BUG Keypress doesn´t respond
With updating to 13.1 March 2018 Update: When you type to a text frame you have to do it twice before the character appears in the frame. I have this problem on two Windows 10 machines...

Hello All,
Thank you for your support all this while. The issue is now fixed in the latest update of InDesign.
Please upgrade to the new InDesign 14.0 from your Creative Cloud Application.
If you are unable to see the update yet, click on the menu (three dots) on the top right corner of Creative cloud app and click on “Check for App Updates”.
Let us know your feedback in the comment section.
Abhinav Kaushik
InDesign Team
Brian commented
See title. I'm pretty sure this worked before, so it's a new bug. When I edit old documents, I will select portions of text and then start typing over it. For example, if I need to change the number 2018 to 2019, I would select to highlight 2018 and then type 2019. However, now when I start typing, all I get is 019. The 2 goes missing. Apparently the first keystroke only deletes the text, it doesn't start replacing the old text. I'm on Windows, and this is system-wide behavior, so it's a bit jarring that it doesn't work in InDesign.
Jane-e commented
This is a known bug. The workaround is here:
https://indesignsecrets.com/windows-bug-first-character-ignored-when-typing-over-selected-text.php -
MB commented
Anonymous commented
Same problem, need a fix!
RJAdams commented
I am having the same problem, can someone explain why this is happening? And how to fix it.
Martin O'Dea commented
This is infuriating and leading to multiple typos in our reports. Please fix urgently!!!
Bernadette commented
This is happening to me too!! Incredibly frustrating.
Nancy West commented
Yes, this is driving me and my production team crazy, and is a real issue. It is appearing only in InDesign -- I couldn't make it happen in InCopy.
We've almost had incorrect text appear in our publications several times, because "cold" and "sold" end up as "old", and spell check does not catch this. I've had to implement double proofreading on our production documents to guard against it. Very time consuming and frustrating!
If we double click to highlight, use the mouse to drag and highlight, or use the keyboard to highlight, the first keystroke will not type. So if the first letter is a capital letter or a symbol or number that requires a shift, it will appear correctly, because InDesign registers the shift as the first keystroke. If you type a number using the numeric keypad, it disappears just like with a lower case letter.
I tested with old documents and new documents, those with InCopy Assignments and without, those with linked files and without linked files, those on my network drives and those saved on my local desktop, and in ALL cases, the behavior is the same.
I also changed my keyboard shortcuts to the default, in case I had something triggering it in our custom keyboard shortcuts. That didn't help.
It was universal across all four of my production machines, and I could duplicate it in every case every time.
Anonymous commented
When you highlight a word and start typing to replace that word, the first time you hit a key it does not register. You have to hit the first key twice for it to start replacing it.
For example:
I highlighted the word "information" and wanted to replace it with "data." When I started typing the word data, it ended up being "ata" since the first key stroke the "d" didn't register. It happens every time. I am in a department with multiple graphics people and it's happening for them as well.
Anita commented
Yes i am finding this very frustrating!!
Ben commented
This worked for me, thanks!
Adam Walters commented
Whenever a text box is entered the first key input is ignored. For example if I was to click into a text box and enter "buggy" I would have to enter "bbuggy" for it to work correctly. To be clear, the first b could be any key.
Adobe CC. just updated. This bug seems to have arrived with the recent update
Anonymous commented
this is very frustrating and time consuming to remember to type the first letter of everything twice.
Brian commented
When an existing word in a paragraph is selected by double-clicking, and I start to type a replacement, the first letter is always skipped. This is occurring on a Windows 10 machine with latest updates.
Anonymous commented
The fix via the KBDoc mentioned did indeed solve the problem!
Anonymous commented
When you highlight text and try to replace it, it doesn't register the first character you type. This is very frustrating.
Sarah Ortega commented
The current fix listed above from Pradeep Verma does fix the issue.
Anonymous commented
InDesign CC 13.0.1 doesn't take the first letter or numer you insert in an textfield in some documents. It happens when we try to change some text also when we insert new one. You have to key in the first letter or number two times.
Michael Wheeler commented
That solves the problem!
gkscjf commented
version: 13.1
OS: Windows 10When I select the text and type letter, the first typing is not working.
The letter is typed from the second keyboard.
For example, I select "ABC" then type "DEF", the result is "EF".
It should be "DEF"