Navigation Points Not Available to Scripting in InDesign 2021 (16.0)
Problem Description:
Querying navigation points inside a movie trigger errors from InDesign 16.
Steps to Reproduce:
1. Query movie.navigationPoints.length or movie.navigationPoints.count() with Extendscript.
The following script shows this issue(s) with simple document containing a move and one button with a play at navigation point action applied.
var btn = app.activeDocument.buttons[0];
var beh = btn.behaviors[0];
var mov = beh.movieItem;
var navPts = mov.navigationPoints;
alert(navPts.length); /doesn't exist/
}catch(err) { alert([err,err.line])}
alert(navPts.count()); /*Give incorrect error - Error: Request failed because the underlying functionality is no longer available in the current version of the application */
}catch(err) { alert([err,err.line])}
alert(navPts.everyItem().getElements().length); /incorrectly says zero, when there are 2 navigation points/
Actual Result:
Each produces two separate errors.
Expected Result::
Both should be valid queries.
Any Workarounds:
No. Expected functionality is simply missing.
movie.navigationPoints.everyItem().getElements().length at least doesn't produce an error, but it also doesn't include navigation points.
This feature was added back to InDesign, but the scripting of it was neglected. I've filed a bug in prerelease as well. Posting here so others are aware.

The fix for this issue is available in the latest InDesign release 16.2.1
Please update to this latest version to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Maurice Williams commented
I just downloaded 16.2.1 and it seems that this is working again! Thanks Ravi and team :)
Maurice Williams commented
Just updated ID and it seems like this is partially fixed--I'm not seeing any errors but the expected behavior (play at navigation point) is still missing in action. Looking forward to full functionality!
Maurice Williams commented
Hi, wondering if there's anything new on this issue. If it could be re-implemented, this would be a really helpful interactive feature.
Felipe Santos commented
I think weird because before this feature was available, then not more, and now went back, but without their script events
Anonymous commented
If you allow video we need the controls please
Maurice Williams commented
This is definitely something I'd like to see addressed as we often have long videos that would benefit from navigation options for our users.