Spell Check does not work after installing InDesign 15.0.2
Dear Adobe Team,
in our office we use In Design from several years without nothing problems.
Yesterday we had updated the version 15.0.2. After that, the spell-check (we use the Italian language) don’t work if we import text in a existing document.
But if we import text in a new document, the spell-check work without problems.
Please can you help us?

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.3.
Please update your InDesign application to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Smaffi commented
Having the same issue. Do you not realize that the spell check feature is one of the most important tools in this software? I'm having to convert back to 2019 just to get around this bug. Please fix this!!!
Julitta commented
Same here...I have tried the above and it was not fixed the problem. I totally agree with the other comments, it is such a critical part of our job!! please update when the bug is fixed ASAP
Sam commented
The fact that this dynamic spelling issue has not been rectified for nearly two months with an update through the CC app is unbelievable. Honestly Adobe, what is the holdup?!
Meghan Smith commented
Same issue here! Driving me nuts!
Andrew commented
Hurry up and fix this Adobe. It's embarrassing and ridiculous
Joanna Skiados commented
Upgraded to Indesign 2020 and now Spell check won't work. HELP!!!!
Vicki commented
As noted, changing the preferences doesn't work for preexisting documents & templates (original documents). To assist, at least for smaller documents, I've discovered that when using your original document, if you copy the contents from your original document and paste into a new document (also uploading all the paragraph and character styles from the original document into the new document but not worrying about margins, page size or anything else) then simply copy content from the new document and paste back in to your existing document the Dynamic Spelling works in your original document and continues to work for all new edits made in original document after pasting. Not ideal and a real headache for larger document such as books with different sections but at least a stop gap until Adobe properly resolves.
Easier still if you have a blank template, all you need to do is open a new document type anything such as "abc", copy and paste it into the original document and it works!
NOTE: ensure the preferences have been changed as recommended and prior to starting new document.
Hope this helps
Anonymous commented
Get your act together Adobe. This is not a trivial fault.
Paul Pruneau commented
PLEASE FIX THIS BUG ASAP. This essential feature is currently NOT working.
Darcy Montalvo commented
This is critical to my job function. Please address this ASAP
My Name commented
COME ON ADOBE GET YOUR HEADS FROM WHERE THE SUN DOESN"T SHINE. (btw, first time I've ever used all caps)
Anonymous commented
This is a huge problem. I can't send proofs and documents to clients without checking spelling. Spellcheck is a basic and essential function. Please make this a priority.
Tom Scott commented
This is a critical issue. I've sent proofs out to clients after spellchecking and assuming no spelling errors (which, alas, had errors). It's embarrassing and unprofessional. I only found out this was an issue by searching Google. You really need to get on top of this and let people know about the issue so we can adjust our workflow. I'm really disappointed with Adobe.
Anonymous commented
Still not working! When will this issue be fixed?
Tod commented
I sent a lengthy proposal out... It's bad. Adobe, fix this for the love of all the things you've ever bought.
Anonymous commented
How is fixing spellcheck NOT a priority? InDesign is used primarily to create professional looking documents. Spellcheck is basic word processing function.
Anonymous commented
This going to be rolled out with the fix soon? Tired of risking losing work over spellcheck issues and having to constantly drop down to older versions just to spellcheck documents.
Asli commented
check indesign preferences > Dictionary
Make sure spelling is set to: Hunspelltrust me it works:)
Asli commented
When will this be fixed as I have thousands of documents in the old version which I need to update daily/weekly and don't have the time to recreate these in a new document just for spelling check to work
Craig commented
The above link doesn't work guys... and spell check doesn't work.... when is there a fix coming?