Graphics glitches galore on M1 MacBook Air + external 4K monitor
InDesign 17 on an M1 MacBook Air with Big Sur is barely usable with an external 4K monitor. There are graphic artifacts everywhere, especially near the margins/edge of boxes which makes it hard to know if anything is aligned properly. Everything looks okay on the laptop's built-in display but is distorted on the external.
Also, when scrolling, the screen updates sporadically and usually does the Windows 95-looking stuck window effect.
If I turn off the GPU it looks better when working statically but when scrolling it is even worse.
Screenshot 2021-11-23 at 10.52.31.png 2774 KB -
Screenshot 2021-11-23 at 10.52.31.png 2774 KB -
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Screenshot 2021-11-02 at 15.40.24.png 32 KB -
Screenshot 2021-11-02 at 15.40.08.png 38 KB

This issue was fixed in InDesign v. 17.1
Please update your copy of InDesign to this version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Charles Milner commented
This is not fixed in 17.2.
Toby Nelson commented
'The issue was fixed in Indesign v 17.1' - NO IT ISN'T!
Barbara Bux commented
hi adobe indesign team, your last post is from nov 21... how much longer do you want to investigate this? half a year has passed and my new macbook pro M1 MAX, 16" 2021 , 64GB RAM 4TB HD , Monterey 12.2.1 still has the same issues with indesign 17.01. will you ever get this to work? or are you handing out refunds for unusable software? cheers bb
Barbara Mulderink commented
My indesign is very buggy on the MacBook Pro M1Pro Moterey. So buggy that decided to continue on my old mac from 2017. That works stable. Luckily I kept that computer for emergencies like this.
Yvonne Hubner commented
Me too, flickering and glitchy graphics. Changing text often disappears... and often crashes by itself when idling at night. MBP M1 Pro with Benq PD3220U 4k monitor. InDesign is very very very buggy, so annoying.
Anonymous commented
Hi, I get the same problem - using a Mac Pro 2013 and now with a Mac Mini M1 with a 4k monitor. Using Mac OS Monterey and InDesign 17.0.1. Very annoying - I have to refresh or turn off/on the guides every time I move something!
Stephen commented
I came to this website to post the same issue.
Terrible glitching when scrolling using my external monitor. Turning CPU preview on/off made no difference. However, when I dragged the document to my laptop screen it worked fine.
Moving back to the external monitor and changing the UI Scaling slider to small worked for me. Frustrating bug this one, as I've been fighting against it since I updated to v17.
Hope this helps someone else.
Sally Coleman commented
Having major display issues since the latest update. All elements on the page are being scrambled, lines appearing around objects etc. Resolves, briefly, when I zoom in or out, then scrambles again.
Sally Coleman commented
Having major display issues since the latest update. All elements on the page are being scrambled, lines appearing around objects etc. Resolves, briefly, when I zoom in or out, then scrambles again.
Sally Coleman commented
Having major display issues since the latest update. All elements on the page are being scrambled, lines appearing around objects etc. Resolves, briefly, when I zoom in or out, then scrambles again.
Rob commented
I'm also getting frequent graphical glitches in InDesign on the latest version.
Mac OS Big Suhr on a 16" Macbook Pro running the latest version (17.0.1) of InDesign. -
Emanuele commented
Hello everyone,
I just installed InDesign on my Mac mini M1, for some reason that I can not give an explanation when I scroll or move the forms on the screen remain lines that I can make disappear only with zoom out.
It is as if the program does not refresh the work screen.
The version of InDesign is the latest available, does anyone know how to solve? It is virtually impossible to work like this ...Please help me
Adam commented
Turning off display scaling fixed my issue - I also updated to InDesign 17.0.1. Not sure which did it but it's fixed now, thank you!
The artifacts I had near the margins and edges of boxes were very similar to Owen's below. I don't remember turning on UI scaling - I think it was on by default with the update to 17.0.
Owen Geach commented
I'm having the same issues. Using an external 4k. It's pretty much useless!
ze commented
The same is happening with Mac mini M1 with external display (Being PD3200U)
Nothing similar happens with other adobe creative suite apps, only in InDesign. -
Stuart Gough commented
I’m getting glitches all over the place, artboards are split, guides appear to be splitting and objects not aligning and change alignment at different zoom points
Stuart Gough commented
I’m getting glitches all over the place when zooming in and out, guides appear to be splitting and objects not aligning and change alignment at different zoom points
Stuart Gough commented
I’m getting glitches all over the place when zooming in and out, guides appear to be splitting and objects not aligning and change alignment at different zoom points
Stuart Gough commented
I’m getting glitches all over the place when zooming in and out, guides appear to be splitting and objects not aligning and change alignment at different zoom points
Stuart Gough commented
I’m getting glitches all over the place when zooming in and out, guides appear to be splitting and objects not aligning and change alignment at different zoom points