InDesign CC 2018 workspace loading incorrectly
Since InDesign 2015 I have had the workspace customised for daily use however every time I restart InDesign my workspace shows it’s still selected however the panels collapse and some disappear entirely. I need to select reset workspace every single time without changing anything else and it goes back to my setup.
Is there a way to make this remember, as I thought saving workspaces is what this is supposed to be doing? And considering that I can reset my workspace and it does come back then something else is happening.

Hello All,
Thank you for your support. The issue is now fixed in the latest update of InDesign.
Please upgrade to the new InDesign 14.0 from your Creative Cloud Application.
If you are unable to see the update yet, click on the menu (three dots) on the top right corner of Creative cloud app and click on “Check for App Updates”.
Let us know your feedback in the comment section.
Abhinav Kaushik
InDesign Team
Jon commented
Definitely not fixed. I love it when bugs follow us through time...
Anonymous commented
This is not fixed. I am running CC 2019 and have the same problem, in both ID and PS.
Cory commented
I'm having the same issue too. Has anyone found a fix for this issue yet
Terence commented
No it isn't! Running 14.0.1 and the bug is still here! Spend half of my time resetting workspaces!
Anonymous commented
This was fixed for a hot minute - which was awesome. Now it seems to have reverted back to the old bug. Anyone else having this problem of the default workspace no longer loading on launch?
Michele commented
I'm having this issue with the latest inDesign update (14.0.1). I customized my workspace, named & saved it for reload upon opening. All customized menu panels reload except for Pages, Layers, Links, & PDF Comments, which I group together into 1 panel.
Anonymous commented
Same issue since the update last week.
Nicole Belaciano commented
I'm having this issue since i uploaded last week
Ralph Bentley commented
I am not having this issue. However, one of my coworkers is. Trying to figure out what the difference could be between our setups. For the record (and I take a chance here) I have never had this problem. Not sure what is going on with it.
Philip commented
having this same issue in december 2018 since the new properties panel was introduced
Milan Regec commented
This definitely is NOT fixed in the current version (14.0.1)
Dave Courtemanche commented
Working in OS X Mojave (10.14) workspaces do not load with open of a file. In order to use my custom workspace, I must reset the workspace every time I open a file. Indesign CC2019 -
Sonja commented
Dear Abhinav,
I tested the CC2019 for 2 days now. The panel issue in InDesing is gone but I have gotten a few more new issues instead and I am extremely unhappy with the update to CC2019!
The complete Suite works super slow. Launchin programs drives my laptop fans wild and hot (MacBook Pro (15-inch, 2017), 3,1 GHz Intel Core i7, 16 GB... which was the biggest one last year when I bought it!).
Every few "clicks" the lolly pops up (even if I only mark text in ID) and I cannot do anything for minutes.
Don't know how to handly my workload when this is the new superslow "workflow"... I hope you will release a fix soon.
Anonymous commented
Same here - for some ID Versions now. Can I get an "Sorry we annoy you greatly, while we keep collecting your Money every Month"-Refund or will Adobe fix this eventually?
Anonymous commented
This problem has been going on for almost 10 months. Why hasn't adobe fixed it. This is really frustrating. You may be the only game in town, but it would serve you well to stop acting like it.
Please go to to join InDesign prerelease program.
What you can do is that once you have joined InDesign's prerelease program, you will find Builds and Plugins section on the home page itself. There you can select any latest build.To identify the latest build, focus on the build number. Adjacent to Builds and Plugin section you will find Release notes and other downloads, there you can choose to download release notes which would guide you through the process of using the beta builds.
please_dont_roast_me commented
Dear Abhinav,
first of all thanx for reading our stories and working on solutions!
The link you posted "is no longer available" and going to the "ID prerlease board confuses me – looks like a very techy terminal with a lot of download options: How do I find the correct version, how do I know what's a build and what's a plugin and what do I have to do to install it (apart from downloading and unzipping of course) since I am running the Cloud version? Maybe you can you give us the name of the build since there seem to be different builds / bug fixes for different issues?
Even if I want to support you by testing and giving feedback to the bug fix I don't want to crah my complete system by installing the wrong files. I have plenty of work to do.
Looking forward to your answer! Thanx Sonja
Anonymous commented
This is happening to me too. Its always the Swatches panel and whatever else I have attached to it. I thought CC Libraries might be the culprit (I had that on another tab) but that was not so.
EVERY time I open InDesign the panels attached to my Swatches tab do not load (F5 shortcut key).
I've deleted my old Workspace file and made a new one.
Also deleted preferences and that didn't help at all.Using InDesign 13.1 on OS X 10.12.6
Anonymous commented
So glad I'm not the only one with this problem! It's driving me nuts. Thought I was doing something wrong...
Anonymous commented
Since this is still happening, I'm surprised nobody from Adobe has piped in. Are they evening monitoring this? I'm so annoyed to have to reset my workspace every time I open InDesign!