Shortcuts and keyboard keys stop working.
CC2018, Windows 10, latest update as of 01/18/18, x64 system with 12GB RAM. I often have to close and reopen documents or InDesign itself for shortcuts and some keys to work. There does not seem to be a common cause or specific file(s) that sets it off and it may or may not happen to all open documents if more than one is open. Generally closing the document and reopening it helps, but there have been times where I have to restart the program for anything to work. The issue includes any shortcuts and sometimes keys such as the arrow keys when trying to edge a graphic or text box over. Generally, I am able to type in the file name if I am trying to save my work before I close the program, but there have been times that my keyboard is disabled there as well and I have to save over what I have open, rely on the auto-backup file, or duplicate the file in Explorer and rename it so I don't lose the original file. This has not been an issue in any other programs except InDesign and has only been in the past few weeks. The crashing since the last update has subsided, but this issue has not. I would love to know how to fix this.

The issue has been fixed in the latest release of InDesign – InDesign 2021.
Please update to this new version of InDesign to get the fix.
Adobe InDesign team
BB commented
Still no luck with being able to use the default shortcut CMD N to create a new document upon initially opening InDesign...frustrating. Once I use the menu drop down an initial time, then its fine, but so irritating.
Vladimír Ludvík commented
Even just opening the keyboard shortcuts menu and clicking OK resolves this issue.
Very annoying to have to do it often.
Jonas L. commented
***WORKAROUND*** (no software restart or computer reboot required):
This solves the issue of default shortcuts, such as CMD+N for New Document, not working.
1) Go to Edit > Keyboard Shortcuts
2) In the Keyboard Shortcuts menu, select a different "Set" than the one you want to use. I have a custom Set called "all_mine", so I simply select the [Default] Set instead.
3) Change the Set back to the one you want to use, in my case "all_mine" (no need to save or do anything else), and press the OK button.
4) Profit.
This works for me in InDesign and Photoshop 2020 on a Mac. Your mileage may vary.
Best of luck, and please get this fixed, Adobe.
Anonymous commented
Note that this is also an issue on Macs in Illustrator and Photoshop as well as InDesign.
Anonymous commented
i find the command and shift keys keeps losing the ability to copy and restraint moving of any objevts. i have to restart entire computer to fix the issue.
[Deleted User] commented
please any ideas on how to fix this?????
Amanda commented
Any word yet on when this might be fixed, Adobe? The inability to copy, paste, export, etc. using keyboard shortcuts is really killing my productivity and it's been going on for months now...
Matt S commented
It's like it forgets to load the default keyboard settings underneath the personalised ones. I have adjusted a handful of shortcuts, but just now it had forgotten command+N for 'new document' - it was listed AS the default shortcut in my personalised setting, but only worked when I specifically assigned Command+N AS a 'custom' shortcut. Madenning.
And yes, I've restarted just now. Keyboard shortcuts are working elsewhere on my Mac - it's just InDesign that's cracked the sads.
InDesign 15.0.1 on a Mac running High Sierra - 10.13.6
Whitney Bruscato commented
Same issues, only fix was untinstalling current version and reinstalling previous version.
Lileth commented
Down arrow is not working but the rest are
Anonymous commented
Anonymous commented
me too? is anyone home at Adobe?
Jeni commented
same shortcut problems here. You mentioned you were reviewing in it August last year - any replies please?
Ricky commented
Indesign 15.0.1 Type tool shortcut does not work. When you type the shortcut it selects the type tool for a second then reverts back to the previously selected tool. This is incredibly slow for any professional workflow.
Anonymous commented
None of my shortcut keys are working. UGH!
John Krogh commented
any updates? taking a very long time
Hegster commented
InDesign 2020 on a Mac, space bar & various shortcuts not working.
John commented
Latest Version down arrow key will not nudge. Left, right and up work. FRUSTRATING!
Oliver commented
InDesign 2020 on a Mac, space bar & various shortcuts not working.
Ghia commented
Indesign 2020. Command C causes the program to quit. Frustrating.
Mojave 10.14.6