Spell check not working
I have installed the latest version of ID, and the spell check is not working. It does not detect misspelled words.

Based on emails we have recieved from you all, we were able to figure out that issue was either not reproducible or that the feature was not being used correctly.
Closing this issue was for now. Let us know in case you encounter the issue again
-InDesign Team
M Hoerig commented
Spell check dictionary "stuck" on Spanish even though I have selected English in both the Character box and in Preferences>Dictionary>Language>English: USA. Yet when I run spell check it wants to change all words to Spanish spelling...WTH?
Barbi Braude commented
Spell check not working 10.14. Please Adobe attend to this. Thanks.
Anonymous commented
I just sent a portfolio PDF to a potential client with an blatant misspelling. How embarrassing! What to do?
When I use spell check...nothing happens...just like it does when nothing is misspelled. -
Anonymous commented
Spell check is NOT working! What is the fix on this?
Anonymous commented
my spell check isn't working either. Neither 2018 and 2019 versions are working. Did a spell check on the word "word" ... said "word" was an unknown word. No suggestions. This has been a none problem for too long. Where is Adobe on this? I have a "word" for them!
Ron Lewis commented
Spell check did not catch "fr" as a spelling error. I exported my user dictionary and searched for "fr". So, it is not in MY dictionary.
HOWEVER, Adobe ALREADY ALLOWS *FORCE* REMOVING words from dictionaries. In the menu system, I went to Edit >> Spelling >> User Dictionary ...
In the dialog, I checked that "Target" specified the user dictionary I want to use. I made sure "Language" specified the language I want to use.
AND THEN I changed "Dictionary List" to specify "Removed Words".
I TYPED "fr" in the Word box and clicked Add.
I saw that now the spelling error "fr" has the red squiggly line under it. And Ctrl+I spell check now flags this error.
I WOULD GUESS THE REASON WHY THIS "BUG" IS TAKING SO LONG TO FIX is that the InDesign Spellcheck software is working correctly. The Software Developers do not have anything to change. Probably it's the Hunspell Dictionaries that have the mistake. And the Adobe software developers don't make changes to it.
FORTUNATELY, the InDesign software developers made it so we don't have to wait for Hunspell to be corrected. We can *force* remove the misspellings in Hunspell using the method described.
Anonymous commented
Adobe please fix this. I had the phrase "Walmart Gadren Center" (sic) and InDesign 2108 CC put red squiggly lines under Walmart (huh? shouldn't major trade names be in the dictionary?); DID NOT flag 'Gadren'; but also flagged "Center" because it thought it should be "Centre"
Anonymous commented
Spell check not woking fr me eiher - PLEASE HELP!
Anonymous commented
I am having the same problem, I have changed and doubled checked all the settings and there is no fix....
Clare Balmer commented
This is ridiculous that this has not worked for soooooo long. Very bad form and is making me look like an idiot to clients when I swear I ran a spell check. It can trick you into thinking it's working by picking up a few words. But then I purposely place a mis-spelled word to double check and run it again and it won't pick it up. I then feed all my text into a google doc and it picks up another incorrect word that was missed the first round of checks. So bad.
Anonymous commented
Spell check STILL not working. Please fix!!!
Anonymous commented
Same here.
In my recently installed/updated version of InDesign CC 2018 (13.1 x64) the spell check does not work: when nothing is selected on a page with a number of text boxes with erroneous text (e.g. "afgsafdgv fdsvs fasdfsav", or filled with Lorem Ipsum placeholder text) >> I click Edit >> Spelling >> Check Spelling (or Ctrl I) and apparently nothing is misspelled. Come on Adobe even Quark Express had a spell check that worked - for that matter so did Wordstar back in the 80's. Please fix immediately to save all our time.
William Eberle commented
same here.
Anonymous commented
The spell check is buggy. The dictionary is correct, but it is not finding misspelled words and recommending words be capitalized that should not - ID says they are the start of a sentence and clearly the words are not.
Anonymous commented
My spell check has stopped working too (v13.1) I click Start and nothing happens, even if I purposefully mis-spell words.
Anonymous commented
Indesign CC – Spell check is NOT working version 13.1. Hit "Start" and NOTHING HAPPENS. Have reset preferences, restarted computer. Changed countries in the Language area and it STILL isn't working - how am I meant to send work to a client without spell check?
Anonymous commented
Same here. Spell check not working. UGH
Nadia commented
Same problem here: dynamic spelling and the 'manual spell check' are not working after installing the latest update. Adobe, fix this please!!
Anonymous commented
Same issue. Can this get fixed soon -- it's a real problem!
Anonymous commented
Since I installed the latest update (March 2018), spell check is no longer working. When I have it set to search the whole document, it flashes one word in the box very briefly, but does not give me the option to change or ignore it. It will only move on to another word if I make a change. Then it's the same with the next word--it will flash briefly, also with no options to change or ignore. Is there a preference somewhere that was cleared with the update?