Content following a list exports to HTML/EPUB as part of the last list item
When exporting a document that includes a list to EPUB or HTML, everything after the list is exported inside the last list item. Attached screen shots show the issue.

This issue has got fixed in the recently released versions of InDesign, starting with InDesign 2022.
Adobe InDesign team
Adminansjain (Admin, Adobe InDesign) commented
Hi Thiago and Linda,
Can you please elaborate the problem more or attach indd docs having issue, it would help in understanding the issues.
-Anshul -
Thiago commented
No, is not Fixed! Look at my comment and Linda Alaggia reply! Is still inconsistent!
Paulo Augusto Costa Machado commented
Content following a list exports to HTML/EPUB as part of the last list item
When exporting a document that includes a list to EPUB or HTML, everything after the list is exported inside the last list item. Attached screen shots show the issue. -
Thiago commented
I have Linda Alaggia's same problem. Is really a headache because we need to edit the exported HTML manually. Please fix this. We had a hard work to export HTML from Indesign in a proper way and now this happen!
Linda Alaggia commented
List items have been inconsistent when exporting to html to which we had to compensate for in our process over the years. It would be nice to be able to identify when you want something nested under a list item and when you do not. After exporting to html from InDesign, we have processes set up in an XSLT. We had issues last week running the process so I compared an export of the same document from InDesign 14.03 (left side of image) to the current version (I am running 17.2). Where the older version of InDesign nested the paragraphs under the list item, the new version did not. What are the plans for the handling of lists moving forward, as we will need to look at updating the XSLT if the list handling will continue to export in the new structure. Thank you.
Erasmus Kratos commented
Any update on this? I'm using 2022 ver. 17 and this problem still exists.
Kevin Callahan commented
This is still a problem in September, 2021 (CC2021, 16.3.2). Maybe not as frequent in EPUB3 export, but happens frequently.
Anonymous commented
Still not addressed. I'm using CC2021. Any update on this bug? Very annoying I had to go over all the list and make adjustments grrr...
Rok P commented
Dear Adobe,
Thank you for solving this problem. The improvement is very usable.
There is one tiny problem: numbered heading styles. When I have a structured Indesign document with 3 levels of numbered headings (e.g. h1 - 1; h2 - 1.1; h3 - 1.1.1), the export treats the whole document as one list and does a good job of nesting the lists :-).
Proposed solution: In the "Paragraph style" window, there is a setting called "List" where you enter the name so the Indesign knows how to nest the lists - I can imagine that you could use this setting to understand the list hierarchy for even better HTML export. -
Anonymous commented
I am currently having this issue too. When will InDesign let us edit directly in the code???
maw commented
Working in CC2020; my hunch is that the problem is due to the list paragraph having less left margin (not sure about the correct terminology, as I'm using the German version) than the following paragraph(s).
If a list paragraph's left margin < following paragraph's left margin, the paragraph gets pulled into the list. Please see the attached file for a minimal example of what I think is the problem, hope you can confirm or disprove this. (And I seriously would hope that this is a single-cause problem...)
maw commented
Working in CC2020; my hunch is that the problem is due to the list paragraph having less left margin (not sure about the correct terminology, as I'm using the German version) as the following paragraph(s). If a list paragraph's left margin < following paragraph's left margin, the paragraph gets pulled into the list. Please see the attached file for an example, hope you can confirm or disprove this.
Edit: I can't seem to attach the sample file, hope you can look into this possibility regardless.
Landry commented
I have been working for several years with Indesign exporting epub and never have the lists worked properly!
Sometimes it works, sometimes no, it's random. I tried playing with the "styles after" (to create a break), with smart list or ordered lists and even editing the tag (example make lists <dl> <dt> <dd> for glossaries) : nothing works. I noticed that lists work most of the time in tables, the <td> tag must certainly stop the continuity of the list. This feature is not reliable and it is a real problem to achieve accessible epub, it must resume everything in the code. A lot of time wasted. And for several years that exists this bug I despair to see a correction made by Adobe. -
Lani commented
This also happens when exporting to a tagged PDF. We need the ability to have multiple paragraphs fall under each of our listed items. The list function won't allow that. Aesthetically it looks fine but when read by the software it reads every paragraph as a new list item. Every hard return represents another list item. There is no way to force the software to nest multiple paragraphs as <LBody>.
Marcel commented
Still not working for EPUP in CC 2019 14.0.1. Can you please fix this bug?
Laura commented
I can confirm that this also occurs in InDesign 2018, so this is a longstanding bug. CAN THIS GET FIXED PLEASE?
To replicate:
1. Create a series of list items with paragraph styles using bullets or numbers and "li" as the export tag.
2. Put any other text after that. Could be a header exporting as h1, h2, h3, or a paragraph, whatever.
3. Export to reflowable epub using the automatic mapping of ul and ol lists setting.
4. Observe in the epub how the elements following the list items are nested within the last list item.
Not only that, if you have a header and another list, the header AND THE NEW LIST all get placed within the previous list's list item.
This is a critical bug for anyone hoping to create ePubs from InDesign. I've only encountered it now because I have a client project with dozens of lists. I now have a major cleanup to do in the resulting ePub using an ePub editor.
Laura commented
I am having this problem, too. And it's a bear, because I have dozens of lists in my current client project.
Even HEADERS with export tags h1, h2, h3 get subsumed within the previous list.
This happens with numbered and unnumbered list.
Jaume commented
It is a heavy bug!
Mats Wall commented
The settings of margins in unordered lists is not heeded when exporting an InDesign document to EPUB. The export adds an "extra" margin which can't be changed anywhere. See attached files to view the problem (the left margin should be the same as the indent of the first line in the preceding paragraph).
Janelle commented
I think lists should export correctly all the time. It's ridiculous that it's expected for lists to export incorrectly in reflowable pubs. Mine throws numbers out of order and incorrectly styles. Why create a feature if it can't be used to produce the results its supposed to?