Can't drag objects
I am unable to drag objects/textbox/etc in InDesign. I can resize using corner handles but I'm unable to click and drag object to desired location I've uninstalled, reinstalled, shutdown, restarted, cleared all settings, etc and nothing seems to work. I have never encountered this issue in all my years of using InDesign. Please help!

Hello All,
We thank you for your patience all this while.
Addressing this problem has been tricky for us given the random nature of the issue.
Determined to resolve the issue, we had launched our investigation into the matter to identify the root cause and fix it.
Many of you must have received email from us seeking more details about the issue.
We have concluded our investigation and came up with the below mentioned finding:
It was found that, most of the times, users were trying to drag an empty polygon which was leading the confusion because the legacy behaviour of InDesign allows dragging of polygon only from its edges or the centre most point.
If the user tries to drag it from any other position, the object cannot be moved.
We have tried to improve the user experience in this regard. You can try the same in InDesign’s latest version id 14.0.3.
Please download and install id 14.0.3 and let us know your feedback on the new experience.
If you are unable to drag other types of objects (other than empty polygons), please check the memory usage of your system. It has been observed that when the memory usage reaches the critical level, dragging of the objects become difficult.
As a workaround, you may either try to close some applications or restart the system.
InDesign team
Cora commented
I figured it out... My objects are on Master Pages and for some odd reason Indesign unselected the option "Override All Master Page Items", after I reopened the document, locking all objects on master pages. Took a while to find a useful thread online... Hopefully this works out for others and you don't need to apply a bulldozer when a hammer is all you need lol.
Cora commented
I'm having the same issue... Clearly this is a bug that Adobe should be fixed as soon as possible. It affects productivity...
George commented
Solution: If you have a graphics tablet (I had a Wacom Intuos Pro) plugged into your PC when opening InDesign, for some reason this will over-ride the mouse drag input. Close InDesign, unplug the tablet and restart - problem solved!
Gavin commented
I'm having the same issues. I can't move objects.
Anonymous commented
I am now experiencing this same issue. Can move items with the arrow keys on my keyboard, but cannot move anything with the selection tool in InDesign. I have tried restarting, closing all other programs, resetting preferences. This is a major issue and I cannot find a solution for it.
Anonymous commented
I closed Illustrator and now I can move objects.
Anonymous commented
Having this problem as well. Can't "grab" anything and drag it elsewhere. Completely bogs down any creative process. This needs to be taken seriously since it's such a core function.
Anonymous commented
still not fixed January 2020
Anonymous commented
Currently experiencing this issue on CC 2017. When I use the Free Transform tool I'm able to drag object and text boxes but not when using Selection tool.
Hope this helps someone else. FIX IT ADOBE!
Anonymous commented
THE ANSWER: Read through comments, saw the "right click solid box" suggestion, and it works!!! It even works for dragging layers, right click the object in the Layers panel, click "select item" and you can drag it to a different level.
This really shouldn't be so hard--does Adobe read comments on a "closed" issue?
Anonymous commented
PC Users: Reset settings to default for Indesign. Close all design programs. Run Disk Clean up. Restart Computer.
Mac Users: Reset settings to default for Indesign. Close all design programs. Clean all Caches. Restart Computer. -
Anonymous commented
still not resolved....
Anonymous commented
Just ran into the same issue, absolutely no objects allowing me to drag them
Anonymous commented
Same here! Just updated to Indesign 2020 and I can't drag any objects. This problem also occurs in the 2019 version.
Anonymous commented
Same here - this is a VERY big problem for my company. Please help!
Anonymous commented
Can't drag ANYTHING: images, content, layers up and down, guides. What is going on!? I need to resort to using Word for document design. Are you kidding me!?
Anonymous commented
Can't drag objects on the page. I also can't drag layers up and down in the layer window. This is a new. This is a HUGE problem!
Michael commented
This is most definitely *not* fixed.
I had never heard of, nor experienced this issue until installing InDesign 2020 two days ago. Worked fine (as usual), until BAM. Complete inability to drag any object.
It appears to be happening to Mac users as well as Windows users, across a variety of hardware configurations and timelines. This is a serious, show-stopping bug!
Peniey commented
I've just downloaded the new 2020 version of InDesign and cannot drag text or rectangle frame tool.
Anonymous commented
I have InDesign and Illustrator open. I was dragging a pdf into illustrator, and it was being slow and unresponsive. While I was waiting for AI, I went to work in InDesign, I had this problem where I couldn't move things by dragging them. I saw a comment that suggested closing Illustrator. I gave that a try, and Indesign starting working fully again. Possibly and RAM issue with Adobe Programs?