Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
493 results found
when GPU ENABLED cursor is delayed after click. takes second for cursor to appear making work choppy. cursor too thin small. need biggerplz
if this could be fixed please.
when you click the cursor should appear immediately so you can see where you are. also the cursor options need to be a big cursor so you can easily see where you are1 vote -
Workspace disappears when reverting back from Presentation Mode
When reverting back to Normal Screen Mode, after being in Presentation Mode, the workspace toolbars disappear.
2 votes -
Highlight filename in save window
Just upgraded to the M1 Mac version 17.0.1, and the file name is not highlighted by the default.
2 votes -
InDesign not displaying actual (print) size
InDesign 2021 does not actually show you the printed size of the document.
There are two potential (and faulty) options to achieve this currently:
- Set the zoom level to 100%: On various forums I've read that this should let you view the document at actual print size. A document that physically takes up 10x10cm on your screen, should print at 10x10cm.
In effect, that doesn't happen and the 100% renders my document at a way larger size than what it's actual size. (I'm literally holding up a ruler against my screen, and a 10cm wide page is about 20cm wide…
10 votes -
Adding file extension after first letter of file name when saving a new document
When I save a new document, the default file name is "Untitled-1.indd" (or .psd or .ai). If I want to call the file "ProjectA.indd" when I start typing and press "P" all creative cloud apps add the file extension after the first letter then continue with what I am typing. So what should be "ProjectA" turns into "P.inddrojectA." If I only type "Pr" I get "P.inddr." If I start to delete and remove the r and the second d, it will add the file extension again so I end up with "P.ind.indd." If I delete back to the "P" and…
1 vote -
InDesign 17.0.1 Background Tasks Icon in Dark Mode
In the new InDesign 17.0.1, the background task swirl is black instead of white in dark mode. (please see attached). Thx!
1 voteThis is fixed in InDesign version 17.2
Adobe InDesign team
ID 2021: New documents open in the background of home screen
Windows 10, ID 2021 (16.4)
Bug 1: new documents open in the background of the home screen. See video.
Bug 2: if the home screen isn't shown and you create a new file, the home screen will appear and lay over the new document.
Bug 3: if you change anything on the page, the home screen appears
Bug 4: if you create multiple new documents and close them, it will sometimes ask to save them and sometimes it won't.2 votes -
Font names display inconsistently
This is a strange one: we use this font (you have to put a 't' on the end of that url, Uservoice thinks it's rude, apparently) it's Regular and Display weights. On two computers this shows up as (syntax here is [Font Family] / [Font Style]) Lus(t) / Regular and Lus(t) Display / Regular, respectively. On three others they show up as Lus(t) / Regular and Lus(t) / Display and there seems to be no way to align them.
I've attached a screenshot of how the taskbar shows font on the machines that separate them out.
The first two…
1 vote -
Menu not appearing when clicking toolbar hamburger button
I got the problem that the menu that should appear when you click on an "hamburger" button in the top right corner of a toolbar doesn't appear.
This happens on a second screen when you got more than one screen/monitor, and the main screen has higher resolution than the second one. It also only happens to toolbars that are positioned near the bottom edge of the second screen and where the menu height is larger than the distance between the "hamburger" button and the bottom edge of the screen.2 votes -
Menu not appearing when clicking toolbar hamburger button
I got the problem that the menu that should appear when you click on an "hamburger" button in the top right corner of a toolbar doesn't appear.
This happens on a second screen when you got more than one screen/monitor, and the main screen has higher resolution than the second one. It also only happens to toolbars that are positioned near the bottom edge of the second screen and where the menu height is larger than the distance between the "hamburger" button and the bottom edge of the screen.2 votes -
Menu not appearing when clicking toolbar hamburger button
I got the problem that the menu that should appear when you click on an "hamburger" button in the top right corner of a toolbar doesn't appear.
This happens on a second screen when you got more than one screen/monitor, and the main screen has higher resolution than the second one. It also only happens to toolbars that are positioned near the bottom edge of the second screen and where the menu height is larger than the distance between the "hamburger" button and the bottom edge of the screen.2 votes -
UI Default Too **** Small!
UI in InDesign 15.0.1 is way too small by default and not scalable. Many users have been complaining about this for years, yet you guys refuse to do anything about it, while charging us up the wazzoo for subscription fees. If this is not addressed soon, we may all abandon you for Canva.
1 vote -
InDesign 2022 - Wrong Icons in Toolbar
It looks like the icons for selection and direct selection are flip-flipped in the toolbar.
Selection should be black, and direct select should be white.
4 votes -
My Adobe Indesign updated to 2022, but my User Interface font is very small and I can't increase the size. The choice to increase UI size is greyed out (see attached screen shot). Any ideas on the issue?
1 vote -
User Interface got large
The User interface got large and many commands in the control bar have been hidden even if I set it on Small in the preferences!
I can't get the small interface that was in the previous version.2 votesDid you open Preferences > User Interface Scaling and try to change the slider?
You’d need to restart InDesign to see the changes.—
Adobe InDesign team -
Display Artefacts - horizontal lines and placed image distortions.
Display Artefacts horizontal lines and placed image distortions when scrolling/editing documents.
UI set to small and zoomed to 135% on the spread.
A simple graphic.jpg is placed on the master/parent assigned to the page.
sRGB colour management used in the document.
Screen resolution 3840x2400px.3 votes -
"Selection" and "Direct Selection" tool icons mixed up in toolbar
The button images for "selection" and "direct selection" tools are mixed-up. The buttons are still in their correct place, but the "selection tool" button now displays the white arrow in the toolbar, the "direct selection" button the black arrow.
The mouse arrows themselves remain correct, as do their functions.
17 votesWe're happy to announce that we've reverted the icons of Selection Tool and Direct Selection Tool in the latest update of InDesign - version 17.2 that is available from Creative Cloud Desktop application.
Please update to this latest version to see the change of these tool icons.
Adobe InDesign team
Export and Save As dialogs not showing up in MacOS Monterey
- 16.4
- Installed MacOS Monterey then InDesign Export or Save As dialogs stopped working.
- Export or Save As dialogs should be showing up
- Export or Save As dialogs not showing up with either keyboard shortcuts or when using the dropdown menu.
- The issue was validated by your support staff Lakshay (Adobe) through remote access 26.10.2021
53 votesThank you to all of you who have responded, saying that this issue is solved after updating macOS to Monterey 12.1.
Adobe InDesign team
menu size too small
The menu titles and every icon on indesign is far too small, could be that my laptop screen is high resolution so it thinks the screen is bigger than it is? it is frustratingly small.
1 voteWe have released InDesign 2022(v17.0.0.96) with “Scalable user interface” feature. We recommend you upgrade to the latest version (if you’re not already on it) as it is more robust.
If you still face this issue even after updating, please send the following information to :
• Reproducible Steps – What were you doing when the issue occurred?
• Video recording of the issue?—
Adobe InDesign Team -
Background Task wheel keeps spinning
After exporting a .pdf the blue wheel keeps spinning forever.
3 votes
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