Spell Check does not work after installing InDesign 15.0.2
Dear Adobe Team,
in our office we use In Design from several years without nothing problems.
Yesterday we had updated the version 15.0.2. After that, the spell-check (we use the Italian language) don’t work if we import text in a existing document.
But if we import text in a new document, the spell-check work without problems.
Please can you help us?

The fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign – that is, InDesign 15.0.3.
Please update your InDesign application to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
Ursula commented
In InDesign 15.1.1 the spell check in Slovenian still doesn't work, or rather the Dynamic Spelling doesn't work? Has this been solved? Do I need to do any other steps in order to get rid of this issue?
Thanks for the help! -
Vasil Petreski commented
Have the same problem in 15.0.3.
After adding the Macedonian Hunspell, spell-check doesn't work. -
Bradley Wilson commented
Same here. All I see is 15.0.2.
Doug Lodermeier Sr. commented
I can't even find it! All I get is 15.02!!!!! Why don't you provide a link??????:?:?:?
Get it up on the cloud so I can update it!!!!!
You guys are starting to make me long for Quark! And that sucked!!!!!
GET your act together. This is unacceptable!!!!! Why am I paying for this ****?????
Really frustrated!!!!!!!!!!!!
Anonymous commented
When it rains. . . I downloaded the 15.0.3 install app but it fails. It takes me directly to Creative Cloud - skips the install - and shows me 15.0.2. Must I uninstall my current 15.0.2 before the 0.3 will install? Usually the update is smooth and automatic.
This still has some bugs. Please suggest what to do to get 0.3 . . . . Thanks. -
Christian Luczanits commented
Spell check works, but dynamic spelling still does not work in new files even if it does work in older ones with exactly the same setting.
LRSmith commented
Not working.
Jon commented
Same issues, spell check not working
Julie commented
I am having the same issue.
This is detrimental to ever designer out there using the CC2020 InDesign software.
Is there any workaround in the meantime?
Ruth Prickett commented
It's not working in English either. It's driving me mad. My preferences say "English UK" and the spell check still says "English USA" and it acts as if there are no words that need checking. Sort this out urgently!
Anonymous commented
Adding my voice here, spell check does not work for me either. Serious issue and needs to be fixed. Please push out an update,: this is a benefit of cloud software, to be agile and push updates, and it's not happening for this REALLY BIG GLITCH.
Anonymous commented
I'm having the same problem.
Anonymous commented
Has thiis been fixed? I was considering updating from CC 2019 to CC 2020, but this does not look very encouraging.
Sarah commented
While spellcheck in InDesign works on my 4 year old iMac at work, now on my new MacBook Pro it does absolutely nothing. What is the point of a document making program that can't spellcheck.
PLEASE fix this! It is a BIG problem.
Anonymous commented
agree with all below... I have multiple docs going to a printer... a magazine! that will NOT get spellchecked!
malc commented
Sorry - if this is fixed in a beta version - please update the cloud version - so we can simply update our versions.
This is causing stress, and potentially loss of clients/income. at this current time - its not needed!
John Catchpole commented
I too am reluctant to use a Beta version. Please fix this soon. Now two monthly issues of an international magazine have not been checked by the program. Hope we didn't miss anything when reading it ourselves.
Brian Sullivan commented
I am having this same problem in English. I don't want to use a Beta Build because there is a big team that will be disrupted. How long before this fix is real?
Linda Modica | LMI+D commented
I came looking for a fix and see by the posts in the forums and the comments down below that this issue has not been resolved. I don't use this feature too often but realized this week that something was not right. I found my answers here and am shocked to hear that the spell check feature has been down for some time.
Kelsey Todd commented
Yes, all the words my InDesign CC2020 spell check is catching are correctly spelled words.