening when the book exported, but I now realise it's the pagination aspect of exporting that introduces the problem.
When I go back through chapters to fix the issue, I've noticed it trips up particularly around column breaks, though certainly not exclusively. It will also often happen for us on the first page of a document, but again, not exclusively.
An Adobe developer did get in touch with me via email about it but at the time I had no examples to share. I've since tried to get back in touch to no response.
Is this bug being addressed in the next patch? It is a significant time sink for our company to try to seek out footnote errors that may or may not exist in every book.
Emily commented
I am also experiencing this bug and it is really frustrating - as others have said, there is no warning about it and so I have to check every single footnote is there on every page of every file, every time I make changes. Argh!
Anonymous commented
I have had the same problem. I could not understand why a 700 pages document would reflow after applying a condition to the footnote references. Until I noticed that one of the very first footnotes had been missing, and only appeared after this change. Resizing the text frame also makes it appear. Please see screenshots; the footnote reference is on the first line of the page.
Julia Habetzeder commented
I have the exact same problem - I will have to postpone a production that had already been sent to the printers because of this. It is, indeed, a very important bug.
Just as Alexandre Lourdel reported, InDesign gave no warning regarding the overset/missing text, eventhough the text was included in the document but not shown. There was space for it - it should have been displayed (see screenshots). I have, so far, noted 12 missing footnotes in a document with more than 400 pages and hundreds of footnotes. Everything will have to be double-checked. This is clearly not acceptable.
I use InDesign CC 14.0.2