InDesign crashes/freezes on launch all the time
Impossible to work. I have urgent jobs to do...

Many internal as well as external factors can cause the InDesign application to crash/freeze/hang. A few workarounds are listed at Fix crash issues with InDesign.
We completed the investigation and came up with the following: Either the issue has been resolved in the most recent release of InDesign (Refer to InDesign Release notes), the issue was intermittent at the time of reporting and is no longer reproducible, or the InDesign version mentioned in the report is no longer covered by Creative Cloud Support Policy.
We would recommend you upgrade to the latest version as it is more robust. If you are still facing this issue even after updating it, either submit the crash report(Refer to Submitting crash reports) to us or Contact Adobe support.
Chelsea Thomas commented
I have had this same issue!!!! its driving me nuts, I have to use task manager to close the program EVERY TIME because it stops responding when I try to close it, every tool change every save, everything takes double the time and lots of work randomly is lost because it freezes while I'm trying to save and it becomes unsuccessful in the save
Tiffany commented
InDesign 18.5
Freezes when I go File > New Document. I have to open an existing file, delete all the content to create a 'new' file.
It also freezes when I try to close the program. I have to use the task manager to force close.Windows 10, FRL Offline Account.
Ufficio Grafico commented
Hi ID keeps crashing on my OS machine with M2 also after unistalling it and reinstalling, deleting the files in library, fixing the issues of the fonts. Can anyone help to solve it?
Amy Miller commented
Same issue and this is getting to be very frustrating! I have to keep reinstalling every time I want to use InDesign
Anonymous commented
I am also facing the same problem, have uninstalled the entire Creative suite and Creative cloud app to start fresh and the same thing happens every day with Indesign.
Chloe Kisela commented
Same issue, same Mac OS. I have also tried installing older versions of InDesign but upon quitting the program once, it fails to launch when opened again just like version 18.
Richard Aguirre commented
Indesign 2023 (version 18.5)
Running on Mac OS Ventura (13.1)Indesign fails to launch. Whether clicking the application icon through finder or from the Creative Cloud window. The app starts loading, then after scanning for plugins it instantly closes with no crash report. I was able to launch after uninstalling, rebooting and reinstalling Indesign version 18 but after closing the program once, the problem returned and I had to repeat the above. This method is not acceptable for daily use.
AfC commented
Hello. I am running ID in a 2020 iMac Intel AND and a 2022 M1 Mac; both running Ventura 13.5 with plenty of RAM. This "launch and crash" problem only occurs with ID running on the Intel Mac: Immediately after I updated to ID 18.5 (08/02/23) the app ceases to work. It crashes 100% of the time even after a clean reinstallation... Correction: After reinstallation, the app will run ONCE but not after a quit and re-launch. I've uninstalled and reinstalled twice but the behavior is the same. At this point, ID is effectively disabled on my Intel Mac.
AfC commented
The issue is reported and detailed here:
Ossie54 commented
Updated to 18.4 and now have to rebuild my preferences file each time I want to start InDesign. If I don't it crashes within milliseconds of the splash screen appearing. The splash screen appears momentarily, goes away and the programme doesn't load. I don't get a crash report as the programme never loads.
Seems to work OK once I've rebuilt the preferences but I have to do it EVERY time I launch InDesign. It is annoying.
I'm using InDesign 18.4 and iMac running Ventura 13.1.
Each time i begin work, it freezes after i type a few words
Each time i begin work, it frezes after i type a few words
Julz commented
SInce a fiew days Indesign crashes while opening and working on several files. Files have been created in Idesign 2023. Idml doesn't work either. I'm working on Monterey 12.6 on a MacBook Pro 2019.
Amy Sliger commented
Glad it's not just me. I've been using ID nearly daily since 2001, and this release has me pulling my hair out. Overset text won't delete. Menus stop working. Colors and swatches not updating/importing correctly. I have no idea what happened with this version, but it's extremely frustrating. I'm honestly just glad it's not just me. V. 17.4, Mac Monterey 12.6.
Susan Gerber commented
Same here. Some drop down menus show no information (specifically, Text Wrap) and have to double click to access some features. Using InDesign on iMac OS Monterey (12.5.1).
Lori Ashcraft commented
Same here! Menu drop downs don't work and ID crashes every few minutes. Literally cannot do my job! Things that don't matter:
1. Deleting preferences
2. Restarting
3. What computer you're using
4. What fonts you're using
5. What images you're using
6. If you have peripherals
7. Going back to Version 17.1 - does the same thing!Just fix the software, Adobe! This is beyond bad. It's unusable. It's embarrassing as a freelancer to tell your client you just can't do the job. You're stealing money from us, Adobe.
مكتب الإعلام بالهيئة commented
I suffer from a problem that some people talked about, and I tried all the solutions proposed by the community.
But unfortunately, to no avail.
The problem is that InDesign won't open, even though I have the latest version (17.3).
The problem is that the start screen freezes at (starting up service registry)
Attila Olejnyik commented
iMac 24, with M1 chip + Monterey V.S. Adobe InDesign AND Acrobat...
If a file is bigger than ~120MB, Indesign and Acrobat is freezing. In case of Indesign, it happens when I want to save (the file is successfully saved (thanks for the God) but the app is suddenly stopped working.
But if I like to open a PDF in Acrobat, similar thing is happens: first the software is freezing (for 2-4 minutes) then its quit.
I'm tried to reinstall the package (with using Adobe Cleaner Tool) but nothing is changes.
Same thing, same file works fine with an older (i7) configuration.
Thank you.
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Nicola G commented
me too! I'm using Indesign 2021/2022 on OS Big sur and it is no possible to make the package on file server resident: it crashes the whole MAC . ( On Windows it works 100% )