[ID-4216065]Hyperlinks copy/pasted between files *appear* to break after source document is removed.
Using CC2019 on a Mac running High Sierra
Steps to reproduce:
1) Create a document with a few hyperlinks in it.
2) Whilst this document is open, open a 2nd document, and copy/paste the links from one document to the other.
3) Save both and close.
4) Trash source document
Expected result: hyper links should work in Target document as expected.
Actual result: hyperlinks all appear broken in document. Whilst an exported PDF appears to still work, ID reports all those links as broken.
Other details:
If you retrieve the source document from the trash, it the links in the target document suddenly start working again, meaning your not actually pasting the hyperlink, but theres some sort of link that exists between the source and target document.
Saving target file as a new file, saving as idml, has no effect – those links are still tied to the source document.
This in an absolute tragedy if you are working on large documents with lots of links, and needs fixing ASAP

Thanks for reporting this issue. We’re going to review this one shortly.
Adobe InDesign team
Barry McMillan commented
Just ran into this one, horrible bug and a huge time waster.
marketingfriend commented
Please fix! So time consuming to fix links that are copied over!
Derwinism commented
Highlight hyperlink text, then copy it.
shift, option, command, v. to paste.
It should keep the style when pasting. Indesign 16.2.1
Zorg commented
Hyperlink cut & paste to Thunderbird or Libre Writer is no go either.
6+ months? I guess I'll have to find an alternative. No time to **** away on minutia. -
Sharon commented
Yep, this is absolutely messing me up, and I have spent hours trying to fix my main document because of this bug. When do you expect it to be fixed?
Anonymous commented
We are having the same issues. Is there any resolution on this issue yet? This is very expensive in terms of lost productivity.
Thank you. -
Allan Shearer commented
Hi Ravi
I just tested this again and now I'm able to get ID 2020 to crash. I can supply more details if you like, but I happen to have sent a Crash Report, so, you'll likely be able to find it all in that report.
Deirdre Boyd commented
The absolute worst aspect of InDesign is not being able to retain hyperlinks in text that is being imported / pasted into InDesign. It is SO time consuming and irritating.
Hugh Hinderlider commented
Also: When placing a whole page from another INDD-File (Ctr+D) , most of the hyperlinks WILL NOT be included. The only hyperlink that will be included, is one where an entire text frame is a hyperlink. However, this hyperlink will not show up in the hyperlink panel. It works in the exported PDF though.
To be more specific: Hyperlinks from another document, which will not work, are:
- hyperlink as a picture
- hyperlink on single word inside text frameIronically, if I clean up hyperlinks via the menu in the hyperlinks panel, I get a warning, saying if I do this, hyperlinks which are used in other documents will not work afterward. Why a warning, when hyperlinks from this document wont show up in other documents anyway??
This should not be an issue. -
Linda Taylor commented
I can't retain links when I copy from one (Bean) .rtfd file to another .rtfd file. I don't have the same problem as often in Pages. Copying and pasting text containing a link doesn't seem to be consistent. Sometimes it works, sometimes it doesn't. I can't figure out the problem. I'm tired of having to copy and paste the actual hyperlink and wonder if I'm doing something wrong!
Tyler Derosier commented
How has this not been fixed yet? Shared hyperlink destinations cause nothing but chaos and nothing works correctly with them. Shared hyperlinks should be able to be disabled completely. I wish this feature had never been added.
H F commented
Yes, if a text box contains a URL hyperlink and you copy and paste that text box to a different document, the hyperlink goes away.
Anonymous commented
Sorry, but I neglected to state in Step 4 that you need to Paste after you Copy or Cut the Text frame.
Allan Shearer commented
Using InDesign CC 2018 (but this has existed in previous versions, at least back to 2015).
If you have a Hyperlink set to another INDD file and you do NOT have that other file open ... then, if you Cut or Copy and Paste that hyperlink, it will break.
1. Open the attached Chapter 1.indd and Chapter 2.indd files. Notice in each file there is a single hyperlink to the other file.
2. Close ONE of the files and keep the other open.
3. Open the Hyperlinks panel to observe the state of the hyperlinks - they should be 'ok' (if not, make sure you adjust the hyperlinks so that they are working properly, per the location where you have saved these demo files).
4. Copy or Cut the frame containing the hyperlink (e.g., the text frame with the words "Chapter 1, Link to Chapter 2")
5. Now look at the Hyperlinks panel ... notice that the hyperlink is now broken.
Additional info (you need not do this... but, this happens to be how I check for broken hyperlinks, namely looking for the "ClipboardScrap1" Destination string and the DestinaionUniqueKey="0" or "") If you export the file to IDML (or IDMS) you'll be able to see in an XML editor that the DestinationUniqueKey="0" (broken), and the Destination ListItem path now looks similar to this:
<ListItem type="string">C:\Users\allanshearer\AppData\Local\Adobe\InDesign\Version 13.0\en_GB\Caches\InDesign ClipboardScrap1</ListItem>
Notice the ClipboardScrap1 text string ... this, of course, ought to be pointing to a valid file/folder location where either Chapter 1.INDD or Chapter 2.INDD reside.
This wouldn't be so bad if you only had a handful of hyperlinks ... but, we have a project where we have 30-40* INDD files hyperlinking amongst themselves, with 10,000+ hyperlinks. Actually ... InDesign works GREAT for this project ... SO LONG AS we avoid EVER EVER EVER cutting/pasting a hyperlink.
* Actually ... we have 30-40 INDD files, but we also have 2000+ additional INDD files which are used in Hyperlinking. Thus the potential for much tears is huge. Suffice to say, the problem isn't how many files we have ... since the problem exists with just this demo of 2 files and 2 hyperlinks.
The problem is ... much of our content is temporarily Anchored (coming-in as IDMS files) ... and the 'normal' method for Un-anchoring these objects (snippets) is to, yes you guessed: Cut/Paste the frame. Alas ... we cannot use this method, since it destroys our hyperlinks (causing a HUGE amount of work to fix them all).
So, we tip-toe around this problem ... for a couple of years now ... but boy-o-boy would it be NICE to see this fixed. (please!)
Allan Shearer
Donegal, Ireland -
Steve Edwards commented
I've recently been working on a project where there are tables containing hyperlinks. When copying and pasting whole tables from one INDD file to another (on a Mac BTW) it is fine as long as the original document is open. If you copy the table, then close the document before pasting it into another INDD file, it is very slow, you get a spinning beachball and then it pastes it in. However, none of the hyperlinks work and when you select them in the hyperlinks panel, the link is empty.