[Break in CC 2018] Text frame properties lost when copying and pasting frames across document
I have a document that uses top justification in a text frame, and bottom justification in another text frame. When I copy these frames, with or without any other objects, into a new document (think business card imposition), the bottom justification changes to top justification, altering the layout of the document.
I have reset my preferences, and tried the fixes described here: https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2402361 and here https://forums.adobe.com/thread/2401857
With no success.
Attached is a 1UP file (Original with mixed justification) and a 24UP file (with resulting error)

Fix is available in version 13.1 of InDesign.
Please update to the latest version available to you via Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Adobe InDesign team
Anonymous commented
One more interesting thing that I noticed beginning in CC 2017.
With the Object Styles panel open, create a brand new document.
Drag out a text frame and click on it with the Selection (pointer) tool. Immediately, you will see a plus '+' sign appear next to the [Basic Text Frame] style in the Object Styles panel. This indicates that an override has been applied to the text frame (which I cannot see how that is possible considering I just created it).
This behavior cannot be replicated in CC 2015 or any version prior. As such, I believe this represents a bug that was introduced in CC 2017, related to object style overrides, which has propagated into the CC 2018 release, but has become more apparent now as the override issue is affecting copy/paste operations.
I hope this helps Adobe track down the problem. And of course if this behavior is as-designed, please post an explanation about how things work now. Perhaps there is some new preference available for controlling this behavior.
Anonymous commented
Hi, this problem has been reported recently by several of our plug-in customers. I believe this behavior is definitely a bug in CC 2018. Here are the steps required to replicate, and an explanation of what I believe is happening:
1) First, create a new document. Then drag out a single text frame and type some text into it.
2) Next, open the Object Styles panel. You should see that the text frame has been assigned to the [Basic Text Frame] style.
3) Right click on the text frame, select "Text Frame Options", and change vertical alignment to "Center". This centers the text vertically in the frame.
4) OPTIONAL: If you now edit the [Basic Text Frame] object style, you will see that this remains at the default of setting of "Top" for vertical alignment. So in fact, by modifying the text frame for vertical alignment, this is an *override* on the default [Basic Text Frame] object style that was applied to the frame.
5) Now, copy the text frame to the clipboard.
6) Finally, create a brand new document and paste the text frame onto it. The text now aligns to the top, which is *not* correct. The override applied to the text frame in the original document did not come over with the copy/paste.
In both documents, the default text frame object style is set to Top align. The copy/paste should retain the vertical alignment override that was been applied to the frame, as it does in CC 2017, and also as it does as far back as CS6.
When this occurs, it is not obvious, provides no warning, and is very easy to miss. Frankly, this is a serious issue.
Joe commented
it's happening to me, too, after the update. i always copied and pasted text boxes with text aligned bottom to another document, no problem keeping it the same. but now it always changes itself to align top. even i removed all the styles ( character and paragraph ) before copying. so annoying and frustrated, which can also cause lots of problem when missing this and ending up a mistake while proofing.
Anonymous commented
When copying a text from one document to the other, the text doesn't format properly!
What I did:
1. copying text as an object (with black arrow) from an "old" indd document
2. paste text as an object in to a new indd document
3. the formating "adjust text on bottom of textbox" changes to "adjust text at top of textbox" -
Emanuel commented
I have this problem as well, but copy and pasting between different CC 2018 Indesign documents. Multi column Text Frames change to single columns after the paste.
On Mac 10.13.1, MacBook Pro (15-inch, Late 2016), on the latest version of CC 2018 (InDesign 13.0.1).
Uwe Laubender commented
Ah. I did not know, that you made an override on the [Basic Text Frame]. Thought, you redefined the [Basic Text Frame] in your CS6 document that was finally opened with CC 2018.
So back to testing: Now I did an override on the [Basic Text Frame] with e.g. 3 columns in CS6, saved and opened the document with CC 2018. Copied the frame, pasted the frame to a new document in CC 2018.Result: The pasted text frame maintained the 3 columns.
So I cannot see the problem.What is your exact version of InDesign CS6?
My configuration:
CS6 8.1.0, CC 2018 on Mac OSX 10.11.6 (German)Regards,
Uwe -
INV commented
Uwe Laubender, it would be a good explanation, but there are no object styles defined, the source frame is [Basic Text Frame]+ with columns set to eg. 7 (Basic Text Frame defined as 1 column) the pasted is [Basic Text Frame] (override lost). In CS6 and in CC with new documents it works as expected.
INV commented
Just to clarify, Im not copy pasting between CS6 and CC. All happens in CC just the document created in CS6.
INV commented
I just copy / paste it. What do you mean "which would paste it as a graphic"? -
Uwe Laubender commented
Hi there,
that could happen, if the same object style name is used with two documents, but with different definitions in number of columns. When seen with a new document in CC 2018 I guess the basic object style for text frames in CS6 is set to 3 columns. And the one in CC 2018 is not (which is default).So I think, that's no bug.
Uwe -
François commented
Since the installation of adobe CC Indesign 2018,
the same problem.
in the master document, l have a text bloc, with center alignement. And when l synchronize with the slave document, the justification become on top.
Thanks in Advanced for you help. -
Bastian Saris commented
sometimes the mapping really is a pain... there is not even a warning if the style is different - it just changes it without asking :| - a small "workaround" is to put all styles of one document into a subfolder within the styles - then they don't get mapped with the others - still a pain.
INV commented
My idea is to fix the following bug:
1. Open (in CC) a document created in CS6 with multi column text frames.
2. Copy / Paste the text frame to a new CC document.
3. Columns disappear.
Same behavior after saving the CS6 document from CC and reopening again (without conversation).
Same result if pasting from the document created in CC to the originally CS6 document.
Ismael commented
I have the same problem.
When you copy a text frame with bottom (or middle) vertical alignment, from a document created in CC 2017 to another document, the alignment changes to top.
This does not happen if you copy from a document created in CC2018 to a new one. -
Nicola commented
So my understanding of the fix on https://indesign.uservoice.com/forums/601180-adobe-indesign-bugs/suggestions/32125876-vertical-justification is that each text box now needs a Object Style as well as a Paragraph style. Is that correct?
I didn't have to do this with the previous version of InDesign. Once i used the vertical text justification to Centre it held onto that style when exporting the PDF from the book file.
What seems to be happening when exporting using the book file is this setting is being overridden and changing all the centre vertical text justifications to top? i can see this when i reopen the INDD file.
I tested exporting a single INDD file, from the book, when manually changing this setting to centre and the export worked. So the issue is stemming from exporting using the book file. Unfortunately it's changed all the INDD files to top so i need to go back and change this on each file unless you can advise a quicker way to fix it?
Nicola commented
We are updating a brochure document which was designed in CC 2017. We are using the book function with this project. Since updating to CC 2018, InDesign has defaulted Text Frame Options Vertical Justification to the top.
We saved each INDD file after manually fixing the effected text boxes to Vertical Alignment Centre yesterday, however upon opening the documents today it has reverted back to top.
We are due to go to print and need a fix for this
Steph Nordstrom commented
I have a text box, grouped together with a line. They are centered on each other on a page. When I copy the grouping from the page and paste it on another page in a different document they are no longer centered. The text in the text box is defaulting 'Align Top' instead of staying on 'Align Center'.
I'm also having an issue with a text box having two columns and after being copied and pasted into a different document it only having one column.
I've tried deleting/resetting preferences, restarting my computer and uninstalling/re-installing the app.