Adobe InDesign: Bugs
When filing a new bug, please provide:
- Version of Adobe InDesign, InCopy or InDesign Server
- Steps to reproduce the issues
- Expected result
- Actual result
- Test file, screenshot, video or GIF capturing the issue (optional)
493 results found
Horizontal page display in Pages pane should be spine aligned
When View Pages Horizontally is chosen in the Pages pane, the ('floating left'—CSS speak) spread thumbnails should all align on their spines, making the first odd-numbered page flushed to the right as the even page to the left.
1 vote -
Fuck You Adobe
2 votes -
The lists of entries for a cross reference is not ordered
Some panels with items (e.g. links) can be ordered by clicking the column header. Others cannot. Among these are the lists of references to choose from when inserting a cross-reference. These seem to be totally unordered. As a result, it is a pain to look for the right one (e.g. choose from a few hundred in a large document). I consider this a bug because other panels do have this ordering
2 votes -
When opening two documents as tabbed one window group, ID does not auto-fit the resulting taller window onto full screen
Make adding the additional document tab fit the resulting tabbed window into the same space the old one without tabs occupied.
6 votes -
hotkeys aren't working
displaying high quality images
export fileThe hotkey for both of these features is not working most of the time.
Also, hitting enter for saving files in the save window isn't working either. But it does work in Illustrator.
1 vote -
Command + option + drag no longer copies text box
Have used this feature for 20 years and now the double arrow indicating that a box is being copied shows up, but the text box is not actually copied--the box just moves.
7 votesThis is working as it should – that is, duplicating the selected object.
Please update to the latest available version of InDesign (13.1) via Creative Cloud application. Before launching InDesign, delete the Application Preferences and Caches to ensure that any corrupt preferences are not causing this issue to happen.
Please let us know if you still experience this issue.
Adobe InDesign team -
create new document dialog
When I clicked create new documents button the new dialog not shown and no templates available like photoshop or illustrator and only show the old new document dialog and when I checked my preferences I could not find Use legacy option check box at all in General Tab
5 votesHi,
Are you on Japanese or MENA feature set of InDesign?
Japanese feature set – Japanese, Korean, Chinese (zh_CN and zh_TW)
MENA feature set – Arabic, Hebrew, French (Morocco)Currently we have the new “Create new document” dialog only for the Roman feature set.
We have however have working to get the new “Create new document” for Japanese and MENA feature sets as well with the upcoming CC 2018.0 release.
You can test and try the new “Create new document” for MENA feature set in the Beta build posted on the InDesign Pre-Release program. Follow the below link for joining InDesign Pre-Release program and getting access to the Beta build of InDesign.If it is otherwise, please let us know.
Glyphs panel scroll doesn't work in CC2017
Fix scroll feature in Glyphs panel; it worked in CC 2015. Broken in CC2017 on both Mac and Windows.
9 votesPlease update InDesign to the latest version, InDesign CC 2018 (13.0) for the fix of the issue.
grey box under workspace tab
I have a grey dialog box that appears under the workspace selection tab, and Im not sure how to make it go away. There is now dialogue in the box ever. Thanks everyone!
5 votes -
Personalization of the Fontsize is not working in the Main Menu
I have issues with glasses and therefore set the fontsize of menus etc higher, however in the main menu Indesign is just ignoring me, while in the sub menu it works fine. Plus in the formats and other tool boxes it isn'T working either. Please fix, it makes working with this program harder than it should be.
1 vote -
import options are collapsed (CC2017)
when importing a file, the import options are collapsed, so you always have to check if the "import options" are marked. can reproduce. should be uncollapsed like the versions before.
4 votesPlease update InDesign to the latest version, InDesign CC 2018 (13.0) for the fix of the issue.
Moving objects between layers using the layers panel doesn't always work
I struggle with moving objects between different layers in an InDesign document by using the layers panel. Often it takes two or more attempts to move objects. I wonder if it's the tolerance of the buttons or if this is genuinely a bug.
13 votesPlease update InDesign to the latest version, InDesign CC 2018 (13.0) for the resolution of the issue.
Increase space in "Delete Style" replacement dialog box
If I am deleting/replacing Styles that are in folders, there is not enough room to show the entire Style name in the dialog box where I am supposed to choose a replacement Style. I can only see a handful of characters in the name. If I can't see what Style is being replaced, how can I choose a replacement?
This only seems to happen if the folder name is longer than a few characters. I am running Windows 10 and CC 2017.11 vote
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