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Adobe InDesign: Bugs

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  1. Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
  2. Steps to reproduce the issues
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If you are facing a crash in InDesign, please submit the crash report as well. How to Submit Crash Report
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207 results found

  1. Share for review

    During this pandemic, I'm am trying to use the 'share for review' feature for a book I'm laying out. It is 600 pages, 300 spreads, about 333 MB file. It includes images and text.
    I've designed other books -- the printer had no problem with the files
    I'm using a Mac with InDesign 15.1.
    When I tried to share the file, 4 pages - 2 spreads uploaded. I tried again and 8 pages - 4 spread, appeared for sharing. I didn't choose them, it is what InDesign randomly chose.
    As an experiment, I created another file and tried to upload…

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    FIXED  ·  4 comments  ·  Share for Review  ·  Admin →
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  2. 170 votes

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  3. Images corrupted after 15.1

    After the update to 15.1, a majority of embedded images in tables got corrupted. The damage done to the images is unfixable.

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    FIXED  ·  amaarora responded

    The fix is now publicly available in the latest InDesign update, 15.1.1

    Please update to this latest version to get the fix.

    Adobe InDesign team

  4. Cannot place this file. Invalid PNG file

    In 15.0.3, my publication was print ready

    I updated to 15.1 as I normally would.

    In 15.1, particular .png files were missing. I tried to place the missing images as usual but got the error - Cannot place this file. Invalid PNG file'.

    I rolled back to 15.0.3 and am now able to place the self same files.

    Update bug?

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    FIXED  ·  amaarora responded

    The fix is now publicly available in the latest InDesign update, 15.1.1

    Please update to this latest version to get the fix.

    Adobe InDesign team

  5. Export to PDF function crash in InDesign 15.1

    Today I have updated to InDesign 15.1 and when I try to export to PDF the application immediately crash.

    This happen even I change the type of export (small dimension, print, etc.).

    I'm using windows 10 pro ver. 1909 build 18363.836, and Indesign 15.1 x64.

    The system start to work but the application crash at 16% of the export.

    The problem seems connected with something on the file, because I try to export another project and it work perfectly.

    The file was all "green" in the preliminary checks panel.

    And I notice that the system crash also using other function,…

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  6. 6 votes

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    FIXED  ·  amaarora responded

    The fix is now available in the latest InDesign update, 15.1.1

    Please update to the latest version to get the fix.

    Adobe InDesign team

  7. ID 2020 15.1 - All text variables (including page numbers) replaced by "ss" text

    Just updated to ID 2020 15.1 and found a bug which makes the program unusable forcing me to immediately downgrade.
    When I open on of my ID documents created in previous version of ID, all of my defined text variables as well as page numbers are corrupted and replaced by the "ss" text. Changing the style has no effect. I can create page number based on the 'Basic Paragraph' style but when i choose any other previously created style, the number changes to 'ss'.
    Even the variable field preview shows 'ss' text instead of variable name.
    The same document opens…

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  8. Indesign incredibly slow or crashes with more than one document open

    InDesign (15.0.2) becomes almost unusable with more than (1) document open. Trying to copy text or images from one document to the next or just work in one of the documents while the other is open results in minutes-long wait times (or complete crash) to even select a text box, type a character, etc.

    Steps to reproduce:
    Open INDD doc (either on network or desktop)
    Open second INDD doc
    Attempt to edit text in either doc or copy over text from one document to the next

    Set-up info:
    InDesign 15.0.2
    Windows 10 Enterprise // 10.0.17763

    Trouble-shooting included:
    - Turned off…

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    As confirmed by a customer over the thread that the issue is fixed in InDesign 2020(v15.1.2.226).

    We recommend you upgrade to either InDesign 2020(v15.1.2.226) or to the latest InDesign 2021(v16.0.0.77) for the fix.

    If you are unable to see the update, go to the Creative Cloud application and click on the context menu on the top right and click on Check for App Updates.

    Adobe InDesign Team

  9. Incorrect German translation

    I have already submitted this issue in 15.3 prerelease branch, but I see it still uncorrected in 15.3 release.

    Paragraph style -> popup menu:

    the word "Nächstes" should be lowercase - "nächstes".

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    0 comments  ·  Styles  ·  Admin →
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  10. Khmer Script Punctuation Line Breaking Is Broken

    Regression Bug (used to work in InDesign CS 5.5)

    Adobe InDesign CC 15.03 currently will break lines between Khmer script and its punctuation even though no space is present (Khmer Unicode Punctuation: ) as pictured in the attachment.

    Desired Result: Khmer punctuation should stay with the Khmer script preceding it (just like an English period, comma, question mark, etc. does). The whole word should line break with the punctuation (currently Khmer uses zero-width spaces [U+200B] to indicate a word-boundary).

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  11. Major System Font Issue!


    Our publishing company recently ran the InDesign update (to 15.0.2) and have discovered some major font issues. I have narrowed it down to InDesign 15.0.2, macOS Catalina 10.15.3, and Suitcase Fusion 21.0.0. I actually don't think Suitcase has too much to do with this, because the problem occurred after the InDesign update, but it's our font management software so I'm including it. Basically it appears system fonts have become problematic with InDesign. Packaged files are suddenly showing up with lots of the dreaded pink. I have tested about everything I can. I even created some very simple…

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  12. Spell Check does not work after installing InDesign 15.0.2

    Dear Adobe Team,
    in our office we use In Design from several years without nothing problems.

    Yesterday we had updated the version 15.0.2. After that, the spell-check (we use the Italian language) don’t work if we import text in a existing document.

    But if we import text in a new document, the spell-check work without problems.

    Please can you help us?

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  13. Ai Transparency blends, placed into ID, exported to png w anti-alias on -> color mismatch

    Ai 2019 files, when opacity is set on parent group item and child items, and laid over a white background -- when placed into ID 2019 and exported to png w anti-alia on, there is a significant color mismatch. Strangely, when exported to png w anti-alias turned off, the correct color results. The ID export to png anti-alias code must have a bug in it. The same for jpg export. PDF export is fine.

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  14. InDesign 2020 v15.01 makes corrupt documents when using Alternate Layout

    The "Create Alternate Layout" in indesign 2020 v15.01 is toxic.

    After using it, chances are high that documents will at some later stage become corrupt. It may manifest itself by crashing on copy/paste or just a spinning beachball of death (Mac).

    I have seen this on at least 20 different documents since upgrading from version 2019 to version 2020 (15.0.1). We never used version 15.0.

    This is my guess on what happens:
    Using "Create Alternate Layout" it will make some of the Paragraph Styles corrupt. Version 2020 seems to crash (beachball) whenever one of these are accessed. This might very…

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  15. long text variable

    InDesign (2020) crashes on opening IDML file with to long text variable as header. It worked in InDesign 2019.
    InDesign (2020) kraschar vid öppnande av IDML-fil som innehåller textvariabel med för mycket text. Det fungerade i InDesign 2019.

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  16. Restore video from URL media option

    For some unexplained reason the Video from URL option has been removed from InDesign 2020. This needs to be restored ASAP as there are people using this feature.

    Moveover, it needs a minor improvement to allow HTTPS links (

    It was a big mistake to not query the community before removing this and it should be a simple thing to restore.

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  17. InDesign and Acrobat accessibility conflict

    Adobe InDesign version: 2019 CC

    We are currently trying to establish the best workflow in creating fully accessible PDF's for screen readers and I believe we have come across a bug in the communication between InDesign and Acrobat.

    Quick summary:

    H1 elements on multiple lines read as separate elements unless assigned manually in Acrobat
    The Structure and Article order does not transfer to the PDF

    To explain the issue clearly I have numbered the images in the process order.

    1. Image: 1 InDesign Accessibility setup.png
    2. I have setup ‘paragraph styles’ and used the correct ‘Export Tagging’ tags for each style.
    3. I…
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    3 comments  ·  PDF Export  ·  Admin →
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  18. Anchored textframe with auto-sizing/auto-adjusting "height" causes InDesign 2020 to freeze

    Anchored textframe with auto-sizing/auto-adjusting "height", text aligned to baseline and anchored object settings "anchored position: custom", "anchorPoint: bottom left/center/right" causes InDesign 2020 (15.0.1) to freeze (on Mac and PC).

    1. create an new document (size doesn't matter)
    2. create an new textframe (dimensions doesn't matter)
    3. create a second textframe (dimensions doesn't matter)
    4. insert some text in second generated textframe
    5. select the text and apply the option "align to baseline".
    6. anchor second textframe into the first created textframe
    7. set anchored object settings of the anchored textframe to: "anchored position: custom" and "anchorPoint: bottom left or bottom center or bottom right"
    8. select the anchored…

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  19. IDML: missing Font Style property in Character Style after export

    Version: InDesign CC 2020 15.0.1

    How to reproduce the bug:
    1. Create a Character Style with "Bold" Font Style and apply it to a word/character range
    2. Save in INDD file format
    3. Export the IDML
    4. Open the IDML and you will notice that the bold property for the Character Style was lost

    Expected result: the Character Style should be the same as in the original INDD file

    Actual result: the "bold" property was lost during the export process. The INDD file is fine.

    I verified that InDesign CC 2019 14.0.3 is not affected by this bug.

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    5 comments  ·  IDML Export  ·  Admin →
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  20. Can't copy paste elements in Indesign 2020 - results in crash

    When I try to copy some elements a message appears that I'm tryging to paste something, but I'm tryging to copy. If I press ok then it crashes. So, again, if I press CMD-C for copy, then I get the message that I'm about to paste something.. PLEASE FIX it soon - what ever it is..

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    Fix for this issue is now available in the latest update of InDesign 2020 – that is, InDesign 15.0.2

    In the Creative Cloud Desktop application, click on the Updates section on the left. You should be able to see the Update available for InDesign. Please update your InDesign application to this version to try out the fix.

    Let us know in the comments section if you face any problem with the update process.

    Adobe InDesign Team

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