Can't drag objects
I am unable to drag objects/textbox/etc in InDesign. I can resize using corner handles but I'm unable to click and drag object to desired location I've uninstalled, reinstalled, shutdown, restarted, cleared all settings, etc and nothing seems to work. I have never encountered this issue in all my years of using InDesign. Please help!

Hello All,
We thank you for your patience all this while.
Addressing this problem has been tricky for us given the random nature of the issue.
Determined to resolve the issue, we had launched our investigation into the matter to identify the root cause and fix it.
Many of you must have received email from us seeking more details about the issue.
We have concluded our investigation and came up with the below mentioned finding:
It was found that, most of the times, users were trying to drag an empty polygon which was leading the confusion because the legacy behaviour of InDesign allows dragging of polygon only from its edges or the centre most point.
If the user tries to drag it from any other position, the object cannot be moved.
We have tried to improve the user experience in this regard. You can try the same in InDesign’s latest version id 14.0.3.
Please download and install id 14.0.3 and let us know your feedback on the new experience.
If you are unable to drag other types of objects (other than empty polygons), please check the memory usage of your system. It has been observed that when the memory usage reaches the critical level, dragging of the objects become difficult.
As a workaround, you may either try to close some applications or restart the system.
InDesign team
Alex commented
Seems to be a bug - happened to me before. Restarting the computer helped.
CYNTHIA L RYAN commented
Also having the same problem. Windows 10 Pro OS Build 17134.648
Ryan commented
Same problem. Cant drag using mouse.
Windows 10
Cant resize
all boxex I can't dragalso had the issue with Windows Explorer, which makes me think it could be a Microsoft issue...
Anonymous commented
Me too cannot drag using mouse but can with directional keys which is soooooo slow!
Samantha commented
I am having this same issue today with text boxes. Adobe InDesign CC 13.1x64. Does anyone know of a fix yet?
Dave commented
Yes, this is an ISSUE!
Anita commented
I've been finding issues and problems but no solutions from 2013, 2014, and here. The problem has popped up 3 times this week for me.
[Deleted User] commented
I've got the same problem, I can resize but not drag texts, pictures, rectangles... Nothing.
Jessica commented
the same problem with me! any resolution yet??
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
Just faced the same problem, objects wouldn't drag. Restarted the computer and still did NOT work.
Anonymous commented
Just faced the same problem, objects wouldn't drag. Restarted the computer and now it works
Paige Jackson commented
same problem. I was working on a project and suddenly it stopped working. I never had this happen. It would be nice if someone solved this problem, I don't want my job to effected by this! 3/4/2019
danielle commented
seems no one has had this problem again for the last couple weeks? starting for me now, too. can resize but not move once placed. for any type of object.
S commented
same problem. dumping the preferences worked for about 15mins.
Kevin Torres commented
Got the dragging issue as well!!! Started on 02/25/2019
13.0.1 x64 -
Anonymous commented
Hi, same peoblem suddenly started today.
Anonymous commented
This has suddenly started happening to me too. First it was just a copied and pasted box of text, then as I tried various restarts etc I canb't drag any boxes.
Nothing had changed.
So I have quitting / restarting indesign / restrating finder / updating indesign / deleting preferences / quitting all other apps.
None of these has worked.
Need to get this fixed so that I can get on with my work! -
Stina commented
Same problem here! Hello! I have a deadline. :-/
Meredith commented
I have the same problem today, and cannot drag and drop images from Bridge to my InDesign Document. I'm on Windows 10, PC.