There appears to be a bug in the endnote linking when exported to PDF from InDesign. I'm running InDesign 13.0.1 x64 (Windows).
When I export an InDesign document as a PDF, endnote linking (from the reference to the text and v.v.) is incorrect.
Please see https://forums.adobe.com/message/10048963 for the full discussion. In short:
Create a document with multiple sections (e.g. 1st section with 9 pages, 2nd section with 125 pages). Endnotes in second section will link nine pages too early (e.g., if you have an endnote on page 122, clicking on the endnote in the PDF will link to page 113.

Fix is available in version 13.1 of InDesign.
Please update to the latest version available to you via Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
The endnote linking does not work if there are more than one pages 1. I.e., if you have page i, ii and then Page 1. You could cheat and create two separate documents, but if the TOC is linking to styles it won't work to separate the documents. Is there any workaround for this.
Angie commented
Was there a solution to this bug? Same issue, endnotes linked to the reference number inside the indesign do, but once exported, the links don't map to each other.
Lisa commented
I'm in the same boat as Anonymous post January 15, 2018 below. Help!
Anonymous commented
I have the same problem with a rather large annual report. Last year I used a script to create endnotes in InDesign CC 2017, before the feature endnotes came in InDesign 2018. It was more complicated but at least the export worked fine with the links. Happy I was when I saw that I now could import endnotes automatically. But now I don't know how to get the links to work.
I have three large dokuments with 200-300 endnotes in each ! :-(